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Gary Speed (1969–2011)


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His agent and close friend Hayden Evans today read out a statement outside the Speeds’ family home in Huntington, Chester.


He said: “Gary’s family would sincerely like to thank all the people who have sent messages of condolence and tribute.


“We have been overwhelmed by the support. In what is a very difficult time, it really has helped.


“We would ask that the family be given privacy and respect and that they be left to grieve in peace.”

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Shearer was with him briefly on Saturday from what I've heard.


Gary went to visit him at the BBC studios in Manchester. Alan was working upstairs and Speed was down.

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Christ, says something about the world when people assume accidental death from autoerotic asphyxiation is more likely than suicide.


Tbh it crossed my mind because the alternative is far more scary, that someone could present such a front to close  friends and family and appear to people that didn't know him as having so much both professionally and personally to be inwardly thinking of such a horrifying thing. It's a fucking awful tragedy that doesn't make any sense at all, so people are looking to wild or outlandish explanations, because the alternative seems much worse.



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Alan Shearer says he is still numb and in shock over the sudden death of his friend and former Newcastle United team-mate Gary Speed.


In an emotional interview on BBC Radio 5 live Shearer said: "This just doesn't happen to one of your best mates.


"I was with him on Saturday afternoon arranging next weekend. He was coming up with his wife to stay at my house.


"I left the studio, shook his hand and said 'see you next weekend'. Unfortunately I won't.


"[On Saturday] he was happy, joking, we were having the normal mickey taking that we do out of each other and having a laugh and joke about golf trips and holidays that we went on together last year.






Edit: They've added the the audio interview.

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I still can't believe it, I keep thinking it's not real then seeing this thread.


As a Wales supporter, I'd seen a lot of him recently on tv.  He'd turned the team around completely, and seemed really focused on the work he was doing.  You could tell how passionate he was and how much he cared about the team and the lads.  It's just so shocking.

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Didn't catch the Shearer interview, did he mention whether or not Speed was with him at Old Trafford on Saturday?


Nothing from Shearer but I think it was Gary McAllister who said he was at the match.


Seems he wasn't; radio I had on on the way home tonight reported that was. Shearer must be really feeling this.

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