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Demba Ba (now retired)


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Fuck knees, Ba proved you don't need them, 35m again or nothing.


In my personal opinion, of course he's priceless. Honestly couldn't see any teams going above about £12-15m for him due to the knees shit etc. We're surprisingly forgetting the English factor when comparing Carroll's fee.

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He should get at least 20 goals this season, so I reckon he's worth at least £18m in today's insane market


£18 million in today's insane market? We got £35 million for Andy Carroll last year.


35M is to little, Liverpool got 50M for Torres!!

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Nobody will pay massive money as there will always be that nagging doubt that one bad injury could be the end

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The fact that his knees are fucked means that no club will pay the requisite amount for us to sell - something north of £30m - which means that we won't sell him because he's far too valuable to us. The only risk is that his contract is up in 2 and a half years but honestly, who gives a fuck about that now? We'll be top 4 by that time anyway, so he won't need to move.

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when will he be back from Acon


If Senegal get knocked out in the group stages (final game 29 Jan) he could be back for the Blackburn game (1 Feb).


If they reach the final (12 Feb) he won't be back for us until Wolves at home (25 Feb).

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