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Newcastle United 1 - 3 Arsenal - 21/03/09 - Post match reaction from page 16


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played very well so far, bar one or two defensive lapses. the movement and passing from the front two has been the best it's been this season, easily, just lacking that finishing touch. midfield battling has been very well too and duff is doing well as the bridge between mid and attack.

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I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with Colo. It's like Deportivo has the real one locked up and slipped us his shit twin instead.


It's too fast for him games like this, he's not mentally quick to react to things and this lets him down.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Taylor should have been off though regardless, with that horrifically stupid challenge on Arshavin.

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Guest kingdawson

You lot are playing well. You're actually winning the centre midfield battle by some distane.


Diaby and Denilson have been woeful.


Denilson IS woeful. Don't think I've ever seen him have a good 90 minutes.


Agreed. I think he's shite beyond belief. His performane againt Fulham at Craven cottage was one of the worst performances i've seen from a centre midfielder (and i include the shite i've seen served up by our own midfield).

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Guest justin99.

Boardroom full of idiots


Worst (absentee) manager in the top two divisions of English football.


Two big summer signings from Spain looking like a shadow of their former selves.


Epic injury crisis.


Non-existent central midfield.


Strikers who can't score.


Pathetic locker room chemistry, no team spirit to speak of.


Is there a club in the Premiership that deserves to go down more than us?


you don't need to repeat what we already know


I'd like to have a nice little monologue before I slit my wrists when we throw away the three points today. Do you mind?


fair enough.


carry on then

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I'm not just being wise after the event here - Martins is not a reliable striker of the ball and shouldn't be taking penalties. It looks like he's taking them because he's the one who's most eager to score.


If he has to take them, he should blast the ball, not try to place it with his weaker foot.

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Lovenkrands and Martins have wasted our two best chances, although they have combined well with the midfield. The midfield passing has been the best I've seen for months, fair play to all of them.

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Guest firetotheworks

That was a really fast half. Went past in a flash.



I dunno if bringing Jonas on would do that much really. As much as I dislike Duff, hes having one of his better games.

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Playing really well but we can't seem to score.


Why did Martins of all people take that penalty?, and why the f*** did he take it with his right foot???! , thats the last thing you want when your team is in a relegation fight.


Steven Taylor is f***ing brilliant, for all the s*** he gets on here he's the only player who seems ready to die in order for us to avoid relegation.

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Guest Heneage

Martins just looks like he doesn't care. The penalty was half hearted and I'd far rather have let Nolan or Taylor take it personally. I know I sound fickle but its all well and good saying you love the club and all this, but unless you truly are busting a gut on the pitch to use another cliche then I find it hard to believe. We all self included have given Taylor stick, but that first half performance would get him into any team. He has got right in their faces and you can tell he couldn't give a flying fuck if he leaves the game with no friends on the pitch, he's there to get 3 points, he's saved us a few times and been tremendous. He's really gone up 10 fold in my estimation.

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