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The thing about it that i don't get is, who actually cares? I mean - who cares that something has already been said once? I could understand it if it was repeated over and over again, like the original 'Giggs' event. Takes all sorts i suppose.

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HMV are selling DVD's of the 3-0 win against Man U on Monday for £10..


Jesus fucking wept. Since when did the fuckers running the club become as small time as this? The old Keegan 5-0 I thought was a bit of a different case but this is ridiculous IMO  :facepalm:  :dowie:

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interesting piece on gay footballers written by a relative of Fashanu.




no surprise that joey has something to say on this (and anything else for that matter)


Someone brought up gay footballers on The Legends earlier because the programme's on next week and Malcolm Macdonald said they'd always been around and didn't get any stick (fnarr fnarr, obviously) in his day. I find that interesting because it goes against the accepted version of machoman history the likes of Vinnie Jones perpetuate and also in a way suggests a deeper team spirit than I'd expected. Obviously I'd like names, but just out of interest and not to vilify. I'd probably respect and admire them more tbh for their inner strength at putting up with the s**** they'll have had from people over the years. But it might just have been him talking bollocks again (fnarr fnarr?).


Personally I couldn't give a hoot where people want to put it as long as it's not in me! Oh, or the other obviously wrong places. There are quite a lot of them, aren't there?


Anyway, it would be nice if it were true. Shame about Justin Fashanu. He played for us once, you know.

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Bayern Munich claimed "a spectacular name" would be signing for the club on Thursday, but provoked an angry response from their fans when it was found to be a marketing stunt.


The German club attempted to gain interest in their new marketing tool - an app - by creating a huge wave of speculation over who the new signing would be.


Fans were invited to log on and watch the deal unfurl on their official Facebook page, but were let down when general manager Christian Nerlinger revealed an envelope with the users' own Facebook profile pictures on it. In addition, the users also saw their own name appear on the back of a Bayern Munich No. 8 shirt.


"Dear fans, you probably already noticed, that we did not sign a new player," a statement on Bayern Munich's Facebook page read. "This app is for our fans to show the importance of you for our club."

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