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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Guest reefatoon

Ben Arfa will never "grasp the Premier League" if he's not playing in the f***er, give him a run of games and we'll see if he has or hasn't, a proper run of games not just 2-3 cameos and then drop him because he misplaced a pass.




Haha, hhmm, it was more than 1 misplaced pass

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Guest reefatoon

Krul has the second worst pass completion in the league (40%. Better than only Paul Robinson, who has 26%) :D


haha, that's probably because of aiming for Shola

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Ben Arfa will never "grasp the Premier League" if he's not playing in the f***er, give him a run of games and we'll see if he has or hasn't, a proper run of games not just 2-3 cameos and then drop him because he misplaced a pass.




Haha, hhmm, it was more than 1 misplaced pass

hahaha, hmmm, whu? lol
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Ben Arfa will never "grasp the Premier League" if he's not playing in the f***er, give him a run of games and we'll see if he has or hasn't, a proper run of games not just 2-3 cameos and then drop him because he misplaced a pass.




Haha, hhmm, it was more than 1 misplaced pass

hahaha, hmmm, whu? lol



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Guest reefatoon

Ben Arfa will never "grasp the Premier League" if he's not playing in the f***er, give him a run of games and we'll see if he has or hasn't, a proper run of games not just 2-3 cameos and then drop him because he misplaced a pass.




Haha, hhmm, it was more than 1 misplaced pass

hahaha, hmmm, whu? lol


Again, another quality reply, i bet you were sticking your tongue out while typing that too.  Bless the younguns

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For those who think we've played nice football this season: don't kid yourselves.


In terms of pass completion, our highest rated players are Colo and Tioté with 83.1%. They are ranked 84th in the league with that percentage.


Yes and putting Ben Arfa in the team will not turn us into 70's Brazil.


:lol: Oh dear


Pardew stuck with Obertan when he was utter shit, and manages to come out with those lines regarding Ben Arfa after a couple (1.5*) of poor games and several good/influential ones. It really is baffling. Play him and let him get back to his best ffs. He's better than Obertan in any case.

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Guest hatem garrincha

Even if pass completion actually had a strong correlation with "good football" (I suspect it might not,) putting Ben Arfa in the team really wouldn't improve our pass completion rate.


What's Ben Arfa good for ?

Do you think he could be an improvement for the team ?

Should he change his way of playing ?

How should he play ?


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Pardew's management of Ben Arfa is a weird and puzzling one. Hopefully, in the end, it'll be just be the case of "brilliant man management" and that he's only saying these things in the press to get some sort of positive reaction from Hatem in training (Pardew could have said these things in private too though).


What I'm thinking is that Pardew knows that Ben Arfa is our most talented player in the squad and wants to play him in the team but it could be the case that Ben Arfa needs to be constantly reminded (be it in private or public) that he needs to play a "team game" and not try and do everything by himself. Of course, there will be times when the lad feels he has to do something by himself if things aren't going so well on the pitch (it has been his nature for most of his career) but isn't that the case with a lot of top players? I think it's the case that Pardew wants Ben Arfa to do the more "simpler things" (as in a simple pass/cross into the box from time to time instead of constantly trying to waltz into the box) - if the lad can do that, he's a certain starter.

I think Hatem's defensive work has been alright, he's certainly been tracking back a lot more these days so don't think that should be too much of an issue anymore.

Ultimately, I think Ben Arfa has to adapt his game, as in not to overthink things and just play it simple (think Hatem knows this, he does actually question himself from time to time). I'm not saying that he should stop doing his Messi-type runs but what I am saying is that he should learn that more often than not, a simple pass will lead to a goalscoring opportunity.


Think having Cabaye and Tiote back will benefit Ben Arfa a lot, they can encourage this "playing it simple style" I reckons.

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Guest hatem garrincha

Pardew's management of Ben Arfa is a weird and puzzling one. Hopefully, in the end, it'll be just be the case of "brilliant man management" and that he's only saying these things in the press to get some sort of positive reaction from Hatem in training (Pardew could have said these things in private too though).


What I'm thinking is that Pardew knows that Ben Arfa is our most talented player in the squad and wants to play him in the team but it could be the case that Ben Arfa needs to be constantly reminded (be it in private or public) that he needs to play a "team game" and not try and do everything by himself. Of course, there will be times when the lad feels he has to do something by himself if things aren't going so well on the pitch (it has been his nature for most of his career) but isn't that the case with a lot of top players? I think it's the case that Pardew wants Ben Arfa to do the more "simpler things" (as in a simple pass/cross into the box from time to time instead of constantly trying to waltz into the box) - if the lad can do that, he's a certain starter.

I think Hatem's defensive work has been alright, he's certainly been tracking back a lot more these days so don't think that should be too much of an issue anymore.

Ultimately, I think Ben Arfa has to adapt his game, as in not to overthink things and just play it simple (think Hatem knows this, he does actually question himself from time to time). I'm not saying that he should stop doing his Messi-type runs but what I am saying is that he should learn that more often than not, a simple pass will lead to a goalscoring opportunity.


I agree with you concerning the "simpler things" and regardless of what Pardew wants or thinks I really believe that Hatem will gain in consistency if he plays more simply sometimes.

I have serious doubts about the "man management" think. Give a kick in the ass is Ok if it's balanced with demonstrations of trust. There's no concrete or real trust.

I really hope HBA will find his way and succeed at Newcastle and I'm still convinced he has the ability for and NUFC are the ideal club for him,  but it'll not be thanks to Pardew or his "brilliant man management".


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I do trust Pardew so I'm hoping he's actually handling the situation the way he sees fit (despite how he's managed it in the past/present). Not every player is the same, so for certain players, you just have to handle them differently.

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I want to be angry with Pardew but i keep looking at the table and thinking "the man knows what he's doing". As much as i (and i'm sure most posters here) like Ben Arfa and are aware of how talented he is and what he can bring to the team, its the results that matter, and if were getting them with Ryan Taylor and James Perch then great!

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Guest hatem garrincha

I have no problem with the fact Pardew is doing an excellent job and we can all say he's doing that without Ben Arfa. In that sense, "the man knows what he's doing".

I have a problem with theories like "the man knows what he's doing with Ben Arfa" or "if Ben Arfa turns good, all credit to Pardew man management"

Why not consider the fact he's just convinced his team better without Ben Arfa ? Then again, look at the results and the table.

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Guest VanBarduck

I have to say it's really a bad way to manage this kid , he'll go to the Euro even if he doesn't play that much , the fact is Laurent Blanc love the guy , i'm just afraid that he'll be very good at euro and psg recruit him , the quatar invessor wants a player with muslim origin's for the image of the club in Orient ( adel tarrabt , they even approach Mesut Ozil  ??? ) as a child he was psg fan , actually he lived two blocks from Parc des Princes and his best friend Menez play for psg . Ancelotti will destroy and re-built this talent and we all gonna regret  :'(

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No doubt he will go in the summer if this continues. When a player of his caliber is behind Ryan Taylor and Gabriel Obertan, then that says it all really. I'm not buying the "brilliant man management" suggestions. I think it's the exact opposite, regardless of what Pardew has done to get this club to 5th in the league. Ben Arfa has yet to be given an actual run in the team, and he's yet to do so with our best players in it (including actual strikers in front of him and a set of passing players all around). Such a shame all of this.

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FWIW, really don't think Ben Arfa will be off this summer whatever the situation. For one thing, he'll finally have a chance of having a proper pre-season behind him and that will be a time when we can hopefully find/cement the lad's proper position in the team.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Pardew doesn't have the foresight nor the ability to utilise Ben Arfa in the kind of way that best serves both the player and the team and thus uses bullshit Pro-Zone stats to justify why he doesn't get too many starts. The lad needs to play games and to be given the freedom to work his magic which he has in abundance. The sad thing is he actually works hard, he tracks back, runs around, makes space and gives team-mates an option all the time. He does lose the ball quite a lot but Shola Ameobi misscontrols the ball quite a lot. Obertan fannies about quite a lot. Best gets caught off-side quite a lot. Krul's kicking is poor quite a lot. Pardew's subs are poor quite a lot, as are his tactics. Its about the positives and if Pardew cannot find a place for a player of Ben Arfa's talent in our side ahead of the likes of Obertan and Ryan Taylor, then you have to ask serious questions of his management because he would walk into most sides in this division and many a manager would kill for a player like him. He's too complex an issue for Pardew though who likes to simplify things, that's why we play direct percentages football for one.

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Still struggling to question the management of the manager who has us massively exceeding expectations :dontknow:


I think it's too simplistic to say "Ben Arfa is better than Raylor and Obertan so has to play", imo.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Still struggling to question the management of the manager who has us massively exceeding expectations :dontknow:


I think it's too simplistic to say "Ben Arfa is better than Raylor and Obertan so has to play", imo.


Is it? You play to your strengths is an old cliche bit so fucking true. He works just as hard and in many instances even harder as those two because where they will shy away from the ball or be more negative for example in many aspects of play or their game, Ben Arfa will ask for it and move the team forward etc.


I'd rather see my player keep the ball by going forward than keeping the ball by passing it backwards 10 or so yards. I'd rather see my player take a man on rather than threatening to do but doing nothing ala Obertan.


Pardew is struggling with Ben Arfa and that's a huge cross against him for me when in reality it should be a huge tick because a fully fit and playing Ben Arfa would add far more to this side and our cause than any choice of Obertan or Ryan Taylor.


Ben Arfa alone excites the crowd like none of our other players, that in itself could be a huge factor in our armour if you like.


There are no excuses why he is constantly overlooked in favour of the likes of Obertan and Ryan Taylor, not on such a consistent basis anyway and certainly not based on what Ben Arfa has done in the games or minutes he has played.


This whole issue or saga says a lot about Pardew that concerns me, that he is unable to handled these kind of players. Sir Bobby, KK, they fucking loved such players and built hugely successful sides around them, yet Pardew...? Well he'd rather player Ryan Tyalor there. Jesus wept :lol:

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