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John Carver

Guest neesy111

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Carver will put up with literally anything to continue managing the team. He doesn't give a shit who is bought, who is sold, he will do exactly as he's told and he won't complain at any point. For this reason alone I make him favourite to be in charge of the club on opening day 2015-16.


No matter how he's treated he's clamming to do the job. The thick cunt deserves all of the shit that's coming, fuck him, he's 100% dispensable and will be binned as and when the cunts above him decide. He's collateral damage and he'll sink without trace within weeks of being sacked.

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Not looking for a "yes" man last week, this week the biggest yes man I have ever seen is in the job. What a fucking shameless, spineless, pathetic cunt of a man. If he walked they'd probably appoint that bald headed wanker Stone or that ugly cunt Beardsley. Shame that someone like Beardsley has decided to wrap his lips around Ashley's cock, great player but utter shithouse of a bloke.

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Carver is not a "yes" man. He's a "please thrown one up me, I'll not even complain, man".


It's embarrassingly transparent and he's the new club doormat. Dare say Ashley could smear his shit all over Carver's face in a meeting and Carver would keep on smiling like the pathetic fat, gormless cunt he is.

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Anyways ... seriously how can someone have so little dignity? Honestly, this level of desperation is just unbelievable.


To see this so blatantly is just galling. Human nature is a hell of a thing. This guy has sold his soul just for a glimmer of notoriety.


He's a pathetic excuse of a man. No strength or back bone whatsoever.

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Comes across as a right twat in that interview, to the point it looks like they almost stick him up a bit. Probably, not far from the truth though.


His general arrogance and incessant delusional self promotion of his supposed talents, experience and people he has worked under is staggering. We are supposed to believe he isn't a yes man and has this wealth of knowledge and experience working under some greats that will see improved performances. Yet there is no evidence of any of that happening while he has been back at the club if he is good enough and not a yes man.


Literally don't know what to do as a supporter when his appointed full time in July, after our two month "search" wields nothing.



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Empty vessels make the most noise man.


All this noise is just confirmation that he has nothing about him, and he'll fail miserably.


No one with anything about them would ever talk this much. It's absolutely ridiculous.


A man should always let his actions state exactly what he is about, more so than his talk.

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Carver is not a "yes" man. He's a "please thrown one up me, I'll not even complain, man".


It's embarrassingly transparent and he's the new club doormat. Dare say Ashley could smear his shit all over Carver's face in a meeting and Carver would keep on smiling like the pathetic fat, gormless cunt he is.


Get off the fucking fence, man.

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Guest dazzanufc1892

I'm sure he was actually likeable under Sir Bobby. What happened to him? Maybe Bobby just brought the best out of everyone.


This i'd imagine.


id ask this question to bellamy

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