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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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IMO, Tiote is the kind of player who needs to have the perfect parts around him to play well. Can't ask too much (or much of anything really) of him, but he can be a dominant DM under the right conditions. Unfortunately, we never provide the right conditions and he's not versatile enough to make-up for his short-comings.

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He just looks like that bog-standard, unspectacular player that £3m typically buys you. On top of not being particularly great at anything, this ridiculous hard-man reputation has gone to his head, and he brings the team down for the sake of his own 'style'.

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He just looks like that bog-standard, unspectacular player that £3m typically buys you. On top of not being particularly great at anything, this ridiculous hard-man reputation has gone to his head, and he brings the team down for the sake of his own 'style'.


Best summary I've seen.

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I don't disagree that that is what he looks like now :|


Maybe the potential was an illusion, or maybe it's all pardew's fault, I;d be happy to get rid of him now if we can sell him for a good price


Last season against Man U at home though...He can be a very good player, maybe only in right circumstances, but if he just had the right mindset it is possible

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Good defensive or holding midfielders are generally supposed to be players you don't notice much. They cut off the angles, win the ball back, play simple balls unless there is an obvious attacking option, and go about their jobs without much fuss. I notice Tiote far too much. He carries the ball far too much for us and holds it far too long. That was always the case, but it's gotten worse as his form has deteriorated over the past 12-18 months. I notice the guy losing the ball for us in dangerous areas an alarming amount. I notice him flying into stupid challenges or trying to take back unwinnable ball 4-5 times a match. His whole "hard man" image is part of that too. We have this petulant guy who has proven to be a bit of loose cannon when what we need there is someone who calms every one down and allows the team to build.


To be honest, I've never loved the guy, but when things are going well he's an entertaining character, and he provides real physicality in midfield, which none of the other midgets were doing until Mou arrived on Tyneside. If he does go, I'd like a direct, albeit improved and more consistent replacement. People talk about having three lightweight passers in midfield and playing more fluid football, and this is a possibility, but I'd much prefer a talented, physical ball winner that isn't Vurnon Anita.

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As a single purpose defensive mid or anchorman he's superb. But that means changing him back from the all purpose midfielder Pardew has tried to change him in to. He simply isn't good enough for this role but it seems Tiote has a taste for it and wants to be that type of player now, that creates and shoots and does other stuff he's not very good at.


Really that's it for me, if he wants to go back to the protector role and stick to that, keep it simple, retain possession and pass it to better creative players as soon as he can and wait till the opposition are in possession again until he does anything then we've got one of the best in the league. However if his head is now in all action mode down to Pardew and the crowd shouting shoot at every opportunity, then he can take his glory seeking shite elsewhere and well get someone in intelligent enough to know their own game and how to be effective for their club.


I desperately want him to stay, but think it will take a bigger manager than Pardew to tell him what to do and what is right for him and the club.

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"He reminds me of Essien, if I am honest, he is that type."He needs to learn that in and around our third, he needs to be a lot safer - he can be a bit loose there - and he needs to be more progressive in his play."There is so much more to come from him if we can get him out of just popping it off safely."When he attacks teams and runs at them, he could be as effective for us as Essien is for Chelsea."





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I still think if he's kept in check and disciplined properly to keep it simple he can form a formidable partnership with Sissoko. He needs firm management and direction from Pardew which has not been evident for the last year or so.

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Pardew should be back up ladders and scrubbing toilets. One of the stupidest things you'll ever read from a manager.


The sad thing is that it's one of many :no: how can one man come up with one idiotic quote followed by another?!


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Tiote pledges future to Newcastle

Shields Gazette-41 minutes agoShare

CHEIK Tiote says he is happy at Newcastle United amid talk of Russian side Lokomotiv Moscow preparing a bid for him. The Ivory Coast international has been ...

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Tiote pledges future to Newcastle

Shields Gazette-41 minutes agoShare

CHEIK Tiote says he is happy at Newcastle United amid talk of Russian side Lokomotiv Moscow preparing a bid for him. The Ivory Coast international has been ...


Nah Cheik it's fine. Go if you want to, dont worry about it :thup:

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Pardew is keeping his fingers crossed Tiote’s first season at St James’s Park won’t be his last.


“I am hoping there are no bids, ­otherwise we will have a problem,” said the Toon chief.




"We like to think, certainly I have that ambition, that in two or three years time, if we can sustain our ­status and keep getting the TV ­money invested wisely, that we can hold off that next bid which might be for Cheik in 18 months time or so.


“We have to get ourselves in a ­position to do that because at the moment we’re not and we have to accept that.”


Didn't realise he was doing this so early into his time here (and only days after Carroll left :lol: )


Oh and...


“Our style will change from now. Not having a 6ft 3ins striker around means we have to come up with something different.”
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