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This is absolutely spot on.


Ms Taylor's work may not be anonymous but she is entirely unwilling to engage with her readership and the genuine football fans who she continues to treat with disdain.


It's widely acknowledged that it's part of a modern journalists job to engage in social media activity and to , at least, go through the motions of debate and share the platform a little with those with a differing point of view or fresh perspective.


But Louise never once debates with fans within her own comment pieces. She has no Twitter feed (as the likes of North East reporters Culkin of the Times and Simon Bird of the Mirror do - and use to great effect).


While the bloggers she labels football hooligans may or may not be misled, most are willing to engage in some level of debate as to their sources, bias and general online history of behaviour.


Taylor's attitude is a throwback to "here it is - if you don't like it then tough". She treats anyone who dares to comment as akin to violent knuckle draggers while she refuses to even acknowledge that her own self-woven reality may not be entirely accurate.


Louise Taylor has long been disliked by Newcastle fans. That is fact. I imagine, considering the rising levels of vindictiveness, that the more she is disliked the less forgiving she is of club and fans alike.


It's been interesting this season that the more successful Newcastle have become and the closer they became to securing promotion the more negative her writing became. She started the season saying that victories were just papering over the cracks and the inevitable collapse was nigh. When that didn't happen she started saying ..ah well they're still not good enough for the Premiership.


Honestly it's like teenage Football Fan Forum stuff. It's hardly mature, is it?


Beyond that there is no desire to justify or to engage with fans - just increased finger pointing, half truths and barely disguised bias.


It's the very thing she is complaining that bloggers/football hooligans do.


But until she bothers to engage in the debate surrounding her own words then she honestly may as well be anonymous.


In recent weeks the Guardian has pulled the Rumour Mill section of the paper blaming abuse of journalists by commenters. But, in the end, you reap what you so. Treat people and fans with respect and demonstrate a little humility and it will be repaid with more responsible social media interaction.


Unfortunately Taylor only really appears to demonstrate an utterly aloof disdain

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Whheeessssee Lebaneeeeessssee Keeeyyys are theeeeessssse - sorry couldn't resist.


Agree with brummie. Someone on a Villa board is right pissed off about a 7-1 tonking and says M'ON is resigning. The press run with it. Who's the idiot, bully, irresponsible party here.


The other example she uses, Taylor/Carroll is done, dusted and put on the shelf by all and sundry. Many saying that for once the club handled it in a responsible manner, away from inflammatory and divisive forces. Not Louise. She, almost singlehandedly has kept that issue going.


Makes you wonder...

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Just listening to the Football Ramble now and they mention Louise Taylor's vendetta against us. As well as the Carroll/Taylor fight. She's a vile woman.




Aye the Geordie guy on there is always mentioning her.

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Guest firetotheworks

The only difference between forum users and her, is that she gets paid to spout shite.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Many football hooligans have switched from the grounds to the internet?


That must make her the fucking Grand Dragon Ring Leader of the whole Hooligan army. I'm can see it now - This is England 2 (.com).

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The only difference between forum users and her, is that she gets paid to spout s****.


We do it for love.


As far as I know, she's never even knocked anything up in MS Paint.  She's a fucking joker.

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Think she's a week late with that one. What a complete waste of time/load of bollocks.


Louise, dear, if you're reading, my real name is Richard Huggan and I think you're a useless journalist with a vendetta... and a fucking atrocious set of gnashers.



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Think she's a week late with that one. What a complete waste of time/load of bollocks.


Louise, dear, if you're reading, my real name is Richard Huggan and I think you're a useless journalist with a vendetta... and a f***ing atrocious set of gnashers.



so you're a dick huggan.




oh come on, everybody else was thinking it.

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Well it is spring - I see the turtle-faced beast has woken from her hibernation.


Why doesn't she do something productive, like stand next to Coronation St's Gail McIntyre and make her look human in comparison?

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Well it is spring - I see the turtle-faced beast has woken from her hibernation.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Oh and if she's reading:




Bit hypocritical criticising what people post on forums, when she puts her sex tapes on youtube.


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