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Alan Pardew


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I was "just following orders/relaying what I was told" is a terrible excuse. His complicity in being a doormat/tool of Ashley's, IMO, is all compounded by that first quote of his.


The way Ashley runs the club, he's exactly what we need though (if that makes sense). It's no good a manager coming in wanting to stamp his authority because he'll not last five-minutes. Our best bet short-term at least unless we get taken over if this as they are. The day Pardew leaves under Ashley is the day we well and truly are fucked imo, because at least he came in knowing what to expect. Nobody better than Pardew would in these circumstances.


Good post :thup: I can't disagree with any of that Nut.


I hope he does a good job on the coaching side of things - he's done reasonably well so far IMO.


At the same time though, I am not so quick to separate out Pardew from the regime that everyone loathes precisely because he did know what to expect. It's all about if and when Ashley goes - it's all a bit depressing until then!

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We'll probably flit between upper and lower mid-table for a couple of years (which let's face it is where we've pretty much been since Sir Bobby left anyway), I reckon we ride it out because I can see good things from us in a few years. We've still got some cracking players here, some very promising youths coming through, I reckon we can progress despite Ashley rather than because of him, and I've got respect for Pardew for what he's done and is doing under the circumstance. I know people will say, "It's his choice, etc" but someone has to do it, and I can't see things going well without him. He's the best match for Ashley and the club as it stands.

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We'll probably flit between upper and lower mid-table for a couple of years (which let's face it is where we've pretty much been since Sir Bobby left anyway), I reckon we ride it out because I can see good things from us in a few years. We've still got some cracking players here, some very promising youths coming through, I reckon we can progress despite Ashley rather than because of him, and I've got respect for Pardew for what he's done and is doing under the circumstance. I know people will say, "It's his choice, etc" but someone has to do it, and I can't see things going well without him. He's the best match for Ashley and the club as it stands.


Can't disagree with a word of that.

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We'll probably flit between upper and lower mid-table for a couple of years (which let's face it is where we've pretty much been since Sir Bobby left anyway), I reckon we ride it out because I can see good things from us in a few years. We've still got some cracking players here, some very promising youths coming through, I reckon we can progress despite Ashley rather than because of him, and I've got respect for Pardew for what he's done and is doing under the circumstance. I know people will say, "It's his choice, etc" but someone has to do it, and I can't see things going well without him. He's the best match for Ashley and the club as it stands.


Well said. Sad, sad state of affairs

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I don't think it's that bad. Things should be much much better than they are under Ashley, but on the downside things could be a whole lot worse without him. It's frustrating as fuck man. :lol:

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We'll probably flit between upper and lower mid-table for a couple of years (which let's face it is where we've pretty much been since Sir Bobby left anyway), I reckon we ride it out because I can see good things from us in a few years. We've still got some cracking players here, some very promising youths coming through, I reckon we can progress despite Ashley rather than because of him, and I've got respect for Pardew for what he's done and is doing under the circumstance. I know people will say, "It's his choice, etc" but someone has to do it, and I can't see things going well without him. He's the best match for Ashley and the club as it stands.


:thup: Cracking bit of positivity.

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As I alluded to, maybe I'm missing a sanguine prefix before my username Nut, but I struggle to share your optimism!


Not because I think we don't have some cracking players, and some exceptionally promising youths... but because I don't think I can really get excited about Newcastle again with Ashley at the helm - perhaps because on some level, I was naive enough to get excited by the core Hughton had put together leading up to Christmas last year! I really did think even if we built gradually on what we had, we would be pushing for Europe within a season or so.


Now, we are left with thoughts of what might have been.

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As I alluded to, maybe I'm missing a sanguine prefix before my username Nut, but I struggle to share your optimism!


Not because I think we don't have some cracking players, and some exceptionally promising youths... but because I don't think I can really get excited about Newcastle again with Ashley at the helm - perhaps because on some level, I was naive enough to get excited by the core Hughton had put together leading up to Christmas last year! I really did think even if we built gradually on what we had, we would be pushing for Europe within a season or so.


Now, we are left with thoughts of what might have been.


Pretty much agree. With Hughton's core, I was actually very proud of the team and had big hopes for a future filled with players who loved and cared for the club. As you say, I'm very much left with a thought of what could have been :(

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We'll probably flit between upper and lower mid-table for a couple of years (which let's face it is where we've pretty much been since Sir Bobby left anyway), I reckon we ride it out because I can see good things from us in a few years. We've still got some cracking players here, some very promising youths coming through, I reckon we can progress


Sounds like a great opportunity for a quality manager - mid table club in the Premiership is one of the best managerial jobs in the world you can ask for, especially one with such a promising future. Finances are great, every manager should expect to lose their better players if stupid bids come in, when replacing them transfer spend doesn't matter as long as the team is improved on paper.


Doesn't quite fit in with:


The day Pardew leaves under Ashley is the day we well and truly are f***ed imo, because at least he came in knowing what to expect. Nobody better than Pardew would in these circumstances.



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You think someone better than Pardew would work with Ashley?


No, but I don't see why you don't as you largely agree with his strategy and most of his decisions.

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Pardew's getting played the same way Keegan, Hughton and JFK were played.


LLiambas: /places hand over phone receiver and giggles.  "Alan wants to know how much money he has to spend."


Ashley: /looks thoughtful, passes gas.  "Tell him we have more tarmac to do and a couple more bore holes there some left in the kitty but I don't have a firm figure yet" /giggles 


LLiambas: /laughs hysterically, wipes tears from eyes  "Kevin, err, Chris, oh wait haha...Alan, we have the accounting dept working on an audit now.  You and Graham find some more targets and we'll let you knwp when we can get them.  Try for Erdinc one more time.  Yeeessss I know he doesn't want to come but hey you never know!

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Where did I say that here? I said as things stand this is the best situation. No one better will come in an accept it.


As far as I can tell you agree with most of Ashley's important decisions and strategy for running the club, ie cutting the wage bill, minimal transfer spend or making a profit, targeting "good value" players only (out of contract/last year of contract/not wanted by club/trying to leave club), selling Carroll & Nolan, putting Barton on the transfer list, the way Enrique's new contract has been handled. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I've seen you arguing in favour of all of them. I'm sure you've done so, but off the top of my head I can't remember you being critical of Ashley on anything specific at all (nothing that would be relevant to a manager anyhow).


I don't like the man one bit, but saying that, decisions wise over the last 2 years there's not much I'd have done different.


You seem to think Pardew is having to do nothing that managers of other clubs don't have to do, and isn't having to put up with decisions being made over his head that managers of other clubs don't have to.


So, as I said, if you generally agree with the way Ashley is running the club, and think it is heading in the right direction with a bright future, what exactly is it that makes you say no manager better than Pardew would take the job? Why would these managers not see it was a good job to have?

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CaulkinTheTimesGeorge Caulkin



Alan Pardew calls for #Nufc board to release cash & end strife: http://t.co/LVZSlYk (subscribers)


5 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply


For non-subscribers, see the Telegraph article lately mentioned in other threads.


I didn't see them , have now.

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Pardew's getting played the same way Keegan, Hughton and JFK were played.


LLiambas: /places hand over phone receiver and giggles.  "Alan wants to know how much money he has to spend."


Ashley: /looks thoughtful, passes gas.  "Tell him we have more tarmac to do and a couple more bore holes there some left in the kitty but I don't have a firm figure yet" /giggles 


LLiambas: /laughs hysterically, wipes tears from eyes  "Kevin, err, Chris, oh wait haha...Alan, we have the accounting dept working on an audit now.  You and Graham find some more targets and we'll let you knwp when we can get them.  Try for Erdinc one more time.  Yeeessss I know he doesn't want to come but hey you never know!


Keegan did actually scoff recently at the idea that Pardew would be given any money to spend. I can't believe Ashley would be so stupid as to rubber stamp Keegan's view by failing to back his own preferred choice as manager with any investment. It's not even as if he has to buy the players Pardew wants. Just buy the players your scouts want.

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Wonder if the pennies dropped yet with Pardew as he gets a right old shafting or are we talking a bit early about his frustration and the next few weeks will see a change by the board to curtail a mutiny by players,fans and the boss .Sorry guys for looking through rose tinted glasses but i really want to believe that a crisis doesnt exist and all this is a bad dream  :undecided:

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