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Mehdi Abeid joins Panathinaikos


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So excited for this guy's birthday tomorrow, I've already picked out what I'm going to put on his Facebook.


Done, fucking hell, hope he likes it. :undecided:


Nice shot of yourself, mate.

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He played pretty well tonight against Ashington but let himself down slightly in the 2nd half when after a slight block went down very easily while squealing like a girl.  It was quite embarrassing and angered the Ashington players and sparked a few minutes of tasty challenges mostly on him!!  He reacted again after about the 3rd foul/late challenge in the space of 5 mins.

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The Prem isn't played the way fucking cloggers from Ashington play man :lol:


I know that, but getting kicked about a bit won't do him any harm will it? The Premier will probably feel like Dutch football in comparison so it's a good initiation.

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Guest Rainforest

:lol:    :lol:


I love how facebook lets us follow the intricacies of modern relationships.

"it`s complicated" next :lol:




Facebook man, there was this lass updating her FB status while she was giving birth,

Status: "8 CM vaginal opening atm!"



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