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Actually quite tired of this holding midfield Makalele role bull s***. If we play 3 central midfielders, 2 should be able to attack and defend, and if 1 is further up #10, then so be it. If we have to play 3 central midfielders all responsible attacking and defending, great. But the idea that you basically just lose an attacker b/c 1 is sitting back protecting his back line is something I wish could go away from football.


Miss the days you'd just talk about 2 teams going out there trying to out attack the other. s*** has gotten so overly tactical it's become a bit of a bore to me.

Too f***ing right :thup:


Souness was right, tactics are shite.

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I'm amazed so many on here seem to disagree with that sentimental given the sickening Cheick Tiote love-in that's been going on for almost half a decade.

I can accept a purely defensive midfielder if you are playing with two seriously attacking full backs, otherwise it's a waste of a player in too many games.

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Actually quite tired of this holding midfield Makalele role bull s***. If we play 3 central midfielders, 2 should be able to attack and defend, and if 1 is further up #10, then so be it. If we have to play 3 central midfielders all responsible attacking and defending, great. But the idea that you basically just lose an attacker b/c 1 is sitting back protecting his back line is something I wish could go away from football.


Miss the days you'd just talk about 2 teams going out there trying to out attack the other. s*** has gotten so overly tactical it's become a bit of a bore to me.

Too f***ing right :thup:


Souness was right, tactics are s****.


I don't enjoy watching a wonderfully thoughtful defensive performance that ends up a nicked 1-0 victory these days. I ain't got the fucking time or patience for it anymore. Just go out and play football.

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It was nice to see original Tiote go out there and play a good game, tackle well, recycle possession, keep ball moving quickly and then just be an overall beast. Then he decided he'd start to be something he's not and significantly lost his athleticism and ball playing. 

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Actually quite tired of this holding midfield Makalele role bull s***. If we play 3 central midfielders, 2 should be able to attack and defend, and if 1 is further up #10, then so be it. If we have to play 3 central midfielders all responsible attacking and defending, great. But the idea that you basically just lose an attacker b/c 1 is sitting back protecting his back line is something I wish could go away from football.


Miss the days you'd just talk about 2 teams going out there trying to out attack the other. s*** has gotten so overly tactical it's become a bit of a bore to me.

Too f***ing right :thup:


Souness was right, tactics are s****.


I don't enjoy watching a wonderfully thoughtful defensive performance that ends up a nicked 1-0 victory these days. I ain't got the fucking time or patience for it anymore. Just go out and play football.

If it's a genuinely good defensive performance, I can certainly enjoy that. A backs against the wall, defend for your life performance though? Nah, fuck that.

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Football is interesting because it can be played so many different ways, I like a thoughtful possession or counter attacking game as well if it's executed properly. Not all-out defense and hope for a bit of luck like, that's different.

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Defensive midfielders are ultimately a side effect of the pragmatism that has engulfed English football since European influence became prominent around 15 years ago. Fortunately I think they're now basically a dying breed, while some sides - namely Man U - have never deployed them with genuine regularity.

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Actually quite tired of this holding midfield Makalele role bull s***. If we play 3 central midfielders, 2 should be able to attack and defend, and if 1 is further up #10, then so be it. If we have to play 3 central midfielders all responsible attacking and defending, great. But the idea that you basically just lose an attacker b/c 1 is sitting back protecting his back line is something I wish could go away from football.


Miss the days you'd just talk about 2 teams going out there trying to out attack the other. Shit has gotten so overly tactical it's become a bit of a bore to me.




The Pirlo-Pogba/Marchisio-Vidal midfield at its peak was awesome to watch. Pirlo sitting deep, spraying passes across the field with the other 2 shuttling box-to-box.

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Actually quite tired of this holding midfield Makalele role bull s***. If we play 3 central midfielders, 2 should be able to attack and defend, and if 1 is further up #10, then so be it. If we have to play 3 central midfielders all responsible attacking and defending, great. But the idea that you basically just lose an attacker b/c 1 is sitting back protecting his back line is something I wish could go away from football.


Miss the days you'd just talk about 2 teams going out there trying to out attack the other. s*** has gotten so overly tactical it's become a bit of a bore to me.


When was this ever the case?


As long as i've been watching football it hasn't.


Defensive midfielders are ultimately a side effect of the pragmatism that has engulfed English football since European influence became prominent around 15 years ago. Fortunately I think they're now basically a dying breed, while some sides - namely Man U - have never deployed them with genuine regularity.


However - their best side in the CL generally fielded at least two deep midfielders although more playmakers than defensive.


I would say playing 3 midfielders with a back 4 is innately defensive. The game becomes about "control" rather than attack.

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As long as you've been watching the sport, you've been convinced Cabella is the size of Shawcross :lol:


Speaking in general terms; I'm so tired of football these days it's sad. Premier league seems dead to me and I get angry at European or cup competitions BC we aren't arsed for that either. f***s sake I'm more excited about the MLS these days just bc its an escape from the s*** manager, MD and p*ss take of an owner we have. Never really like a player too much bc he's going to be sold, or the manager won't like him bc he's too maverick or too attacking and not enough tackle. Depressing crap club with no real reason for existence in its current state - the league years ago seemed a ton more fun to me, and even during our boom and bust times as well; minnow teams would go out there and try and beat the living socks out of a big club; seems now it's all about keeping things tight and hoping for some magic ala Pardew.

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Guest reefatoon

Cracking point Kanji.  Football in general now is absolute shite and a total borefest.  Can't remember the last time I sat and watched a game.

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It's not the individual matches I have a problem with, I watch quite a lot of games. It's more the bigger picture of how futile the overall competition is. Especially for us of course. And then the dodgy owners, leagues, associations, governing bodies, diving and all that stuff.

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The more money there is in the Premier League, the higher the stakes are. This means an increasing number of clubs are terrified of doing anything but grinding out enough points to stay on the gravy train, and avoiding injuries by giving up on cup competitions.


It's depressingly straightforward.

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The hype and 'drama' pisses me off anarl.  Feels like a soap opera more than a sport sometimes.  I blame Sky.  Cunts.


The ratio of time spent discussing that crap compared to time discussing the actual game is bizarre to me really. To watch football coverage you wouldn't think it's a top-level elite sport at all... everyone is just talking about either managers getting sacked, someone being racist or refereeing decisions. No wonder nobody has a clue about technique and tactics. 

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The more money there is in the Premier League, the higher the stakes are. This means an increasing number of clubs are terrified of doing anything but grinding out enough points to stay on the gravy train, and avoiding injuries by giving up on cup competitions.


It's depressingly straightforward.




By my reckoning in terms of ambition you've got the top clubs (Chelsea, Man City, Man Utd, Arsenal) followed by a few sides who are trying to improve and challenge (Liverpool, Swansea, Southampton, Everton, Spurs) and the rest are just there to stay in the league and make up the numbers.


We're in the unfortunate group of clubs that aren't likely to go down and not likely to challenge for anything exciting, the zombie clubs.  Least the shit sides get the excitement of a relegation battle.  Truth be told I wouldn't mind getting relegated again, at least it'd bring some excitement back having something to challenge for and try and win.

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The Europa League is fun to watch.


This isn't even the worst PL era. In Mou's first run the top 4 was a closed shop and his boring side won the league easily. La Liga was excellent last season too and the football is pretty good. Results wise the Championship is always interesting.


The amount of crap Super Sunday's this year has been something else. The Saturday Night football doesn't work imo. I do like the MNF. The sport is as entertaining as it has always been largely. Except the NUFC stuff.

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West Ham are trying. Stoke are trying to become a proper PL club throughout. Leicester, Crystal Palace have some decent ambition to become proper PL clubs. Even Hull & QPR too.


It's us, Villa, WBA & Burnley who seemingly want to just stay up and continue. Burnley aren't even trying that hard to stay up.


I would say Swansea look happy to sit in midtable.

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It's not the individual matches I have a problem with, I watch quite a lot of games. It's more the bigger picture of how futile the overall competition is. Especially for us of course. And then the dodgy owners, leagues, associations, governing bodies, diving and all that stuff.




The hype and 'drama' pisses me off anarl.  Feels like a soap opera more than a sport sometimes.  I blame Sky.  c***s.


The ratio of time spent discussing that crap compared to time discussing the actual game is bizarre to me really. To watch football coverage you wouldn't think it's a top-level elite sport at all... everyone is just talking about either managers getting sacked, someone being racist or refereeing decisions. No wonder nobody has a clue about technique and tactics. 


And while the world went all anguish face at Keegan losing his mind in the "love it" rant; there died a man who left every single bit of his personality out there, man. When men like Kevin Keegan get ran out of football by pricks like Mike Ashley and Derek Llambias, or Tony Jimenez, or Alan Pardew can smoke a pole or 2 to get a nice bloke like Hughton out, and so on and so forth - it stinks man. Ain't got a single bit of time for that shit anymore. It's all soul destroying stuff.

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