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Dan Gosling


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Cajun is not going to be happy. :(




Desperately needs a season out on loan. He needs to play regular football then we can either flog him if he doesn't look up to it or keep him if he does. Keeping here is pointless for all parties.

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I haven't seen any redeeming qualities in this guy at all. No pace, skill or vision. Just a knack for getting in goal scoring positions now and then, but other than that one of the worst footballers in the top division.






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I'm a fan, for the record. He'll turn out to be a very good player.


Normally find myself nodding in agreement with you Ronaldo lad, but on this occasion I have to disagree. I cant see anything about him that suggests he'll become a good premiership player. His touch isnt great, he doesnt get involved enough. The games I've seen him in seem to pass him by, he doesnt have any sort of presence.


He's known for getting in the box and getting goals, yet everytime i've seen the ball drop to him he never seems to have any composure. A loan out and regular games will no doubt get him sharper but I cant see him making it here like.

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He was good at Everton but he lost something with his injury.


Why Everton were dithering on a contract and we took a risk that didn't work out.


He didn't play enough at Everton to determine whether he was good or not.  Turns out he's not, he's shit.

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