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Isn't it simply that if you lodge a bid high enough to trigger the clause the buying club is allowed to discuss terms with the player before the two clubs have actually agreed terms?


Seems a stupid clause to have, but if memory serves its similar to that Swansea left back we tried to buy (Neil Taylor?)


In all likelihood it's tricky wording of the clause that lets a foolish player think it's a release clause when actually it's not (ref Redknapp and the Croatian centre-half he stitched up - Stimac?)

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I wondered about that clause when it was first reported. What would be the point in a clause that allowed the buyer to speak to the player if Liverpool could still stop him leaving?


Swansea had one with Neil Taylor didn't they? Something like we could talk to him, but they could still reject our bid. :lol:

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The comment under this sums it up


"That just showed you the class of the Liverpool supporters"

he drags the club through the mud, spends vital matches out, has clubmates and managers put (or destroy) their reputations for him - then stabs them in the back by openly flirting with other clubs, demanding a transfer and threatening legal action...

...and the fans still cheer him.

i'd replace 'class' in that sentence by a number of other words. 'delusion' would be the first. sad reflection on modern football that the fans will accept anything to keep a star player.

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One of the chief "Why do they always have a go at Suarez!?, he's being victimised!!!" members is having a right old rant about how disrespectful he is and how he should fuck off on facebook now. So tempted to comment on some of his older statuses :lol:

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Anything less than 6th in the table and a good cup run should be a draw/Parky win given the squad, Everton new manager and no Europe this season. That should be their 'par' for this season.


5th and above is a Rodgers win.



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"I have to admit I was surprised by their bid of £40 million and £1," Rodgers told reporters. "I always associated Arsenal as a club with class, so there was a wee bit of a game there."


Aye, great class from Liverpool to add in some fine print and ambiguity into the clause. :lol:

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"I have to admit I was surprised by their bid of £40 million and £1," Rodgers told reporters. "I always associated Arsenal as a club with class, so there was a wee bit of a game there."


Aye, great class from Liverpool to add in some fine print and ambiguity into the clause. :lol:


:lol: So much this. What did he expect a classy Arsenal to do? "Well £40M is enough for the clause, but that's so vulgar, £60M would be the right thing to do." Fuck off.

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I loved the 'if bale is worth £80m why isn't Suarez?' from fish face, well pet that'll be because he is only available for 70% of his games due to him being a cannibal racist and is one more incident away from missing half a season.

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