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In that specific case, it's not really about the ability of both keepers - it's more like what Buffon brings else to the team.


His leadership, calmness and experience - witch is vital in big games.

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Sterling is nowhere near ready to be starting games for England at a World Cup.




It's a lot of pressure and hype to live up to. Most England players cannot cope with it coming in to their peak, for a teenager with previous off field issues its a lot to take in. Coming off the bench against tired legs is a perfect role for him atm.


It was only last season when he was playing for Liverpool in the Europa cup people on here were taking the p*ss out of his performances, probably the same people crying to start him tonight and the same people quick to jump on him should he not live up to the hype.


It's always the same, Walcott, Rooney, Wilshere....just chill, the manager has forgotten more about football than anyone on here knows, certainly developing players. Let him do what he thinks best on this one.


I very much agree Sterling would be best coming on late against tired legs. He must get time in all games, but I don't see him as a starter or a 90 mins player yet.

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Biased I know but it's irking me a little that Lallana and Sterling are seen as automatic starters (or near enough) and Barkley is seen as being on the outside. Begrudgingly he might actually be better as an impact player in this particular game. Still, he's shown more in these pre-WC games than Lallana, for example.

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Has Barkley played wide for you a lot? Probably comes down to that, Lallana and Sterling are seen as wide players whereas Barkley's seen as being in direct competition with Rooney.


This, logically, is the reason. It's just me being biased.


I hope Lallana does show his quality tonight if he does start. Clearly talented but thought he struggled in his couple of appearances past couple of weeks.

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I think this england campaign is going to be even more disappointing than usual.


Couldn't disagree more.


There is zero, zero expectation amongst those not of sectionable minds. Woy has a 'get out of jail feee' card here.


We have a few exciting, young and raw talents. They aren't as good individiually as players we have had in the past, our centre halves, our full backs are inferior to what we have had in previous tournaments. Some of the Icons, our 'Golden generation' aren't here... Where did they get us? They failed, failed in miserable circumstances in some competitions.


Poor team tactics, negative mind sets, poor preparation...whatever was to blame.


Lets just go for it.


Get as many of the young bucks on the pitch as is possible, within a sensible formation. no one is suggesting bunging them all on. lets use them wisely and at the right times.

Lets get at teams using a positive mind set, pace and power in numbers getting right fucking at teams.


Will we come un stuck when facing an Argentina or Germany or Holland or a Belgium...well yes probably. They are better than us, some of them by a distance.


I just hope we don't fucking whimper out of this comp playing the same turgid crud we have for year after year after year.


We have a chance to build here. the Italians ain't all that, neither is Goofys side nor Costa Rica...Get it up the fuckers man.

Colombia/Greece nowt to fear...this Brazil side?? really!! Fear that bag o shite??


We won't win it, we won't probably make the semis...but fuck me lets die trying eh!



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Whatever happens with us this tournament, i just hope we play with a positive approach. The fear of losing seems to affect the preparations for a lot of people in many sports, and we have tried this before and failed miserably. Give Sterling and Barkley a decent amount of game time and allow players like Rooney, Ox etc to express themselves and we will perform much better imo.

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Whatever happens with us this tournament, i just hope we play with a positive approach. The fear of losing seems to affect the preparations for a lot of people in many sports, and we have tried this before and failed miserably. Give Sterling and Barkley a decent amount of game time and allow players like Rooney, Ox etc to express themselves  O0and we will perform much better imo.

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Barkley would be the first name on the sheet if I was manager.


Mind all the players would wear black boots and have proper hair cuts too if I was in charge. Adidas World Cup, puma king etc and I'd carry my own hair clippers.

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Barkley would be the first name on the sheet if I was manager.

Mind all the players would wear black boots and have proper hair cuts too if I was in charge. Adidas World Cup, puma king etc and I'd carry my own hair clippers.


This. 100 times over.

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