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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Got loads of respect for Nolan but he's completely out of order coming out with shite like that.  Big danger of him forgoing a lot of the goodwill that our fans have for him if he keeps trying to unsettle our best players, it's not on.

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Got loads of respect for Nolan but he's completely out of order coming out with s**** like that.  Big danger of him forgoing a lot of the goodwill that our fans have for him if he keeps trying to unsettle our best players, it's not on.


Exactly my feelings.

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Got loads of respect for Nolan but he's completely out of order coming out with shite like that.  Big danger of him forgoing a lot of the goodwill that our fans have for him if he keeps trying to unsettle our best players, it's not on.


Well at least he's at another club now. It was ten times worse when he was our captain handing out Liverpool brochures to Carroll.

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EXCLUSIVE: Nolan wants Barton reunion at West Ham


Published 23:01 22/08/11 By Darren Lewis


Kevin Nolan has urged his friend Joey Barton to join him at West Ham.


Hammers boss Sam Allardyce is poised to move for the Newcastle midfielder, should the Upton Park side get an offer that meets their £8million valuation of midfield talisman Scott Parker.


Nolan - who Newcastle sold to West Ham in June - insists Barton would be more appreciated in east London than he currently is at St James' Park.


Barton has a year left on his contract, and has been told he can leave the club on a free transfer.


"Would Joey Barton come here? Well, I came here, so I can't see why Joey Barton would not come," said Nolan.


"It is a massive club.


"The way he has been treated over the last couple of years, he is probably looking for an escape.


"He knows I'm here, he knows Sam [who signed Barton for Newcastle in June 2007] is here and what we are about - I can look after him and he can look after me!"


Newcastle manager Alan Pardew admitted last month that skipper Nolan was sold because the club did not believe the 29-year-old had another five years in him at the top level.


Barton and Nolan formed the engine room of the Newcastle side that gained promotion from the Championship two seasons ago.


Nolan added: "It would definitely be good for me. Joey is a great player to play alongside and he is a winner.


"He tells it straight, as people know, but deep down he is a lovely lad and I get on really well with him.


"He would be a great acquisition to the squad if we got him here.


"I'm sure the West Ham fans would love him and the players would come to love him. They [will have] read a lot of things about him - some of them are true, but others are blown out of proportion.


"With Joey, you have got someone [who] when he puts on the shirt, he genuinely wants to win, and he wants to do the best for the club and the players."


Desperate. Get real Kev.

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Got loads of respect for Nolan but he's completely out of order coming out with s**** like that.  Big danger of him forgoing a lot of the goodwill that our fans have for him if he keeps trying to unsettle our best players, it's not on.


Exactly my feelings.



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Would like to think Joey Barton is more ambitious than Kevin Nolan like, cudnt see him ever wanting to drop down a league...


I think he'd consider it if he gets a good contract. West Ham will likely only be in that division for one season.

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cheeky bastard.


absolutely essential we keep Barton for this season at least. he's not played particularly well and we still look to be struggling to find a coherent gameplan that gets the best out of him, but his character, effort and, as pardew said, his "eccentricity" on the pitch would be awful to lose.

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I wouldn't really object to him leaving. I think we have too many midfielders in the centre circle who are similar and not enough width. It's only worth him leaving if we get someone like Barnetta in though and that's not happening in a month of Sundays now.


??? I think Barton is the one who is a bit different, the rest look to be pace merchants who like to run at players and cause havoc with their skill, Barton is the slower one who relies more on his delivery and intelligent play.

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Would like to think Joey Barton is more ambitious than Kevin Nolan like, cudnt see him ever wanting to drop down a league...


I think he'd consider it if he gets a good contract. West Ham will likely only be in that division for one season.

There was small rumours about man u putting in for him, and he said thanks but no thanks on his twitter...however u are right that if he was offered long term security at west ham he wud probably be tempted

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Barton's far too good for the Championship and he's not exactly shy about saying so, so hopefully he comes out and tells Nolan the prick to do one.  In so many words anyway.


Agree with this, I think Barton thinks far too much of himself to drop down to the championship.

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I wouldn't really object to him leaving. I think we have too many midfielders in the centre circle who are similar and not enough width. It's only worth him leaving if we get someone like Barnetta in though and that's not happening in a month of Sundays now.


??? I think Barton is the one who is a bit different, the rest look to be pace merchants who like to run at players and cause havoc with their skill, Barton is the slower one who relies more on his delivery and intelligent play.


Yep, couldn't disagree more with Tron. It's a diverse midfield trio, him, Tiote and Cabaye. There's so much going for it - would be desperately disappointed to see it broken up after only just getting it. I mean for God's sake, our fucking centre midfield since Bobby left. Absolute shite, every single year without fail, until Cheick came along. He was the first part of the jigsaw, now with Cabaye in there (who, already i can tell, will cover more yards then 90% of midfielders in the league) and Barton's intelligence on the ball... i can see it developing into a super little engine room.


Really can't be underestimated, the centre of midfield. We should know it better than most, having put up with shite like Jenas, Faye, Parker, Butt, Smith since Speed left.

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I wouldn't really object to him leaving. I think we have too many midfielders in the centre circle who are similar and not enough width. It's only worth him leaving if we get someone like Barnetta in though and that's not happening in a month of Sundays now.


??? I think Barton is the one who is a bit different, the rest look to be pace merchants who like to run at players and cause havoc with their skill, Barton is the slower one who relies more on his delivery and intelligent play.


I thought that as well in theory, but in practice Tiote, Barton and Cabaye seem to be all lying quite deep and very central so we are missing both width and connection to the strikers. It hasn't looked right to me on the basis of the first two games in any case.

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