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The thing about Fat Fred is he looked to have dropped a few lbs in his latter days at Newcastle. His belt tightening could be used as an analogy for us looking at players of Diane's calibre.


In fact as people lose weight, their ears if large enough, also become more prominent which could lead us to further bring comparisons with another former chairman, Gordon McKeag.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 17/06/2008 at 14:14, morgster89 said:

negotiations to start in the next couple of days. wisey and co obviously a bit worried about kk coming back to see nothing happening.  :pow:




he said today he doesnt want to leave PSG

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PSG: Diané n'ira pas à Rennes


L'attaquant du Paris Saint-Germain Amara Diané, souvent cité parmi les joueurs pouvant être inclus dans l'hypothétique transfert de Jimmy Briand au club de la capitale, a confié à Sky Sports qu'il ne comptait pas quitter le PSG pour un autre club de Ligue 1: "Si je dois quitter le club, ce sera pour l'étranger. Je veux rester ici, mais s'ils ne veulent plus de moi, ils ne me transféreront pas où je n'ai pas envie d'aller." Et l'ancien Strasbourgeois de préciser: "J'ai des contacts avec un bon club de Premier League, ils ne m'enverront pas à Rennes."


Jimmy Briand from Rennes to PSG is a possible deal, but Amara Diané will not be joining a club in Ligue 1. "If I must leave the club, it will be abroad. I want to remain here, but if they no longer want of me, they will not transfer me where I do not want to go." "I have had contact with a good Premier League club, they won't send me to Rennes." 

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PSG: Diané pisté par Newcastle

Auteur d'une saison correcte malgré la seizième place au classement du PSG, Amara Diané pourrait quitter le club de la Capitale pour rejoindre Newcastle. En effet, les Magpies seraient intéressés par le profil de l'Ivoirien, aussi bien sur le côté droit de l'attaque que dans l'axe. Des négociations pourraient être entamées entre les deux clubs dans les jours qui viennent.


This was a later story that says talks between the two clubs could start in the coming days.

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Diane adamant over future

PSG ace won't go to Rennes

]Paris Saint Germain star Amara Diane has told skysports.com he wants to move abroad and not to another French club.


Diane has been linked with a move to Rennes as part of a possible deal which would take Jimmy Briand to the capital.


But the Ivorian forward, who himself has been linked with a move to England with Newcastle, says he does not want to quit PSG for another Ligue 1 side.


"I won't go full stop," Diane told skysports.com when asked about a possible move to Rennes.


"If I have to leave PSG, it is to move abroad. I want to stay with the club, however if they don't need me they are not going to transfer me where I don't want to go.


"I have contact abroad, in a top league but they won't transfer me to Rennes.

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  On 17/06/2008 at 14:54, OzzieMandias said:

they won't send me to Rennes.


Fate worse than death, obviously.


Surely the thought of UEFA Intertoto cup football with Rennes must be enough to lure him away from our inevitable relegation fight under Kevin Keegan. /Makeshit

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  On 20/06/2008 at 16:38, SUPERTOON said:

Handed in a transfer request


PSG: Diané veut partir

L'attaquant du PSG, Amara Diané n'est pas content. Et l'attaquant du Paris-SG le fait savoir. Lassé de voir ses dirigeants le bloquer en réclamant 10 millions d'euros pour son transfert, l'international ivoirien perd patience et tape du poing sur la table. "C'est la fin avec Paris. Je suis trop déçu par l'attitude de Paul Le Guen. Je sais depuis longtemps qu'il ne compte plus sur moi". Amara Diané est convoité par le Qatar,mais l'attaquant du PSG ne désire pas quitter l'Europe.


PSG:  Diané wants to leave

Amara Diané is not happy and PSG know it.  Troubled to see them try to block it by claiming 10 million Euros for his transfer, the Ivory Coast international has lost patience. "This is the end with Paris.  I too am disappointed by the attitude of Paul Le Guen.  I know since a long time that it no longer counts on me".  Amara Diané is coveted by Qatar, but he does not desire to leave Europe. 

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he looks ok on utube )


clearly got a little pace and can dribble with the ball which is important. We dont have many players like that.


Finishinglooks ave, but as a replacement for ameobi clearly is miles better.


get the bloody deal done....why is there any delay??

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Galatasaray veut Diané


Alors que l'international ivoirien a clairement revendiqué son envie de quitter le club parisien, le PSG a fixé son prix a 10 millions d'euros. Mais le club turc de Galatasaray serait prêt à mettre 8 à 10 millions pour le TGV Diané ! Les deux clubs doivent se rencontrer en fin de semaine.


Galatasary want Diané


The Ivory Coast international wants to leave the Parisian club and PSG have set his price at €10 million (£7.9m), but Galatasaray are ready to put in an offer of €8 to 10 million for Diané! The two clubs must meet over the weekend. 


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  On 23/06/2008 at 15:21, robbo_11 said:

Galatasaray veut Diané


Alors que l'international ivoirien a clairement revendiqué son envie de quitter le club parisien, le PSG a fixé son prix a 10 millions d'euros. Mais le club turc de Galatasaray serait prêt à mettre 8 à 10 millions pour le TGV Diané ! Les deux clubs doivent se rencontrer en fin de semaine.


Galatasary want Diané


The Ivory Coast international wants to leave the Parisian club and PSG have set his price at 10 million (£7.9m), but Galatasaray are ready to put in an offer of 8 to 10 million for Diané! The two clubs must meet over the weekend. 



Hopefully to replace Turan who is coming to us?

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  • 2 weeks later...

"PSG, meanwhile, also suspended striker Amara Diane after he failed to turn up for pre-season training on Monday." BBC


A snippet from their Digard story, but Le Parisien have an interview with him on their site ( http://www.leparisien.fr/home/sports/actu/articles/AMARA-DIANE-ATTAQUANT-DU-PSG-JE-NE-REVIENDRAI-PLUS-M-ENTRAINER_298604324 ).


He has confirmed that he is leaving PSG. He has already said goodbye to his team mates and the club said it will let him leave for €5m, but now want €3m more. However, Newcastle may not be his destination as Al-Rayyan had agreed €5m with PSG, but now PSG want more (€8m). Diane has verbally agreed to join Al-Rayyan.

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