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Nile Ranger


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Oh well then. All i can say is well done Nile you retarded little cuntbag. What a great chance you had to grab your career by the bollocks and prove your a good player (which i think your could well be). Instead you'd rather fuck around with your gangsta Ali G mates. SEE YA. X


Have to say, I do agree with this to some degree. He had enough warnings here.


What a numpty.

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Not like he didn't have many chances either, we plucked him from the footballing scrapheap in the first place. Only got himself to blame for fucking it up. Maybe in 7 or 8 years time he'll look back and realise what a pillock he was.

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Has there ever been any solid proof that he is infact a nobhead or are people just going by a few drunken pics where he gives it large?


Because honestly, 90% thread has been nothing but ridiculous over reactions that wouldn't have happened if it was anybody other than Nile Ranger.

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Guest Heneage

Has there ever been any solid proof that he is infact a nobhead or are people just going by a few drunken pics where he gives it large?


Because honestly, 90% thread has been nothing but ridiculous over reactions that wouldn't have happened if it was anybody other than Nile Ranger.

Been a fair few people spoke to those at the club who concur with the claims he's a muppet.

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Has there ever been any solid proof that he is infact a nobhead or are people just going by a few drunken pics where he gives it large?


Because honestly, 90% thread has been nothing but ridiculous over reactions that wouldn't have happened if it was anybody other than Nile Ranger.


I do think there have been some overreactions, but you can't argue with the number of times people at the club have said he needs to sort himself out. Then there are the comments from Nolan and so on.


Ultimately there's got to be something wrong when we're willing to flog him for a pittance only eight months after giving him a 5.5 year contract.

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Enrique liked him though.





At least to mess around with him a bit.





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I'm willing to defer to the judgement of the people who actually work with him on a daily basis.


Given the current regime's "obsession with profit" I doubt we would have sold a young prospect like Ranger this hastily unless they were convinced that his attitude was incorrigible and to keep him around would simply do more harm than good.

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