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We'll get the 40 points needed to stay up. I guess we end up somewhere between 11th and 16th place. Two years ago we were 1 point short. We had 4 different managers, unrest at every level, didn't know if the club would be sold or not, and no confidence at all. Even if we have a similar squad today as we had then, we should be able to do better then that.


Which is not the case, nowhere near...

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Yes because my life is depressing enough without having to convince myself that the football club I love is destined for failure.




If we beat the likes of Blackpool, West Brom, Wigan etc at home and take what we can at their places then I think we'll do it.

we'd end up with at least 9 points!
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I think we'll survive even with the current squad.


I do believe we'll sign a couple of players before the window closes. Also, I think Hughton is savvy enough to sit Nolan or Shola  or Smith or anyone else who is not producing. And I think that if we are in trouble, Ashley will make the necessary investments to ensure survival.


My main worry is that we'll long term injuries to key players-- Carroll, Barton, Enrique. Edit: Or Ben Arfa  :laugh2:



And a side bet; Bolton are not going to struggle this season. They're conformtably middle table pushing for a Europa League spot.

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Player for player we're worse than two years ago, however I still think player for player we're not that worse off than clubs like Bolton, Stoke & Wigan. I think we'll stay up.


Conversely, team for team we're better.


And hopefully we'll only have one manager this season instead of 5.

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Wouldn't even attempt to answer this until I've seen the first 2 months of the season.


Nobody thought for a minute that we would be relegated after the first game at OT 2 seasons ago - but we were.


This is NUFC, anything can, and will, happen - if we are in the bottom 3 and playing badly by November then Hughton could be heading for the door so we would be back to square one ; on the other hand, if we are mid-table and picking up some home wins, then I would be confident about staying up.


Right now, I wouldn't put a brass penny on finishing above 17th. Goals will be a problem, as will silly mistakes at the other end.....

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Being back in the Prem means we are back in the eyes of the global investors, if we stay up what don't we have that Man City did when they got their Arab owners?


The same geographical position for one, and a longer period without trophies for two...Manchester is seen as closer to London and a better location for services(the BBC are currently moving programmes and staff there so that keeps the place more at the centre of things).


Like it or lump it, NUFC is seen as a poisoned chalice by overseas investors and they won't pay big money for the club.

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I think we'll get relegated as of now, but it's really impossible to say until after the next transfer window has closed. We just don't seem to be able to produce goals, despite maintaining possession and unless something happens to change this (which definitely seems to be happening in some capacity behind the scenes) then I can't see us staying up.


Really hope Chris pulls something out of the bag though. He's a good manager that has got us back into the premiership and doesn't deserve anywhere near half the stick that he gets.

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Stay up. Goals will be a problem for all the teams in and around us. Apart from the top 8 (Chelsea, Man U, Arsenal, Tottenham, Man City, Liverpool, Aston Villa and Everton) most of the rest could finish almost anywhere between 9th and 20th. Can we finish ahead of three from Blackpool, Wolves, Wigan, West Ham, West Brom, Bolton, etc? I think we should be able to.

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