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Klopp is the same as Mourinho in a sense that his methods only work for so long, he'll be great for 2-3 seasons but after that it will go downhill.

You're just saying this because Dortmund had a shocking season last year, right? He won the Bundesliga in 2012, in his fourth year as manager, and went to the CL final in his fifth year there.

He would be an absolutely amazing appointment for them, it'll be very hard to hate Liverpool with him in charge.


I'm saying it because of his style of play, it isn't sustainable and he was responsible for all the injuries they got. You can't play so intensely all the time and keep it up and not expect major drop offs, doing that only lasts so long till the body just breaks down.


Of course there is always the chance he has adapted his coaching methods though. Fair play to Liverpool mind, going after the very best they can in Klopp and Ancelotti even if it doesn't come off at least they are trying to move forward the football club in a positive manner.

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Little dramatic in terms of 2-3 seasons but will go downhill there Mole. Klopp is a brilliant manager who's time ran out at Dortmund, even though they were bottom of the league and somehow finished in the top 7 (IRC?). Well jealous of Liverpool right now b/c I know they won't hire some sap like McClaren.

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With Pep refusing to sign a new contract he could moonwalk into that job. we all know what a season without a trophy gets you at Real. Man city are on the lookout for a new boss, Arsenal,Chelsea,Man U,PSG could open up at the end of the season even Enrique's job at Barca wasn't certain after winning the treble.


Yet Liverpool think he'll chose them

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Little dramatic in terms of 2-3 seasons but will go downhill there Mole. Klopp is a brilliant manager who's time ran out at Dortmund, even though they were bottom of the league and somehow finished in the top 7 (IRC?). Well jealous of Liverpool right now b/c I know they won't hire some sap like McClaren.


I agree he's brilliant and i'm also jealous, but at the same time i don't think it's dramatic. His style of play just isn't sustainable over a long period of time physically, pressing that aggressively just breaks the body down over time. It's not a coincidence at all that they got so many muscle injuries in his final two seasons, with that said i do love watching his teams play and until it eventually breaks down they'll be great to watch.


Also as i already said there has a chance he has learnt from his ending at Dortmund and fine tunes the tactics just a little bit to prevent history repeating itself, we'll have to wait and see.

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Could also be with a bigger budget and a larger squad, fatigue from that high pressing won't be as big a factor. They'll be the best team in the league to watch by a mile once his methods are starting to show, and with the right players, they could challenge for the league.

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Could also be with a bigger budget and a larger squad, fatigue from that high pressing won't be as big a factor. They'll be the best team in the league to watch by a mile once his methods are starting to show, and with the right players, they could challenge for the league.


That is a factor, i agree but nobody else in the world presses the opposition as aggressively as they did. If you watch other teams that press high they are nowhere near as aggressive, they are a lot more controlled and about preventing space than constant running. Also most other teams kept the ball for a bit to prevent fatigue.


Don't get me wrong i love watching his teams play and even his interviews but his methods were one of the biggest factors as to why it ended it how it did.

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Guest Howaythetoon

7th, 2nd and 6th is decent enough and he has the second highest win percentage at LFC in their Premier League era.


I think he has also been hampered by the transfer committee at LFC, they haven't bought the right kind of quality needed.


He has shown he can get good players playing well and competing.


The loss of Suarez was huge too and cannot be underestimated regarding the damage his loss did to that team and Rodgers way of playing.


He's false as fuck like, but he is undoubtedly a talented manager/coach and will have a decent career.

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Don't see how it can be anyone other than Pards they go after. The British press spend all their time tossing the bloke off so they should be extremely critical of Liverpool if they don't break the bank to get him in.


You'd think they might be hesitant to go after Pards in light of how things turned out with Woy. Rather unheralded English manager who overachieved at a smaller club.

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7th, 2nd and 6th is decent enough and he has the second highest win percentage at LFC in their Premier League era.


I think he has also been hampered by the transfer committee at LFC, they haven't bought the right kind of quality needed.


He has shown he can get good players playing well and competing.


The loss of Suarez was huge too and cannot be underestimated regarding the damage his loss did to that team and Rodgers way of playing.


He's false as fuck like, but he is undoubtedly a talented manager/coach and will have a decent career.


Yup. The Suarez loss is one he never recovered from. Various reasons, too, as to why this happened, not all entirely his fault. But it's one that sealed his fate.

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Does he get credit for his work in the development of Sterling, Suarez and Sturridge or is this not really anything to do with him?


I think he deserves some credit for giving Sterling a meaningful chance in the senior team. Sturridge had already proven he could score goals in the PL and Suarez was likely going to be successful regardless of who his manager was.

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Getting sick of hearing about this transfer committee. Surely such a thing exists everywhere? Manager, scout, head of recruitment, MD/Owner etc.


I'd be amazed If there is any PL club whose manager goes out and buys the players he wants like he's playing Football Manager

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