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Jonás Gutiérrez (now managing Club Almagro)

Crumpy Gunt

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The lot of them (coaching staff) were more interested in being popular and having a laugh than getting the best out the players.


Like a strange David Brent parody.


'So JC, tell us about your staff'

'The playas, they're the legs...Mike, the brains...Lee the thumb'

'And which part are you John'

'The huuma'.

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Guest firetotheworks

Would you expect to find out that your contract at work was going to end via telephone after working for a company for 7 years,  where your last act was stopping it from going tits up? Or would you at least expect a meeting in person and a thank you? Even if it was just with your line manager?


It's abhorrent man, the decision being the right one and the person telling them being acceptable doesn't make the method of doing so any less pathetic and disrespectful. Even if he'd hung up and rang Jonas separately it would have been marginally better, but it seems that NUFC insists upon being a stomping ground for absolute arse holes.

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Surely they knew that their contracts where about to end? It's not like they are getting sacked, they are out of contract.


In my work, I would have got a Fucking letter through the post.

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Don't care that Carver was the one to do it, he's their manager after all. It's not like he's done anything else as manager. Of course he did it in a shit way doing it over the phone, but what else can you expect at this point. The crater faced fucker has shit the bed at every possible point in his tenure.

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Carver was told to do it.


Well f*** me, a manager told to deal with players. Whatever next.


He's the head coach. If he isn't the one making that decision I'm not sure those doing it should be hiding behind him.


He's their manager, it's his job to do the ugly things even in football. That's how most of the world works if you are a manager.


Carver being such a tart to his "mates", is more pathetic.


If I was being let go at work, I would expect at least someone of Director level to tell me face to face.

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Can't really believe the club let them leave the stadium/training ground knowing they weren't going to renew their contracts. They might have been shit players but they weren't Nile Ranger, they deserve a bit of common decency.

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The only major issue here, in my eyes, is that he asked Taylor to pass the phone to Jonas rather than calling Jonas separately. Informing them that their contracts would not be renewed is the job of the manager, just a shame that means the mumbling lickspittle Carver choosing the quickest and easiest way of doing so.

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I'd have been surprised if they did it any other way tbh.  Par for the course.

Par for the course for this club or all clubs. Think its a scummy way to let go pros at a club one of which has been with us since 2008 the other 2009.


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The only major issue here, in my eyes, is that he asked Taylor to pass the phone to Jonas rather than calling Jonas separately. Informing them that their contracts would not be renewed is the job of the manager, just a shame that means the mumbling lickspittle Carver choosing the quickest and easiest way of doing so.


Spot on. Which was probably Carvers choice.

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The only major issue here, in my eyes, is that he asked Taylor to pass the phone to Jonas rather than calling Jonas separately. Informing them that their contracts would not be renewed is the job of the manager, just a shame that means the mumbling lickspittle Carver choosing the quickest and easiest way of doing so.


This, entirely.


It's a manager's job to do this, I've done it countless times to staff. It's not nice, but there's no way on Earth that I'd phone someone to do it. You get them in, sit them down and have the decency to do it face to face.


Carver might have been told to do this, which is quite right, but I can't imagine for a single moment that he was told to just ring them up and use only one phonecall to do it, and that there was no other way he was allowed to tell them. :lol:


The man's a fucking idiot. I hope they sack him by sending the cunt a text.

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The only major issue here, in my eyes, is that he asked Taylor to pass the phone to Jonas rather than calling Jonas separately. Informing them that their contracts would not be renewed is the job of the manager, just a shame that means the mumbling lickspittle Carver choosing the quickest and easiest way of doing so.



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Ive seen the video and its a bit confusing, Taylor says it was unbelievable that he was asked to pass the phone over then goes on to defend Carver


Seemed to back track, when he realised he was talking about his mate.

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He's not the manager though. He's the head coach. He has no influence over contracts.


Yes he does.


He's part of a 3-man team that identify players. Charnley, Carr and Carver. That's how it worked with Pardew, that's how it'll work now and that's how it'll work going forward. The head coach WILL have a say, maybe not the biggest say, but he'll have a say on who comes in, who goes out and who is retained.

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