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Caio Vinícius Ferreira signs three-year deal (apparently not)


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Guest ObaStar


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Capixaba tenta o sucesso no Newcastle Capixaba tries to success in Newcastle


09/01/2009 - 11h07 ( Leonardo Sales - A Gazeta) 09/01/2009 - 11h07 (Leonardo Sales - The Gazette)

O atacante Caio Vinícius Ferreira é mais um talento capixaba que ganha o mundo. The attacker Caio Vinícius Ferreira is another talent that wins the capixaba world. Há dois meses no Newcastle, da Inglaterra, o jovem de 18 anos está tendo a oportunidade de jogar ao lado de atletas como o inglês Michael Owen, o nigeriano Obafemi Martins eo brasileiro Caçapa, que antes só eram vistos por ele pela televisão. Two months ago in Newcastle, England, a young man of 18 years is having the opportunity to play alongside athletes such as Michael Owen English, the Nigerian Obafemi Martins and Brazilian Caçapa, which before were only seen it on television.


"Nunca pensei em atuar com esses caras que eu via na TV. Durante o treino de finalizações, por exemplo, olho para um lado e vejo o Owen. Olho para o outro e vejo o Martins. É muito bacana", conta Caio, que assinou com a equipe inglesa por 3 anos. "I never thought about working with these guys that I saw on TV. Finalizations During the training, for example, look at one side and I see Owen. I look at the other and see the Martins. It's very cool," says Caio, which English signed with the team for 3 years.


O capixaba, que está no Espírito Santo para tirar o passaporte ea cidadania italiana, disse que seu melhor amigo lá tem sido Caçapa. The Capixaba, which is the Holy Spirit to get the passport and Italian citizenship, said his best friend has been there Caçapa.


"Como ainda não tenho carro, ele me leva todo dia para o treino e ainda me convida pra ir à casa dele. É um cara gente fina", comenta Caio, que espera a documentação ficar pronta até a próxima semana. "As yet I have no car, he takes every day for training and invites me to go to his house. It is an expensive fine people," said Caio, who expects the documentation is ready by the next week.


Tão ansioso quanto o jogador capixaba está o técnico do Newcastle, Joe Kinnear. As anxious as the player is the technical capixaba of Newcastle, Joe Kinnear. O treinador não pára de telefonar, pedindo para que o atacante retorne o mais rápido possível à Inglaterra. The coach does not stop calling, asking for the attacker as soon as possible return to England.


"Ele pede para eu voltar logo porque tem muito jogador se machucando. Parece que o time precisa de mim", declarou a fera, revelando ainda que tem apanhado da língua inglesa. "He asked me to come back soon because it is very player is hurting. It seems that the team needs me," said the beast, revealing that has caught even the English. "Vão contratar um professor para mim", finaliza, esbanjando bom humor. "They will hire a teacher for me," concludes, wasted good mood.

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Guest ObaStar

The attacker Caio Vinícius Ferreira is another talent that wins the capixaba world. Two months ago in Newcastle, England, a young man of 18 years is having the opportunity to play alongside athletes such as Michael Owen English, the Nigerian Obafemi Martins and Brazilian Caçapa, which before were only seen it on television.


"I never thought about working with these guys that I saw on TV. Finalizations During the training, for example, look at one side and I see Owen. I look at the other and see the Martins. It's very cool," says Amit, who English signed with the team for 3 years.


The Capixaba, which is the Holy Spirit to get the passport and Italian citizenship, said his best friend has been there Caçapa.


"As yet I have no car, he takes every day for training and invites me to go to his house. It is an expensive fine people," said Caio, who expects the documentation is ready by the next week.


As anxious as the player is the technical capixaba of Newcastle, Joe Kinnear. The coach does not stop calling, asking for the attacker as soon as possible return to England.


"He asked me to come back soon because it is very player is hurting. It seems that the team needs me," said the beast, revealing that has caught even the English. "They will hire a teacher for me," concludes, wasted good mood.

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"Ele pede para eu voltar logo porque tem muito jogador se machucando. Parece que o time precisa de mim", declarou a fera, revelando ainda que tem apanhado da língua inglesa. "He asked me to come back soon because it is very player is hurting. It seems that the team needs me," said the beast, revealing that has caught even the English. "Vão contratar um professor para mim", finaliza, esbanjando bom humor. "They will hire a teacher for me," concludes, wasted good mood.


:lol: nothing that a trip to the Dam's red light district wouldn't fix

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