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Guest thefishman

Did they ever find thomo's body?


Some say he was spotted in a picture with Ashley, Moat and Llambias, other believe him to be deceased. As for me, I think he's hiding.




Thomo's in that pic tbh!

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well, boys, i hope it is true too. Only relaying info I have been told, much like Thommo, I suppose. I thought long and hard about whetrher I should post this but decided to do so in the hope it is all correct. I guess we will know one way or the other soon.


It is late here in Melbourne so Im off to bed to shag the missus.



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Guest thefishman

well, boys, i hope it is true too. Only relaying info I have been told, much like Thommo, I suppose. I thought long and hard about whetrher I should post this but decided to do so in the hope it is all correct. I guess we will know one way or the other soon.


It is late here in Melbourne so Im off to bed to shag the missus.




prove it!!!!!!!!!!

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Just got off the phone with Barry.  Although I'm not in the consortium, he wanted to know if i could be at SJP in 45 mins for a photo op.  I guess he forgot I was in America  :-[


Anyways, he said it's a done deal and all the ducks are sorted and the squad will be settled before the window closes.  he was kind of breathless and talks quite fast but a lot of deals were already tentatively made and will all be done as the club is transferred.  He thanked me for my efforts and as a token of esteem he would send me a Big Mouth Billy Bass and Ashley would send me some black trackie bottoms whatever the hell those are.  Barry said if I'm ever in the area to look him up.  I thought I heard Shearer yelling at barton in the background but I'm not sure.

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I for one also give him benefit of the doubt, it may not turn out to be true but you can only say what you are told.  SOmething is happening anyway, OFfering Lovenkrands a deal, Campbell possibly, rumours of Shearer leaving BBC and Andy Townsend his successor, Moat being at the match shaking hands with Ashley and AShley flying into the training ground on a tuesday.


exactly so less of the immediate slating.

I wasn't slating him.


I know - i came on here yesterday saying what id been told and i was slated straight away, - what i said is now much more likely to be true aswell following todays developments .

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The last few pages. :lol:


This thread is like a hall of mirrors. I have literally no idea what is real and what is fake, and who is serious and who isn't.

Does it matter, I just believe everything until proved otherwise, more fun that way.


This threads like sleeping with an ugly woman when you get pissed and doing it repeatedly.  Class until you sober up, then crap, then class when you get drunk again etc...

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So's Slobadan Malosevic.


Where the f*** have you go that apostrophe from yorkie? :lol:


So's = "so is". Am i the only one what says that? ???


Nope, you're quite right Yorkie.


Best peice of info in this thread tbh



i before e except after c. There is another for you!

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"There are three parties now interested in buying the club from Mike Ashley of which Barry Moat is and one thing in common for all of them is that the asking price is £100 million all ways round," a reliable source close to the Newcastle board told Telegraph Sport.


"Moat can now be considered as the outsider of three but if the business is not concluded by Friday then there is a problem and there is a good chance the club will be taken off the market."


??? :lol:

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