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World Cup 2010 Pre-Tournament Thread


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Why do SSN have to go to the lengths of designing really s**** aircraft cabins to show us who is in the England squad. Just put the names on the screen man - we'll understand.

The Paint thread on here was better.

:lol:  thought similar.


Also, why when they get to the midfielders and strikers is there a spare seat?  It goes from having a full row of 3 to the window seat being unoccupied.  Madness, absolute madness.

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Why do SSN have to go to the lengths of designing really s**** aircraft cabins to show us who is in the England squad. Just put the names on the screen man - we'll understand.

The Paint thread on here was better.

:lol:  thought similar.


Also, why when they get to the midfielders and strikers is there a spare seat?  It goes from having a full row of 3 to the window seat being unoccupied.  Madness, absolute madness.


Yeah, you'd def leave the middle seat empty if any.

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I can't believe what a big deal the media are making of Walcott being left out.


It's not the biggest of surprises, surely?


It was a bit of a surprise, because Capello seemed to be favouring Walcott over SWP in so many of his selections over the last couple of years. The decision is a bit of an about-turn, although well justified.


Walcott has such blinding speed, that Capello was really hoping to include him. What I think he's found is that Walcott hasn't added that much to his game, and opponents have now sussed him out a bit. Basically, he's not very adaptable.


Walcott's starts in the last two games seem to have been in order to give him a final chance to impress, rather than as a sign that he was first choice. Nobody was quite reading Capello there.

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Plus Capello has said that he was one of the most important players in the qualifying campaign. It was quite a surprise IMO, but the right decision, just that his replacement was also wrong.

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im more shocked carricks in than walcott being out


You really don't have much to choose from in that position.


Our press too are reporting Walcott being left out as the "big surprise". I'm a bit mistyfied since I really don't rate him. I'd have taken Johnson and not SWP though, he provides something different than Lennon.

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Missed the Croatia game (two years ago) and therefore can totally understand (and agree with) the decision to drop Walcott. I honestly can't pick out anything that's particularly endearing to him, as a winger, other than his obvious pace. Lennon and Wright-Phillips both have than in abundance anyway, and even though i'm not particularly keen on the latter, he's proven to have a more conistent end product. We're not particularly well blessed on the wings when you think about it; and Walcott simply epitomises the issue we have there. Comes and goes but is horrendously inconsistent.


A while back i would have thought about chucking him in the squad just for the 'wild-card' factor, but it's pointless because as it stands, we've sussed him and other sides will do aswell. I wouldn't have him anything like a permanent fixture in the squad until he's tied down a firm position. There's time for him, though - loads of time.


Can't say i've got too many issues with the squad whatsoever. Agree with Heskey's inclusion, the other (for some reason) 'questionable' decision.

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im more shocked carricks in than walcott being out


You really don't have much to choose from in that position.


Our press too are reporting Walcott being left out as the "big surprise". I'm a bit mistyfied since I really don't rate him. I'd have taken Johnson and not SWP though, he provides something different than Lennon.

i dont rate walcott or SWP i agree that johnson would of been the best option because i think he is the quality on the wing that england lack

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Walcott is better up front than on the wing. That is where he was playing when he scored that hat trick against Croatia. He just looks lost out wide. A victim of the 'he's quick therefore he will be good on the wing' mentality that sees a lot of quick strikers get shunted out wide on occasions.

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it will be an absolute miracle if england come close to winning it with that squad like, lampard is going to have to perform on the international stage like he never has before and rooney will essentially have to play like a god in every game


i've given up on gerrard performing, maybe he'll come good


other than that there's simply nothing in there anyone else decent would be afraid of

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it will be an absolute miracle if england come close to winning it with that squad like, lampard is going to have to perform on the international stage like he never has before and rooney will essentially have to play like a god in every game


i've given up on gerrard performing, maybe he'll come good


other than that there's simply nothing in there anyone else decent would be afraid of


I completely disagree. This is comfortably our best chance of winning it since 1966, although we'd be in trouble if Rooney was injured.


With Lampard, Gerrard, Joe Cole, SWP / Lennon, Rooney, and Johnson and Ashley Cole backing up down the wings, there's a lot of attacking flair, which is something England teams have been lacking in the past. Usually we come up short against the best teams, but this time we've got another gear to move into.


Capello has been experimenting with fringe players over the last few games, so I wouldn't read much into those performances. Our best team is a very good one.

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I'm confident we've got enough to get through the group and second stage. After that it comes down to luck and who gets through in your part of the draw. I have never thought we will win the world cup anyway. Yes, we can win it but I just can't see us beating the likes of Brazil or Spain in a final should we get there.


I'm disappointed at Adam Johnson not getting in, but not becasue SWP is in. I'd have left out Warnock or Upson as I think we have enough defensive cover. Wright-Phillips is a good player when given the chance, he can be frustrating at times but you see a lot more end product from him than you do from Walcott.


And I agree 100% that Heskey was always going and the only choice in the forwards for Fabio was between Defoe and Bent. Defoe always gets the nod for me on that one because he has shown he can score goals at International level.


Regardless of what happens with England I'm just ridiculously excited about the World Cup. I'm going to watch every game, making full use of V+ to record the simultaneous ones, and more than likely watch all the highlight programmes aswell. Including the one on ESPN. The wife knows this, she has accepted it. Can't wait.

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Guest elbee909

Saw this at the front of F365 - if true I really don't have much sympathy for Walcott.


"Theo Walcott was apparently dropped from Fabio Capello's final World Cup squad because he didn't do as he was told on the pitch. The poor lad was on the golf course when he got the dreaded phone call yesterday, and apparently initially thought he was on the end of a Rio-style merking."


The fact that he thought it was a joke initially just points to a certain amount of complacency that he simply hasn't earned.

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Good old Harry Redknapp.

Claiming "he was told" that certain players were teated like ghosts in recent training sessions. Blatantly either Huddlestone or Dawson. Good way to make them look like right whingeing twats. Cant see that endearing them to either Capello or the rest of the squad.

Surely he should have just kept that to himself - I am sure the player(s) related didnt expect it to become common knowledge.

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That was on talk sport last night. He said Parker and Dawson were treated like ghosts. They were there, but they might as well have not been as Capello never had any intentions of playing either of them.

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Well done Harry, Dawson certainly won't get a game under caps now; he's the team snitch.  :lol:


Oh and this sticking up for Parker every turn, its sickening, go fuking make a bid already and stop using under hand tactics via the media to sound him out you saggy faced prick.

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