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Right, being from darn sarf, I've never come across the term "radgie", would someone be kind enough to explain what it means? :)


Nutter/ Eg Joey Barton has just stubbed a cigar out in that kids eye........he's a fucking radgie him like

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Right, being from darn sarf, I've never come across the term "radgie", would someone be kind enough to explain what it means? :)


A charver who is particularly more of a heed the baal than his fellow marras.

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Right, being from darn sarf, I've never come across the term "radgie", would someone be kind enough to explain what it means? :)


A charver who is particularly more of a heed the baal than his fellow marras.


An angry charver who starts on everyone, but never actually partakes in violence, due to the fact malnourishment has left him/her vulnerable to getting his/hers arse kicked by a three year old.

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I don't think eastern europeans understand the concept of jeans.  I've never seen one in anything other than trackies.


Who the hell is it?


Thought it was Lionel Perez for a second. Then I realised he was with a bird.

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Guest dazzanufc1892

all footballers are chavs. never seen one in a pair of chinos, some flats and a polo for a casual day out. Then they get into a modified bling car. pointless & scummy

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Winner, that's all i could think watching the match last night.


Hearing him speak is the worst though, christ.

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Vinny Jones always struck me as one of those fuckers who's never taken a good punch.

I'd love to see him start on somebody and get kicked to a pulp.




Tamer Hassan kicked his head in as well, the bloke from Football Factory etc.



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