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The other games today - 2009/10

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Guest Phil K

No Liverpool fan I know (not that many, granted) thinks they should be in the Champions League next season.


Now I only know 3 Liverpool fans, and two I have asked DO think it is their RIGHT to be at the very top.*

And you can only judge from what you experience, whether it's TV types (yes, i know. BBC/ITV/Sky ask the worst kind of Newcastle fan) and people you know.

And in this regard personally it's as close to 100% as I can recall. Pointless going on about it, but they're in the news. Theres plenty evidence at this moment.


* Actually I know more Man U fans, and THEY aren't as convinced they "deserve" endless trophies. Just bragging rights, which you can't argue about. 

Personal experience isn't positive or even, Id have thought arguable. There you go. Some think differently, then. Shock !  :yikes:  :iamatwat:

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Guest guinness_fiend

McClaren's Twente on the verge of the Dutch title now, they need a win on the last game of the season to guarentee being champions.


Incredible difference in goals scored and goal difference between the top 2 though:




Done a brilliant job either way old Umbrella boy. Ajax's goal difference is a joke though. Absolutely amazing.


Yep, Twente are garbage and McClaren is a toss manager - grinding out draws and one-nils away from home...



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No Liverpool fan I know (not that many, granted) thinks they should be in the Champions League next season.


Now I only know 3 Liverpool fans, and two I have asked DO think it is their RIGHT to be at the very top.

And you can only judge from what you experience, whether it's TV types (yes, i know. BBC/ITV/Sky ask the worst kind of Newcastle fan) and people you know.

And in this regard personally it's as close to 100% as I can recall. Pointless going on about it, but they're in the news. Theres plenty evidence at this moment.


So you'll believe the media portrayal if it suits what you think anyway?  :fishing:

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Guest Phil K

No Liverpool fan I know (not that many, granted) thinks they should be in the Champions League next season.


Now I only know 3 Liverpool fans, and two I have asked DO think it is their RIGHT to be at the very top.

And you can only judge from what you experience, whether it's TV types (yes, i know. BBC/ITV/Sky ask the worst kind of Newcastle fan) and people you know.

And in this regard personally it's as close to 100% as I can recall. Pointless going on about it, but they're in the news. Theres plenty evidence at this moment.


So you'll believe the media portrayal if it suits what you think anyway?  :fishing:


You clearly do, eh ? ;)

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Guest Phil K

McClaren's Twente on the verge of the Dutch title now, they need a win on the last game of the season to guarentee being champions.


Incredible difference in goals scored and goal difference between the top 2 though:




Done a brilliant job either way old Umbrella boy. Ajax's goal difference is a joke though. Absolutely amazing.


Yep, Twente are garbage and McClaren is a toss manager - grinding out draws and one-nils away from home...




I'd happily suffer that - if Newcastle were top with a goal difference a third of 2nd place, tho'

The old fashioned Arsenal approach. 1-0 to the Arsenal and all that.

I'd put up with that !

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Guest Phil K


What are the media doing as regards to Liverpool ?

Negative, like us ? Or that they are right, and the owners wrong (which we didn't get if you recall) and that whatever their demands are, they are not unreasonable - while occupying a place in the top half of the table ?

(Nothing nasty intended, but Id have thought that was obvious, actually)

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Guest Phil K

But I read the paper the other day and it told me you'd rather lose 4-3 than win 1-0.

Media says a lot of stuff, don't they. It's rather like expecting the Daily Mail to be even handed in regards to Tory and Labour, FGS !  ;D


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What are the media doing as regards to Liverpool ?

Negative, like us ? Or that they are right, and the owners wrong (which we didn't get if you recall) and that whatever their demands are, they are not unreasonable - while occupying a place in the top half of the table ?

(Nothing nasty intended, but Id have thought that was obvious, actually)


You said you'd judge what the Liverpool fans based on what you see of them on the telly. 98% of all fans that get on the telly are idiots. If you're not doing that you seem to have decided all Liverpool fans are divine righters based on the opinions of two people you know.

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Guest guinness_fiend

Get a room, you two. 


Just imagine the angry make-up sex you'd have.  It'd be incredible!



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Guest Phil K


What are the media doing as regards to Liverpool ?

Negative, like us ? Or that they are right, and the owners wrong (which we didn't get if you recall) and that whatever their demands are, they are not unreasonable - while occupying a place in the top half of the table ?

(Nothing nasty intended, but Id have thought that was obvious, actually)


You said you'd judge what the Liverpool fans based on what you see of them on the telly. 98% of all fans that get on the telly are idiots. If you're not doing that you seem to have decided all Liverpool fans are divine righters based on the opinions of two people you know.


And you ?


You're doing EXACTLY the same, surely ?



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Guest Phil K

Get a room, you two. 


Just imagine the angry make-up sex you'd have.  It'd be incredible!



God almighty. YUK.

I'm going to have several beers to get shot of the thought - Mowen will think the same !

Actually, it's not angry at all.

We just disagree. No harm in that - happens all the time. ;)

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we should all prey that portsmouth are allowed in the europa league


cos it will mean liverpool wont qualify for europe as things stand  :lol: :lol: :lol:


Funny how Liverpool fans aren't "arrogant" for expecting automatic champs league place, and cups every year (still not enough) and we ARE for expecting to be in the Prem with 50,000 gates !

I agree wholeheartedly. Love to see Liverpool miss out and hear the screams of condemnation, and demands they should be allowed in anyways because they are Liverpool.

Even if it means Villa getting in. I couldn't believe it when i heard Villa fans - many of them anyways - were furious at O'Neill and want someone else (they seem to have slunk back in the shadows recently with the disbelief from other clubs fans)


You'd have a better chance of understanding it if you went to our matches, week in, week out.



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Villa unchanged: music to brummie's ears, no doubt.


And customary Carew - Heskey sub at min 70. Watching Villa games must be like Groundhog Day sometimes.


At least he's stopped bringing Sidwell on on 75 mins of late.


Delfouneso is the one we've been screaming for instead of Heskey all season, incidentally.


Done great things in the youth and reserve set up, did very well in the cups when used, even scored a couple in the Europa League.

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Guest Phil K

we should all prey that portsmouth are allowed in the europa league


cos it will mean liverpool wont qualify for europe as things stand  :lol: :lol: :lol:


Funny how Liverpool fans aren't "arrogant" for expecting automatic champs league place, and cups every year (still not enough) and we ARE for expecting to be in the Prem with 50,000 gates !

I agree wholeheartedly. Love to see Liverpool miss out and hear the screams of condemnation, and demands they should be allowed in anyways because they are Liverpool.

Even if it means Villa getting in. I couldn't believe it when i heard Villa fans - many of them anyways - were furious at O'Neill and want someone else (they seem to have slunk back in the shadows recently with the disbelief from other clubs fans)

You'd have a better chance of understanding it if you went to our matches, week in, week out.

Even so - you are quite high, and one final and a semi.

Disappointment, yes.

At first when I read about it, i thought "Nah. The rags a testing their spite out on Villa fans in preperation for next year with us !" :D

But then several calls on the radio, half were furiously defending the anti-O'Neill view, and half trying to explain it was only a "tiny minority" (wish I had a penny for hearing THAT in all walks of life !!!) but even among Villa fans seem to be divided on the subject, don't they ?

But who could Villa get who'd do as well, never mind better ?

Or - just thought. Do you think he may be thinking theres a chance of the Liverpool job next season ? And prepare the ground so to speak ?

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At least he's stopped bringing Sidwell on on 75 mins of late.


Delfouneso is the one we've been screaming for instead of Heskey all season, incidentally.


Done great things in the youth and reserve set up, did very well in the cups when used, even scored a couple in the Europa League.


What's happened to Harry Forrester?

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