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In fairness this season they have plaeyd Liverpool away and Chelsea at home so to pick up a point from those 2 games is very good.

I wouldn't say picking up a point from Liverpool and Chelsea was "very good" like. We're more than capable of doing the same, as are most of the league (not saying it will happen like).
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This is the trap some teams fall into. Didn't Wolves beat something like 4 of the top 5 last year or something and still only escaped the drop on the last day? Points from big clubs arent any more valuable than those from smaller clubs. In fact, they're often less so, because you're not going to be vying for position with Chelsea at the end of the year. 3 points against Norwich is three times better than a point against Liverpool, even if it doesn't feel that way. They may be shrugging their shoulders and saying we've not played anyone any good, but you've got to get those points on board so that it doesn't matter as much if you only get 1 or 0 points from a big club and any you do get are a nice bonus that gives you that nudge above your rivals.

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A thread entitled "dirty green mags" from the 1st of July, presented for your amusement:




The bits where they're worrying if they'll be able to keep to their humble roots with all the success and glory hunters :lol:


Mag At Work makes his first appearance on page 3.



That thread needs bumping on there. Anyone registered?



its locked- they lock all of the threads that make them look stupid.


~they lock all the threads.

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There are quite a few posters on here flapping atm, but you would have been laughed off the board if you had come out with that just 6 weeks ago.


Gardner - £6m player, proven in the Premier League, scored loads of goals last season.


Vaughan - class act, plenty of Blackpool fans rate him as better than Adam


Colback - almost as good as Henderson already, and he cost £15m plus


If Tiote and Cabaye are so good why did they get steamrollered by QPR's midfield? Cattermole was the best player on the pitch in the 1st half of the derby.


No doubt in my mind that SAFC have the better midfield, it is just taking time to gell. Enjoy your relegation battle, you will get it eventually


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=631568&page=7#ixzz1ZA9wWBN3


:lol: half of me wants to laugh, and half of me wants to rage.

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Re: Bruce gone within 48 hours




i was talking to a high powered businessmen in Sunderland this morning and he wants bruce out so wouldn't be surprised. hope it doesn't happen, i still think he can turn us around. we have improved league position every year he has been in the job.


Didn't realise the mafia had so much influence in SAFC  :laugh:

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One of the problems they have is they take individual games and blow them out of proportion. Any idiot with an ounce of football knowledge could see the reason we played so badly against QPR is due to us by passing our midfield entirely. So how on Earth were they to effect the game? Only natural they'll look bad.


Sima really needs to start a thread just for this link;



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:lol: The Sunderland mafia, an infamous drug cartel making tens of tens of pounds peddling cowies to the degenerates on the streets of Pennywell. Their influence extends all the way to the highest level of SAFC, If Quinn and Short don't bend to their wishes then their windows will be severely egged and their kids will be bullied at school.
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Steve Bruce


Failed to beat Magpies, Swans, Seagulls and now Canaries


Some Black Cat he is.


Up next:




Albion's main club badge dates back to the late 1880s, when the club's secretary Tom Smith suggested that a throstle sitting on a crossbar be adopted for the badge.  Since then, the club badge has always featured a throstle, usually on a blue and white striped shield, although the crossbar was replaced with a hawthorn branch at some point after the club's move to The Hawthorns. The throstle was chosen because the public house in which the team used to change kept a pet thrush in a cage. It also gave rise to Albion's early nickname, The Throstles.
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Really other than losing at home to us its not a terrible start. The only reason it looks bad is because they all thought they'd be a top 6 team, reality check needed, they're a mid table team and they've had a mid table start.

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One of the problems they have is they take individual games and blow them out of proportion. Any idiot with an ounce of football knowledge could see the reason we played so badly against QPR is due to us by passing our midfield entirely. So how on Earth were they to effect the game? Only natural they'll look bad.


Sima really needs to start a thread just for this link;




Their obsession with our superior support is just plain comical, surprised he hasn't also thrown in the socio-economic, political and historical factors to explain why their stadium is looking increasingly like the Riverside on match days.


By the way did you notice after our below par performance at QPR our manager said words along the lines of we were poor, didn't deserve more and admitted to getting it wrong tactically. Compare that to the excuse making idiot they've got in charge.

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Even when week after week they deliver a shite performance and don't win, they absolutely will not accept that Newcastle are getting better results because you have a better team with better players.


There's no red and white tint to the glasses they wear - it appears they've resorted to buying  red and white striped blindfolds and pretending they're not a poor side.

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We are shite at the minute but we are miles ahead of them in terms of squad strength and depth. They've lost their best players ffs, how could they be better than us? As far as I can see all they have is luck on their side and it won't last forever!


Get a grip. FTM.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=631568&page=8#ixzz1ZAxU4kto




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