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The Liverpool Thread


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After being fast tracked by his great mentor Carlo Ancelotti, McEachran's career had seemed to stall suddenly with a loan at Swansea under Brendan Rodgers – a fellow paid-up subscriber to the Barcelona school of football – ending in unexpected disappointment. "It was one of those things in life which just didn't work out," he says. Pressed on what he learned in south Wales, the reply is: "Nothing." A question about his opinion of the current Liverpool manager provokes an uncharacteristically coy "I'll pass on that".
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After being fast tracked by his great mentor Carlo Ancelotti, McEachran's career had seemed to stall suddenly with a loan at Swansea under Brendan Rodgers – a fellow paid-up subscriber to the Barcelona school of football – ending in unexpected disappointment. "It was one of those things in life which just didn't work out," he says. Pressed on what he learned in south Wales, the reply is: "Nothing." A question about his opinion of the current Liverpool manager provokes an uncharacteristically coy "I'll pass on that".



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:lol: :lol: :lol:


On Joe Allen

“Joe Allen is one of the most courageous players I’ve seen. He’ll take the ball in any situation and use his body well and get himself out”


“When you’ve got the ball 65-70% of the time it’s a football death for the other team. We’re not at that stage yet but that’s what we will get to. It’s death by football. You just suck the life out of them.”


Not sure why I put myself through the torture of flicking through them videos their, Rodgers is ridiculous, the self love shows no bounds.


In the 2nd vid he says 'without being arrogant, i'm good at what I do'. Self confident aye, but fuck its the way he says it.

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Wow, let's hope the officials don't feel pressured to give Man Utd all the decisions, that would be such an unfortunate by-product of all this healthy debate.


Not that I'm that keen on Liverpool but it's so fucking transparent it's ridiculous.

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“When you’ve got the ball 65-70% of the time it’s a football death for the other team. We’re not at that stage yet but that’s what we will get to. It’s death by football. You just suck the life out of them.”


I seem to recall that working for Swansea against us at their place last season... Oh wait...


Death by football. All right, van Persie? :lol:

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Ferguson said of the clubs’ comparative league positions, United first and Liverpool eighth: “I never even thought about that until it was mentioned on the television. I don’t really look at that. I look at that mob [Manchester City] that’s behind us, the team that’s directly behind us. Their programme, who they’ve got next. I do that all the time.”

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Time for some amateur psychology.


The reaction to someone admitting something like this is usually one of "wow, that's a brave decision admitting that" initially.


The reality is that when someone admits something like that to make it look as though it was just an individual mistake (note the fact he's trying to cloud the Stoke dive in a haze of "well loads of times I've been fouled and haven't dived"), really the truth is much worse, i.e. that he has dived loads.


He has clearly dived on numerous occasions and is hoping that admitting he did it on one occasion will make people see him in a more positive light somehow.


Summary: he is a cheating piece of shit.

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Something along the lines of he doesn't see Liverpool as a serious rival anymore and doesn't even look out for their results/league position.


Now if we can just get rid of the pretense that Man Utd were somehow rivals to Liverpool in the late 70s and 80s and not just an underachieving joke, we can then drop all that biggest rivalry ever hype Sky like to push.

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