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Isn't it about time we had an argument about THE BOARD?!?!?!?!?!


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Are you suggesting we never had a single disappointing transfer window/summer under the old lot?


not suggesting anything Dave. I find the hypocrisy of standards - which boils down completely to personalities - quite amazing.


Simple fact is that I've seen this before. Unambitious board who aren't prepared to compete with the winning clubs but attempt to pacify fans with talk of "youth systems", "the future plans"....blah blah, other such bollocks.


Simple fact also is that you need players the top teams want if you want to challenge them, never mind beat them. Particularly incredible is the fact that Keegan showed everybody this the first time round. I don't think Mort has the slightest clue about football and how it works. They / he [interesting one this, will it be Ashleys fault as major shareholder or Morts as chairman if Keegan fucks off or fails] will have to catch on quickly or Keegan will put them under pressure or bugger off. Quite right too if he does under those circumstances.


I simply don't buy the people who are now supporting this deluded "kids policy" instead of spending money, when all we heard every other week under the old board was "splash the cash you greedy fat b******"




The sooner we are back in europe the better. And if Ashley and Mort don't realise this, for me they can both bugger off.




Right. I think it's now plainly obvious that your agenda is merely to attack the new board regardless. When you say things like "people are supporting the kids policy INSTEAD of buying big players" etc....


That's a load of bollocks LM and you know it. People are saying that it will do us no harm to try and uncover a few gems in the process, until we are able to attract the Berbatovs of this world!! No one is saying the board to should aim to produce an entire first team from youth talent!!! But if one or two turn out to be useful, then why not?




Shame, but I think for a long time the agenda of numerous people was simply to attack the old board whatever they did regardless. And still is, in fact.


Buying up the best kids and ignoring the present is nothing other than taking a punt at gaining success on the cheap, and doesn't bode well I'm afraid.


I've tried to tell you it doesn't work, because it hasn't in the past at pretty much any other club plus common sense tells you it isn't so simple as this - so if you think differently, then of course thats your opinion. I look forward to seeing your u-turn.




Do you mean when we tried it with Bassedas, Cort, Bramble etc...?


You could look at Craig Bellamy and Laurent Robert if you like, but it wouldn't suit your "opinion" would it.


As you are unable to distinguish the difference between the board backing their managers, and where it becomes the managers responsibility to make good judgements rather than poor ones [bobby Robson too] there is really no point in attempting to explain this to you.




You've got me all wrong, and you are still seemingly reluctant to read my posts properly, and answer to "facts" you pointed out.


Bellamy and Robert are EXACTLY the type of signings we should be making. As we did with Ferdinand, Ginola and Batty. Quality players, in their prime, that would have walked into the top clubs at the time. I am in no way disputing that whatsoever.


What I'm saying is that for some reason, we haven't gone out and bought these players in the summer (for somewhat obvious reasons being the takeover and big sam's uncertainty over his own future and the assessment the new owners felt they needed to make). We couldn't sign this type of player in January due to the arrival of a new manager, and little time left in the window. Now...would it have been better not to have signed anyone at all? I'm in no way arguing that we shouldn't go after the top players. But what I'm saying is that if for whatever reason we didn't or couldn't, then there is no harm in bringing in some youth, and taking a chance that one or two might turn out better than average. They could either be integrated into the first team, or sold at a profit. WHAT'S THE HARM IN THAT? (question in caps so you don't miss it).


As for your argument, which you continue to avoid answering to.....i listed the players you said were youth players we bought the last time we went down the "kids policy" route. I responded by saying that those were NOT youth team signings, and that some were even above 20 at the time and established internationals/first team players.


Please read the post carefully so you don't misinterpret what I'm saying, and give a fair response, as I'm trying to have a debate. If you choose not to, then don't waste my time or yours. I'm hoping....but I'm not holding my breath.


EDIT: Oh and by the way, you conveniently ignore the FACT that we made a bid for Jonathan Woodgate this window. A big player in his prime.


I've answered your post. I would also point out that we didn't buy Woodgate, unlike last time, also in the January window.


Perhaps, as has been pointed out, Woodgate saw Spurs as a more progressive club than us ? How does that grab you, because they certainly weren't when we were run by the halls and Shepherd. And strangely too, they were more progressive than we were before the halls and Shepherd.


Work it out for yourself, but don't let personalities or the facts I've just told you, affect your "opinion"




We didn't get Woodgate because the fact is that we have gone backwards since he was here the first time. We started to go backwards because Shepherd made some abysmal decisions in appointing Souness and Roeder (still believe Big Sam was a good decision).


No one disputes the fact that the Halls/Shepherd/Keegan were the ones to thank for putting Newcastle back on the map, and turning us into perennial big hitters. But when things start to sour, and people with responsibility begin to make mistakes, then they need to go. Just as one needs to sell a player once he's past it regardless of how good they were in the past.


The new regime has been in for 5 minutes, and you're accusing them of lack of ambition. I think that is bullshit, and smacks of bitterness. Shepherd had been there for years, and people got on his back when they had seen enough. Believe you me, if the new board are here for a while, and begin to make mistakes year after year, and show signs of ineptitude year after year, I'll want them out too. So far they haven't had anywhere near enough time to do what they want to do, but imo they have signaled their intentions loud and clear. Obviously, action speaks louder than words, and we can only hope, wait and see.


As for you answering my question regarding the players you claim were youth signings....I still can't find the answer. How on earth were Bramble, Cort, Bassedas (:lol:), O'Brien, LuaLua comparable as youth signings to Tozer, Kadar, Baheng, Zamblera and Sodeberg???


Well done, you join the ranks of those who rather absurdly think that for some reason the major shareholdes ie the Halls, stood back and allowed someone with less shares to make the major decisions all on his own.


..........blah blah blah




If Mort et al were to spend big this summer would you eat your words, would that put you 100% behind them? If not why?


I just dont understad who else we could of signed? If there were loads of people available and suitable then why were Portsmouth, Villa et al not after them after them?


I've no words to eat. If they do, better late than never, assuming Keegan hasn't pissed off of course.


Why the u-turn anyway ? You were absolutely adamant the club shouldn't be spending money a short while ago ?




Fair enough, no words to eat...


You read what you want to read, ive always said its a bad idea spending lots of money in Jan, by the looks of it most the other clubs feel the same way as well. Why? No ambition?


Ive always said that if a player is available and essential we should go for him, i was against Allardyce getting lots of money because he hadnt done anything with his own signings which showed to me that new sigings wouldnt make any difference if the coaching and set up wasnt working.


Ive also said openly at thr risk of sounding as though i was contradicitng myself that Keegan should get money, i think all new managers should get money when they first join and in the summer. Two key times in my eyes.


Come next january if keegan hasnt madea success of any signings in the summer and the team i will say the same thing and that will be Keegan shouldnt get much money.


In my eyes i have been completely consistent with my views, i dont understand how you can criticize the club when the likes of Villa, Port, Man C, Blackburn, Man U, Arse and many more, they have a hell of a lot more at stake than we do, (i dont think we wil get relegated). Does that show no ambition from these clubs.


I dont understand what your argument is, turnover of x amount of players this january i can only think of 3 players in the entire window who would of improved us.


1 we were in for, he chose not to go for us? Money? i doubt it, Tott have a wage cap, the other 2 signed for massively superior clubs to ours.

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Managers decisions.


Like our managers decision to wait until the Summer to get the players who he wants?


Or is Keegan now a yes man covering for the board?




Didn't we get shot of Ferdinand in the aftermath of the floatation and needed to raise cash? Wasn't he sold over Dalglish's head because the board thought the offer was too good to turn down? Right decision or wrong isn't the point. The point is, we still lost one of our best players to Tottenham. Ginola wanted to go as he had a fall-out with KD didn't he? It certainly wasn't a tactical sale.


As for Cole....well at the time we sold our top scorer to our fiercest rivals. Can you imagine Arsenal ever selling Henry in his prime to Man Utd.? Keegan didn't sell Cole because he wanted rid. He needed the cash.

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I can understand a player preferring to sign for ManU, but Spurs ? Strange that isn't it, we lost 2 of our best ever players to Spurs in the 1980's and you defend that board too........yet slate the board who didn't lose our best players and signed quality ones instead.


Where did you go wrong in the logic stakes I wonder




Hypocrite, I'll leave it at that, once again it's case proven.


Shepherd slags the fans, the local women and a great player from a brothel, it's OK.  Our new owner sits amongst the fans wearing a club shirt and he's embarrassing you.   :lol:


Add the above about Rooney and Woodgate.  :sleepy1:

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Managers decisions.


Like our managers decision to wait until the Summer to get the players who he wants?


Or is Keegan now a yes man covering for the board?




Didn't we get shot of Ferdinand in the aftermath of the floatation and needed to raise cash? Wasn't he sold over Dalglish's head because the board thought the offer was too good to turn down? Right decision or wrong isn't the point. The point is, we still lost one of our best players to Tottenham. Ginola wanted to go as he had a fall-out with KD didn't he? It certainly wasn't a tactical sale.


As for Cole....well at the time we sold our top scorer to our fiercest rivals. Can you imagine Arsenal ever selling Henry in his prime to Man Utd.? Keegan didn't sell Cole because he wanted rid. He needed the cash.


The board accepted the bid from Spurs because they thought the money was too good to turn down for a player of his age, when Shearer got injured they asked him to change his mind but he'd already verbally agreed to join Spurs so kept his word.


Oh and they needed the money because they had to pay the bank back the £6 million what they borrowed to buy Shearer.

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"Don't be fooled by this transfer window - the funds are definitely there for us," Keegan said.


"That was my choice not to bring anyone in. We could have brought in four or five players and spent some money.


"But I didn't want to do that for the sake of it. In the summer we'll bring whatever we feel is needed for the next jump.


"That next jump is to be fighting for a European place. Mike Ashley will support me, no doubt about that. He loves this club and is excited and enthusiastic as I am."


Is he lying?

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"Don't be fooled by this transfer window - the funds are definitely there for us," Keegan said.


"That was my choice not to bring anyone in. We could have brought in four or five players and spent some money.


"But I didn't want to do that for the sake of it. In the summer we'll bring whatever we feel is needed for the next jump.


"That next jump is to be fighting for a European place. Mike Ashley will support me, no doubt about that. He loves this club and is excited and enthusiastic as I am."


Is he lying?


:frantic: mackems.gif :frantic: mackems.gif :frantic: mackems.gif :frantic: mackems.gif :frantic: mackems.gif

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"Don't be fooled by this transfer window - the funds are definitely there for us," Keegan said.


"That was my choice not to bring anyone in. We could have brought in four or five players and spent some money.


"But I didn't want to do that for the sake of it. In the summer we'll bring whatever we feel is needed for the next jump.


"That next jump is to be fighting for a European place. Mike Ashley will support me, no doubt about that. He loves this club and is excited and enthusiastic as I am."


Is he lying?


not if we trust his judgement

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"Don't be fooled by this transfer window - the funds are definitely there for us," Keegan said.


"That was my choice not to bring anyone in. We could have brought in four or five players and spent some money.


"But I didn't want to do that for the sake of it. In the summer we'll bring whatever we feel is needed for the next jump.


"That next jump is to be fighting for a European place. Mike Ashley will support me, no doubt about that. He loves this club and is excited and enthusiastic as I am."


Is he lying?


Reminds me of the 'Cole talk'.


You've got to trust me etc etc.


He did us proud then

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Players want to play in Europe, or get first team football. Our best bet is to find the players from the top clubs who can't get games. However; Spurs, Portsmouth, Villa, Man City  and Everton are all better prospects than us at the moment,


I would puke if we did what you said & signed big club squad players like Oba (Inter), Owen (Madrid), Duff (Chelsea), Emre(Inter), Caçapa (Lyon), Smith (Man Utd), Butt (Man Utd) & Geremi (Chelsea). Thats why are where we are, as we have signed a bunch of subs & squad players.


I would rather we went out & signed guys who may not have a stack of Premier league football but have proved year afte year to be high quality Championship footballers, it has worked out okay for Moyes with signings like Lescott,Johnson, Jagielka & Cahill. Rather than other clubs high quality subs.


At the end of last season; Roeders last year/old boards last year (please delete to suit your opinion), Villa finished a whopping 2 places above us in the league & Man City finished a place below us at 14th in league, yet shock horror both have been able to move on & one of them didnt even bring in a new manager!!!!

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Most worringly is that nobody knows why Woodgate preferred Spurs, and the simple fact that we have signed nobody when we needed somebody.



Haway NE5, Woodgate has knocked us back before. You didn't fall for the hometown line last time did ya? He had talks with us after he had talks with Boro but we were not willing to pay the wages he wanted. So he shot back down A19 & lived happily ever after.

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The commonly held consensus on Teesside is that Woodgate has had a very public falling out with one of his teammates following a sour end to a relationship with said teammate's sister, resulting in him losing focus and wanting a fresh start, which we couldn't offer him, still too close to home. How true that is I don't know.

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the 2 stooges together. Trying to tell us that the club show ambition by failing to sign a player  mackems.gif


Fantastic. I haven't seen such rubbish, believed by people too, since the McKeag and Westwood days.




I wonder what you thought of the Rooney bid by Shepherd, somehow hypocrite comes to mind, not that that's new as we've spent more in the last two windows than we did in the two before that while being in a similar position, I don't remember you moaning back them.   :idiot2:


I can understand a player preferring to sign for ManU, but Spurs ? Strange that isn't it, we lost 2 of our best ever players to Spurs in the 1980's and you defend that board too........yet slate the board who didn't lose our best players and signed quality ones instead.


Where did you go wrong in the logic stakes I wonder




Didn't we lose Andy Cole to Man Utd.? Ferdinand and Ginola to Spurs? And can anyone honestly say, that hand on heart, they believe Shearer would have signed for us had he not been a Geordie?


Managers decisions.


I know some people won't get it and you were one.


There is clearly no point in trying to explain to you why players like Gazza and Waddle [and Beardsley] wanted to leave the club, as it won't change your "opinion".






I responded to this post as an after-thought. Please respond to my response to your previous response.


bloody hell! some response that was  :kasper:




in fact, I left the real biggie to see if you would see the point.


Please explain to us the difference between Beardsley, Wadddle and Gazza leaving the club - 2 of them staunch NUFC fans and Beardsley in particular who waved to the Kop his future employers while wearing a black and white shirt. Whereas Shearer [better than all of them] stayed with his club ?


Now. I just KNOW that this won' t attract an intelligent response, including from the likes of MICK who says he has also seen this era of the club, which must a clear lie because nobody that I know personally that witnessed the 30 years previouis to 1992 has the view that this particular KBJ does


The whole scenario of someone slating the owners of the club like MICK does who attracted him back to the club is fantastically unbelievable.


These 20000 supporters who will support the club for evermore and all of that............


Whatever did they do on saturday afternoons before IKEA opened




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