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Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out...


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The club does not need players who are like rotten apples - all they do is spread discontent and make the whole situation worse.


Unfortunately, this sort of thing was what ruined SBR's final years at SJP and unless it is cut out, it will continue to eat at morale among other players.

We may have to suffer a year or so of mediocrity(AGAIN)because we get rid of one or two talented whingers, but it will pay off in the long run ; NUFC needs to build a CLUB SPIRIT, not just a side and if N'Zogbia wants to leave, let him - players we wish to sign need to see that the players we have WANT to be here, not rambling on about wanting to leave all the time.


There is a difference between handling so-called 'difficult' talented players,and letting overpaid Prima Donnas walk all over you and its about time everyone, including the club, faced up to this.

That is why it is more important for NUFC to develop its Academy than possibly any other club in the Prem(barring the Mackems, and who cares about that !?).


He's got to go.


successive shit manager who've been more concerned with saving their own skins than improving and looking after our players, especially the younger ones


unless KK doesn't fancy the lad at all i think he's worth one last shot - i see a big difference with him and the days of dyer bellamy etc...

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f***ing hell man. Just get rid. Incredibly disappointed with how he's turned out. Personality wise, I mean.


same here.


fuck him, he's an arse.


problem is, i can see him being top drawer if he goes and joins wengers boys


howay man lovejoy, surely you can ask yourself "why can't we make a player like this see a future here "


THAT is the way forward, not just saying bollocks and good riddance.




Agreed, it's about man management. We have to accept the fact that there are shits in football and work with it.


Often those with the suspect attitudes are the ones with the most talent.






Why the shock like? ;)


I don't allow past arguements to overrule current conversation. If i think you are talking sense i will say so, likewise if i think you are talking shite.

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It would kill me to see him go to Arsenal and Wenger turn him into a world class player, yes sell him if he wants away that badly but only abroad, make it clear to him and the rest of the premier League that we will only sell to a foreign  club and only at the right price.

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Apologies if this has already been said, but what is the difference in N'Zogbia saying he wants to play for Arsenal and Martins saying the same?


I mentioned it yesterday. I think people are looking at N'Zogbia's previous and ignoring the spin, whereas with Martins people find it easy to disbelieve the Sun.

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Apologies if this has already been said, but what is the difference in N'Zogbia saying he wants to play for Arsenal and Martins saying the same?


I mentioned it yesterday. I think people are looking at N'Zogbia's previous and ignoring the spin, whereas with Martins people find it easy to disbelieve the Sun.


True. Zog comes across as a twat but I was equally disappointed with Oba's comments.

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Apologies if this has already been said, but what is the difference in N'Zogbia saying he wants to play for Arsenal and Martins saying the same?


Its a good question but Oba was responding  to reports in the media that Arsenal were after him, Zoggy's is a blatant come and get me cry.

I do not think Oba would go but Zoggy is a winning little cunt and again seems desperate to leave after doing that bit a few month back where he said he was more than happy to stay and the only reason he was feeling a but unsettled was due to family reasons and nothing t o do with football.

Oba has always raved about how much he loves it here and how he wants to stay, that last bit from him may reflect more on how the squad are starting to feel about the lack reinforcements  begin broguth in and this wage cut rumour..

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Martins was proffesional and said he was under contract and would respect that and play for newcastle. Zog just doesn't give a toss...


...or they just didnt report the comments that didn't make it as good a story?

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Apologies if this has already been said, but what is the difference in N'Zogbia saying he wants to play for Arsenal and Martins saying the same?


I mentioned it yesterday. I think people are looking at N'Zogbia's previous and ignoring the spin, whereas with Martins people find it easy to disbelieve the Sun.


I don't think it's necessarily illogical that people interpret comments from a player who has time and time again spoken out about his love/loyalty to the club differently from those of a player who pouts and screams about leaving every summer.

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Let Charlie go. As said previously - no sense in having players here who'd rather be elsewhere. I can't see Arsenal or Spurs coming in for him though. To be honest, I can see his career going the way of Bernard after the West Ham stuff. His career will fizzle out if he's not careful.

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Let Charlie go. As said previously - no sense in having players here who'd rather be elsewhere. I can't see Arsenal or Spurs coming in for him though. To be honest, I can see his career going the way of Bernard after the West Ham stuff. His career will fizzle out if he's not careful.


after the West Ham stuff Bernard sudenly morphed into one of the league's best full-backs. But Mr Souness came in and it all went wrong, quickly

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Souness did a lot wrong but can you really blame him for what happened to Bernard? From my memory he couldn't agree a contract and thats why he left.


As for goldenboy, as much as I think he has potential he is one of those players who I can't ever see being settled here. Can't be fucked with him tbh.

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In an ideal world he would get his head down, work for his place, keep it and fulfill the potential that is there. We really can't afford to lose any talented players at the moment.


Unfortunately I dont think he will.

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In an ideal world he would get his head down, work for his place, keep it and fulfill the potential that is there. We really can't afford to lose any talented players at the moment.


Unfortunately I dont think he will.


Keegan promised him that he'd let him go if N'Zogbia still wanted to leave this summer so we'll have to wait and see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news Zoggy has got rid of tat c*** of an agent. :D



Keegan wants N'Zogbia to stay at NUFC


Jul 21 2008 by Alan Oliver, Evening Chronicle

Charles N'Zogbia


KEVIN KEEGAN is convinced that Charles N’Zogbia wants to stay at St James’s Park.


So much so that the Newcastle United manager has not even talked to his 22-year-old Frenchman about his future.


N’Zogbia’s former agent Willie McKay insisted during the January transfer window that the midfielder wanted to head to London, where some of his family are based, and join Spurs.


And it would not have been a surprise if N’Zogbia had left St James’s Park in the close season – but perhaps no-one has come in for him.


N’Zogbia has been back in his native France early this summer and was attributed with the following quotes: “I did not play a lot towards the end of last season so that has given me the desire to go somewhere else. My future will be clearer once I talk to the coach.”


But Keegan, who is desperate to strengthen his squad, has clearly ignored these comments and the United boss told me today: “Charles’s pre-season has been absolutely tremendous.


“That’s a massive boost for me because I did not know quite how he would come back. But he has returned absolutely spot on.


“He has worked very hard, and he’s a very valuable player, because he can play in two or three different positions.


“I haven’t talked with him. I don’t ask players if they want to stay. They’ve got contracts. His attitude tells me ‘yes’, but I don’t ask them.”


N’Zogbia showed his value to United when he played the full 90 minutes in Saturday’s 4-1 victory at Hartlepool United in the first of the pre-season friendlies.


He started off on the left wing at Victoria Park and played there for 45 minutes before dropping back to left-back to replace Jose Enrique, who is trying to find his right fighting weight after his summer lay-off.


N’Zogbia is starting his fifth season for United after arriving from Le Havre in 2004.


And some time early in September he should chalk up 100 starts for the club.


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