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Mike Ashley

Christmas Tree

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The main problem he has had is bringing in the wrong people. If as rumourrd when he first took over David Dein had come in things would be a lot dofferent instead of a clusterfuck of Lawyer's, Idiot's and self obsessed pricks.


He brought in the perfect person in Rafa. He should leave him to get on with it.

I hope i'm alive to celebrate his death.

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So blatantly staged. And you didn't want to sell the naming rights you cock end, you wanted to use every possible part of the club to get free advertising to your vile company.

Maybe, but wouldn't you? If I bought something and it could give my current business exposure I would.

He had no intention of selling the naming rights to SJP. He said he did in that interview. It's a blatant lie, again.
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No intention whatsoever of watching this s**** but I'd like to hazard a guess that David Craig didn't question or dispute a single claim he made?

He barely asked any questions - Ashley constantly pre-empted it and give an answer - was like a poorly scripted reality show.  Don't waste 30mins watching it - just made my piss boil hearing the tripe coming out of Ashley's mouth.

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Sounds like that was just an exercise in lowering expectations (for us and Rafa), trolling us, some empty apologies so that everyone else thinks he's a reasonable guy and a come and get it plea to potential buyers.


Him and Llambias (if they are still mates) will be streaking across the St James's pitch as we speak.

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Craig's a horrible shithead entirely in cahoots with Ashley and his lot. Haven't watched the whole thing of this yet, but it'll be just as pre-prepared as that bollocks before the West Ham game. Hopefully the masses will see it for the bullshit it is.


I can't fathom why he wants to get into a PR war with the manager. When he was up against the protest groups I could understand it, but not so much now.

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Craig's a horrible shithead entirely in cahoots with Ashley and his lot. Haven't watched the whole thing of this yet, but it'll be just as pre-prepared as that bollocks before the West Ham game. Hopefully the masses will see it for the bullshit it is.


I can't fathom why he wants to get into a PR war with the manager. When he was up against the protest groups I could understand it, but not so much now.


Probably out of sheer bloody-mindedness because Rafa had the temerity to make his feelings known via the press.

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Guest firetotheworks

Well this Chelsea fan kna's the craic.


It comes to something when a Chelsea fan has a better understanding than some in our fanbase.
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Rosies in Newcastle went silent to watch this. I was truly bemused and entirely fucked off as to why people thought anything he was saying had any credibility whatsoever. Despise the cunt me. Won't have any issues with him becoming deceased.

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Daft thing about the Man City comparison is he's right that they're bankrolled with an essentially endless money pit but the comparison is bollocks - Man Utd, Arsenal, Spurs are not.

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The most ridiculous part after all this 'poor me, guys I'm so sorry, but here's the new dream...just give me a chance!' bullshit is, when Rafa walks (possibly before the end of the season, who knows how impossible he will find it), no one (at least not at that dump Sky Sports) will join the dots. Oh, maybe, just maybe, that 'interview' shows him to be the ultimate lying cunt? No, no...it's just typical NUFC drama isn't it! Wankers.


Without a doubt, a large part of our support are stupid enough that when Rafa does leave they'll probably side with Ashley. Some NUFC supporters have a sick likening towards accepting mediocrity and dismissing the prospect of being a successful club. Fucking losers.


Of all the BS he spouted, that guff about Leicester and comparing us to Southampton has to be among the dumbest rhetoric I have ever listened to re football. What a fucking moron. PLEASE, please, please, pleeeeeaase die in agony ASAP you fucking soulless tramp. 

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I just don't get what's the point of doing so.  It shouldn't be his interest to fuck off Rafa and relegate again, isn't it?



he thinks saying ' please lets finish mid table' is doing enough to make it happen. :lol:

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I just don't get what's the point of doing so.  It shouldn't be his interest to fuck off Rafa and relegate again, isn't it?



he thinks saying ' please lets finish mid table' is doing enough to make it happen. :lol:


Exactly. 'I know it's not what noocarsel fans want to hear but let's have a comfortable mid table first'



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when the chinese takeover rumours surfaced earlier this summer, a lot were a little perturbed and had suggested the "better the devil you know" and "ashley's gets it this time" scenarios.


think the sky bullshit puts that firmly to rest. we need him out of our club.

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when the chinese takeover rumours surfaced earlier this summer, a lot were a little perturbed and had suggested the "better the devil you know" and "ashley's gets it this time" scenarios.


think the sky bullshit puts that firmly to rest. we need him out of our club.


Totally agree. Get to fuck Ashley ya fucking man child

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