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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Jack Wilshire bigs himself up daily on twitter dont see the media jumping all over him do you?


I don't know what he's been saying, but like it or not Wilshere is not anything like the media draw that Barton is.


When Wilshere's served time and assaulted team mates maybe the press will be more interested.

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Why do people who abuse me only have like 17 followers. At least if u give me a bit and I know u have friends, it ll help me pity u less....



Enough now like...

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Guest ykmkmdd

Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

Why do people who abuse me only have like 17 followers. At least if u give me a bit and I know u have friends, it ll help me pity u less....



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Just been in my local pub, he came and sat with us and had quite a lot of interesting things to say about Newcastle and Sunderland.


He was saying he's almost 100% staying but was bemused at all the unknown french players they are bringing in. He also said 'mind u must have ben chuffed with £20m for henderson', rekons he's s***.



Definitely sounds like something Barton would say tbf.

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Guest johnson293



He was a nice enough lad to be fair lyk. He had just been playing golf with a mate of mine and he brought him back for a drink. He was on bowt the derby last year and how when sunderland came out the dressing room the majority of them looked like they were shittin thereselves, but thinks it cud be the opposite at our place this season with all the young french lads they have signed, just thinks the team spirit wont be the same especially since losing nolan. He thinks enrique is about as good as gone.



/sniff/.... yeah, definitely Bullshit!   :cheesy:

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If it's true, and I don't really think it is... it's a bit hypocritical for Joey to want the squad to be strengthened only to question the transfer policy and judge players 'bottle' before he's even met them.

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Guest Haris Vuckic


He was playing golf today like.


As he announced to his twitter account with over 100k followers.

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Guest johnson293

It is quite believable like, although it would be pretty easy to make that shit up by putting 2+2 together from his twitter account and his reputation.


^ This


To me, it smacks of desperate mackems trying to make themselves feel better by claiming that we will be the 'rabbit in the headlights' this time, and trying to qualify/justify it by claiming its coming from JB himself..


The enrique stuff is virtual common knowledge, and the Nolan/team spirit thing has been speculated almost everywhere since he went.

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I'm confident it's bullshit, as much as I had pretty much ruled out evolution on wearside this just sounds like a modern day 'mag at work' tale.


It might be bullshit but Barton has more or less alluded to the same train of thought in his public utterances in any case. I'm not really bothered tbh. I know he's running down his contract and same is maybe true of Enrique. If we can sell them great but if not then we'll benefit from having their valuable services next season.

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I do like Barton and he has finally put in a good season but I do think this team spirit they created started making them think they are the club and some of the comments via twitter etc are starting to come across a bit childish.


Barton is probably the most honest footballer out there but he is clearly also quite intelligent and will be putting his own interests first. As much as he says he loves it here (which I think is partially true) I also think it's clear he has the bosman thing at the back of his mind so as much as he will dress up the staying as long as he can thing out of loyalty/spite towards the unpopular owners I don't believe for one second he hasn't factored in the chance of getting an inflated long term contract when he leaves on a free.


I just hope he stays, sees out his final year with similar perfomances to last season. I would actually give him the armband to be honest, that said I do have concerns he will be a little bitter towards hid best mates replacement and a few of the other new lads if they are coming in ahead of old friends.


Seems the type whose loyalty is commendable but sometimes doesn't quite work in football.

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