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Rob Elliot (now at Gateshead)


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beat at his near post, from this position. I mean come on.




Not as if it snuck in close to the post either:




It's not a complete f*** up, but he should be doing better. He's just massively average.

Bring up a shot of where he is when the shot is kicked, gabiadini has brought it in field a yard or two and I'd guess Elliot has moved more to the centre on that.
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Aye he's expecting it to go to his right you can see him on his way already and it's understandable. A better keeper would have better reactions to get back over.


He's not crap, just average at this level.

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He got down really slow for the 1st but I think it looks worse than it is. When a shot is fired back across the opposite direction you're moving and goes through a defenders legs it's always really awkward. Thought Forster was worse for both our goals.

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It was pretty poor that Atsu or Hayden didn't help Manquillo out more watching the goal again, given he'd jockeyed Gabbiadini from a shouting chance 7 yards out, to making him take a shot on 18 yards out. A Premier League level keeper should save that though.


I've only seen the goal once but i thought exactly that.  It seemed to me like Manquillo had done a decent job in forcing him away from goal, usually in that situation a team mate would come and help the defender out but it didn't happen on that occasion.


I was expecting the ball to go wide and out for a goal kick, i was very surprised to see it go in the net.  Elliott should've done better IMO.

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I'm not sure what he could have done differently. Try to win the ball and he runs a big risk of giving away a penalty and you can guarantee if he'd done that, he'd have received stick because the player was going away from goal. Someone should have been helping there. Then of course there's the weak shot which should never beat an adequate keeper.

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That goal was quite exceptional in the way Gabbiadini worked the opening from a nothing position.

Elliot looks slow going down but most times the forward doesn't get the shot in and if he does 9 times out of 10 it goes far post, which was the way his body was set.

It really was a very clever goal.

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I actively dislike him but it's one of them where a better, more agile, keeper saves it rather than it being attributed as a direct error. I'm far more worried about his command of his area from inswinging FKs and corners which he has been incredibly lucky not to have conceded from this season. His inability to standing jump and/or punch further than a pat is a concern.

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Watching it live I just thought - that's a great goal fashioned out of nothing. Didn't really strike me as an Elliot mistake and still doesn't tbh. Lovely goal.


And based on this game alone, despite the pelters being thrown at Elliot, he was still a fair bit better than the other (far more lauded) keeper on the pitch.

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First goal is still a strange one, even after multiple views.  Manquillo starts off doing a decent job, but doesn't get quite tight enough as Gabbiadini moves away from goal.  Atsu runs back to nominally help out but seems to get in Manquillo's way and allow Gabbiadini that extra yard of room he needs and then Elliot gets wrong footed and reacts too slowly.  Just a bit of a sloppy goal.


Frustrating how much better we'd be with a quality goalkeeper, number 10 and number 9.

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Manquillos fault in the main, but a better keeper saves it.


Worth pointing out that we don’t have a better keeper on our books though.


His kicking seemed to have improved in recent weeks but it went back to be diabolically bad yesterday.


An area of the team we desperately need to stengthen in January.


I think woodman is a better keeper like, people can argue whether he's too young but he is a better keeper.


Although I think you’re right, it’s impossible to say because he’s completely untested at this level.

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