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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Worst thing about the Barton stuff is you know the fans loved him and wanted him to stay,  the manager has gone on record saying he has no problem with the player and wanted him to stay and then you read all the players interviews in the press in the last couple of days,  Colo, Tiote, Gosling, Simpson and others all heaping praise on him and saying how important he is and Ashley and Llambias make a ridiculous decision to give him away for nothing.  Surely they could have been big enough men to get together and sort the difference out.  As a result NUFC are much weaker on and off the pitch.  Pardew has lost some respect as a result, he should surely have been stronger and made the board realise on a footballing level Barton should stay and if he did have to leave at least get a fee for him, even if it was £1m its better than letting him walk away for nowt.  QPR probably would have paid upto £3m if we'd asked for a fee anyway with Fernandes coming in and splashing the cash.

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Guest frazernufc





Only just noticed how fucked up our squad numbers are

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The "One Joey Barton" chants I heard were mainly Q.P.R. fans to be fair, unless our away support all have cockney accents.


I dont have a problem showing him some thanks before the game or when his name is called out with the teamsheet but when the game is in full swing and he has just slyly kicked and one of our young players and thrown the ball at him seems a bit silly. If it was our fans singing aswell.


Either way to each their own. He played well today which shouldnt come as a surprise. He was surrounded with creative players which took the weight of expectation to create (that he had here) off, so he could go about his game tidying up the midfield and supporting the attack.


Big loss for us this season but we have moved on now.


Booed during the game, cheered and applauded before and after, how it should be IMO.

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The banana skin and headlines were avoided so lets all move on. He did better than our wide lads, but was no great shakes.

I know you havn't said otherwise, and i'm just banging an old drum, but had Barton been on our side instead of Obertan (and obviosly Taylor and Ameobi were not on the pitch) we would not have been raped in such brutal fashion by QPR, of all clubs.


Such a monumentaly laughable decision to give him away, and it was proven last night.


Sorry for using your post to vent a pointless and obvios opinion like :lol:

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I still think Joey will have a major meltdown this season.  The way he flipped the ball back at Sammy tells me he still has some anger issues.  He did get a talking to by the ref after that too, so they are watching him.


I think if I had picked which NUFC player Barton would have had words with, Sammy would have been the last one!

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I thought the fans played it fucking perfectly btw. He was booed during the game and given no lovey dovey woo go joey shit to boost his performance and his ego, however after the game when he was finished applauding the qpr fans, he was the last player on the pitch, he walked towards the away end to appluad us and got a great reception and a pretty fucking loud 'one joey barton'.

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Pretty sure Sale has been pretty reliable in the past when it comes to NUFC:



McKay in spotlight over Barton's QPR deal


Last updated at 12:00 AM on 14th September 2011


Football agent Willie McKay is at the centre of more controversy over his role in QPR captain Joey Barton’s free transfer from Newcastle.


The paperwork for the deal shows that McKay, who has had a turbulent relationship with the football authorities, acted for QPR in the negotiations, while Barton represented himself, with the terms signed off by the Rangers financial director Rebecca Caplehorn.


The arrangement has surprised Newcastle, who are understood to have made their concerns known to the FA.


McKay was active on Barton’s behalf during the summer saga that ended with the player leaving Tyneside to take up the £60,000-a-week on offer at Loftus Road.


McKay working on behalf of QPR, rather than Barton, in the final negotiations would mean the midfielder would not be liable for any benefit-in-kind tax payment for his considerable agent’s fee. The Inland Revenue are aware this regulatory loophole surrounding dual representation is being exploited.


McKay was one of five men arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and false accounting in November 2007 as part of the City of London Police football corruption probe.


But 18 months later, he was cleared of any wrongdoing. In December 2008, he was given a suspended ban by the FA for breaching regulations by acting for two different clubs in two consecutive transfers of Portsmouth and Manchester City striker Benjani.


QPR, Newcastle and the FA would not comment. McKay was unavailable.

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McKay is well dodgey, but why are Newcastle bothered though we were giving him away? Or is it just sour grapes on Ashley's part?


Or Maybe Joey and Willie played it perfectly


Refuses contract January


Willie McKay (his agent at the time) turns up to talk contract and told not now being offered


Joey joins twitter, I'm not going anywhere, I love the fans club blah blah, they can't make me leave


Pause - no developments.


Joey attacks club hierarchy on twitter making his position untenable


Willie McKay all of a sudden no longer his agent acts for QPR and negotiates with Joey (acting for himself) for bumper payday and big contract.



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Didn't something similar happen with Carroll? IIRC at the last minute, Carroll represented himself over the transfer. There was then a dispute that involved the agent who Carroll sacked and another agent who was supposedly representing Liverpool.


In Barton's case, it just sounds like a tax dodge. If it's legal under the letter of the regulations, then there's nothing anyone can do until they close that particular loophole. If it's not legal, then someone's in trouble.


Either way, human beings not behaving terribly well when large amounts of money are at stake is not headline news.

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