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Stadium naming rights

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The Cilit Bang Bowl? This really is the final insult...although i'm sure its not now we're 'off the market'. Fyerkin disgrace...especially seeing as i'm named after the place to boot...don't fancy admitting i was named after a stadium that is now better known as the the Tampax/Lidl/Wimpy arena. Grrrrr  :angry:

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I'm sure this idea has been aired as a thread before. It'd be inetersting to see what folks views were then.


for me....not really bothered if the cash goes on the team. it'll still be SJP in the same way as it's still the leazes and gallowgate instead of whatever the ofiicial names are now.

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Ashley has got the idea from Tottenham, being a Spurs man himself.


If he puts the money in the team, can we really complain?


The question is, will he?


I'd say that if there was any money at all going into the team then I could accept it.


However I think there's fuck all chance of that happening, given Fat Mick's track record there.

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This isnt going to happen anyway. Firstly, i reckon it was a diversion from the real issue and secondly, no company will ever want to be associated with a controversial stadium name. The idea of the 'Emirates' airline putting their name to the stadium is because people who support Arsenal also might choose their airline, there is a fundamental connection between the business and the supporters of that stadium. If a company was considering sponsoring SJP, it would be because they want to raise their profile in the north-east (and of course to football supporters in general, which really goes without saying). This wont happen unless its Sports Direct basically.


I think that Ashley was petrified of the reaction to the news that he isnt selling and the infamous PR department have put this 're-naming' story out to deflect away from the real issue, the fact that he is staying.


The real issue is that we have wasted more than 4 months whilst he has fucked about pretending he wanted to sell the club when really he was desperate to keep it. The real story is that Ashley is staying and this naming issue is another piece of mis-direction from the clown.

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