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Keegan not new Hamburg manager

Optimistic Nut

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Would love it.  :smitten:    HSV is the club in the Bundesliga I like most and with Keegan becoming manager it probably would make me love them.


Edit: But somehow doubt he would go there as they don't have big money and he certainly would not be allowed to make the transfers.




I wonder if he's watched any football in the last couple of years.


He certainly hasn't watched any football while speaking about the matches on ESPN?  :frantic:

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Christ almighty, some of the comments are totally uncalled for, KK was still proven correct about MA, DL and still gets shit on here from little spackers who have only supported the club in very very recent times.



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Christ almighty, some of the comments are totally uncalled for, KK was still proven correct about MA, DL and still gets s*** on here from little spackers who have only supported the club in very very recent times.

what was KK correct about ? i wish he would give his version of what was going on as it may force the whole truth out into the open.


(just to save time and space, managers don't have the final say and i've yet to know any football club that hasn't misled its fans)

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The reasons he quit was because the men running the club each time were utter cunts.


The same people here slagg KK off and then in the other thread would slagg freddy and dougie hall off for turning the club into shit only for ashley to buy it and make an even bigger fucking mess.


KK under the halls and freddy was told to sell to buy and he knew that these pack of bastards who were floating the club on the market were going to cash in and make loads of dosh while he was trying to maintain a title challanging team.  Basics really what comes into the club gets spent on the team and the club not into dick heads back pockets.


Ashley, dont need to say anything.  KK was proved right on that one as well.



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The reasons he quit was because the men running the club each time were utter cunts.


90% of the world's workforce could quit on that pretence, and I doubt they'd get compensation.

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It's quite amazing that anyone would still hold Keegan's departure (the second time) against him after that court case.


Aye it just goes to show that some people are amazing.

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This story just seems to be based on Keegan and the Hamburg president being spotted in a restaurant. There are any number of explanations more likely than the President wanting Keegan to be the manager.


None of which would make a good story, of course.

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The reasons he quit was because the men running the club each time were utter c***s.


90% of the world's workforce could quit on that pretence, and I doubt they'd get compensation.



ha ha ha ha




it was proven in court that ashley is a cunt and so are his little demons



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The reasons he quit was because the men running the club each time were utter c***s.


The same people here slagg KK off and then in the other thread would slagg freddy and dougie hall off for turning the club into s*** only for ashley to buy it and make an even bigger f***ing mess.


KK under the halls and freddy was told to sell to buy and he knew that these pack of bastards who were floating the club on the market were going to cash in and make loads of dosh while he was trying to maintain a title challanging team.  Basics really what comes into the club gets spent on the team and the club not into dick heads back pockets.


Ashley, dont need to say anything.  KK was proved right on that one as well.



i thought he quit first time round as those in charge said we can't keep on spending like we have been and the subtext was that he knew it when we signed shearer that some cash had to be brought back in. also the money that they'd make was from shares (dividends and any rise in the share price) which wasn't really a great deal out of the club. certainly not enough to buy a decent player per season.


the shame of it is that KK was a much better manager/coach than even he seemed ti give himself credit for and he seemed to just want to spend big.

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but it is frankly disgusting that anyone could take the side of Ashley in this argument.




no one is.


I'll rephrase then:


it is frankly disgusting that anyone could criticise Keegan for what happened.




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i wish he would give his version of what was going on as it may force the whole truth out into the open.


Kevin Keegan reacted to the news by releasing a statement in which he said:


1. I am delighted that the Premier League Manager's arbitration tribunal has today formally announced that it has upheld my claim for wrongful dismissal against Newcastle United. The full details of the decision are on the Premier League website and will also be added to the League Managers Association website in due course.


2. I took the decision to resign in September 2008 only after very careful and anxious consideration. The decision to resign was one of the most difficult decisions that I have ever had to take in my life. I believe that anybody who knows me and my attachment to Newcastle United and the north east in general will understand how difficult this must have been. I very much hope that the decision of the tribunal now confirms why I felt that I had no option but to resign from the position as manager of the club that I love.


3. The tribunal has found the conduct of the club in forcing a player on me against my wishes represented a fundamental breach of my contract of employment. I do not believe that there is any manager in football who could have remained at the club in the light of their conduct.


4. Since my departure there have been many untrue stories written about my resignation, my time at the club and these proceedings. I do not blame the press for this: I know that the journalists concerned are only doing their job but I hope that the tribunal's decision will now conclusively put to rest a number of allegations made against me.


5. In particular I believe that the tribunal's decision makes it clear that:


5.1 I did have the final say on transfers and the club's allegation that I did not, which was publicised widely at the time of my resignation and subsequently, was simply untrue.


5.2 The club admitted to the tribunal that it repeatedly and intentionally misled the press, public and the fans of Newcastle United.


5.3 I resigned because I was being asked to sanction the signing of a player in order to "do a favour" for two South American agents. No one at the club had seen this player play and I was asked to sign him on the basis of some clips on You Tube. This is something that I was not prepared to be associated with in any way. The club knew that I objected strongly to this transfer and were aware that by continuing with it I was likely to feel that I had no option but to resign. Notwithstanding this they nevertheless went on to sign the player at very substantial cost to the club.


5.4 Contrary to the public statements made by the club at the time they did not do all that they could to retain me at the club. In particular they refused to acknowledge that I was entitled to the final say on transfers. This left me in a totally untenable position.


5.5 A number of the allegations made against me by the club at the hearing in order to support their £2million claim against me were totally without foundation and should never have been raised in the proceedings.


6. I very much regret that this claim ever had to go to the hearing as it did. I want to state categorically that the allegation that has been made in the press that I turned down an offer of £4m to settle the claim is simply untrue. No such offer was made to me.


7. I also want to confirm that a central purpose of my claim has always been to clear my name and restore my reputation. I consider it of vital importance that I was able to let people know about the full circumstances of my resignation and the way in which I had been treated by the club. I hope that this purpose has now been achieved.


8. There are a number of technical issues that still need to be resolved by the tribunal and I obviously will not be in a position to comment on them until after those issues have been resolved.


9. I would like to thank my family, friends, legal team and the LMA who have all offered me their unstinting support throughout this very challenging period. I would also like to thank the members of the tribunal itself who have given such fair, able and meticulous consideration to my case.


10. Finally I would like to thank the fans of Newcastle United for their continued support and wish them and the club continued success in the current season in their goal of reaching the Premier League.



the club responded...


"The Club will be making no comment on this matter."


How's it Keegan that's hiding the truth?

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