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Nile Ranger


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While I do think that he's being genuine, I also think it's a temporary state of mind. Based on what we think we know of course.



Agreed, hopefully he''ll finally grow up, but I doubt it. He has  said similar things in the past and obviousely not changed at all.

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He reminds me of a chap that I used to go to school with, was a cracking player - was signed on at Grimsby (?) and then moved to Mansfield (IIRC) around the ages of 17-19.

Was a right little scrote at school, always in trouble and causing shit for no reason - thought he was the big man.

Was a good footballer, was never going to be Premier League, but was earning a tidy packet at League 2 clubs at a young age - would have easily made it up another level at least.

Then he decided that he "couldn't be arsed anymore", sacked football off and got some sort of apprenticeship, he's now serving 9 years in prison for GBH and has a kiddie.


People like him and Ranger are a waste of talent, someone else with a decent mind and their talent would be having an excellent career but in stead waste their lives and become nothing. I have no doubt Ranger will end up in prison at some point.

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If he's serious about this "awakening" he's apparently had then the best use of him would be as an example to younger players of why you should knuckle down and not just assume you've made it. He could do talks etc but somehow I can't see him being up for that.

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If he's serious about this "awakening" he's apparently had then the best use of him would be as an example to younger players of why you should knuckle down and not just assume you've made it. He could do talks etc but somehow I can't see him being up for that.


Think he would need a period of going straight first.


(Yes, like a banana)

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If he's serious about this "awakening" he's apparently had then the best use of him would be as an example to younger players of why you should knuckle down and not just assume you've made it. He could do talks etc but somehow I can't see him being up for that.


May end up as a PFA representative...




Or more likely as Figures says, doing a stretch of porridge. What a f***ing waste.

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