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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Tbf I would have been pretty gutted if he had missed. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly complicated. He did take it well, which is all he could do, and he finished it 100% perfectly in terms of technique, speed, control, accuracy and aiming into the bottom corner.

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Tbf I would have been pretty gutted if he had missed. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly complicated. He did take it well, which is all he could do, and he finished it 100% perfectly in terms of technique, speed, control, accuracy and aiming into the bottom corner.



He wouldn't have been to blame had he miss-hit it like, but I expected it to go in before he hit it.

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Tbf I would have been pretty gutted if he had missed. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly complicated. He did take it well, which is all he could do, and he finished it 100% perfectly in terms of technique, speed, control, accuracy and aiming into the bottom corner.


keeping it down whilst hitting it hard was the difficult part imo, did it perfectly.

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Skim read the last ten or so pages.  His passing was marginally better barring that horrendous outside of the foot through ball, the finish was superb and the link up play seemed to be there.


Looked like a weight off his shoulders when he scored, he has looked like a typical Frenchman  :whistle: when I've seen him score in the past, he had the arrogant Henry/Cantona 'am I bothered' look.  But he made a massive point of pointing to the away end, was clapping and blowing kisses after the final whistle and has since done an interview thanking the fans.


Must be a real confidence booster for him.  Can see both sides of the argument about is he an impact player, or should he be starting, but for me, I would start him from the off. 


I think he would feel a lot better in himself, there wouldn't be as much pressure on him to force the game and he would have time to settle into the pace of the match.  He is going to lose the ball at times and misplace passes, but I think percentage wise, this would reduce if he started matches, as hopefully he wouldn't be trying to do so much on his own.

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A problem for HBA and that No10 role in a 4-4-2 is that it does demand a lot of energy and fitness. Beardsley and Bellamy used to run their cods off every game. It doesn't look like Hatem is there yet, and perhaps ultimately it's not his optimum position. At some stage, I'd like to see him wide in a 4-3-3.




Bergkamp n all. If you've the talent to make things happen from nothing for the good of the team then running around like a blue arsed fly is not of importance.


It's the classic northern European issue, preferring braun and effort over ability and nous.


Whilst I appreciate what you are saying, I think the idea that all UK teams prefer a hard worker to a skilful player has become a bit of a cliche in itself.  It is perfectly possible and, in my opinion, desirable to have a playmaker who is brilliant on the ball but also puts the effort in for the team.  Take Beardsley for example - he chased and harried with the best of them but was also a genius when he got the ball.  If it's good enough for Beardsley, it is certainly good enough for Ben Arfa.

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It would be nice to see HBA on the right vs Enrique. Spectacular.

Offensively yes, defenseively not because HBA won't keep Enrique pushed back. I don't particularly like Obertan but think he has the pace to worry enrique enough to keep him pegged back a little bit and will also hug the touchline whereas HBA will drift all over.
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Guest hatem garrincha

It would be nice to see HBA on the right vs Enrique. Spectacular.

Offensively yes, defenseively not because HBA won't keep Enrique pushed back. I don't particularly like Obertan but think he has the pace to worry enrique enough to keep him pegged back a little bit and will also hug the touchline whereas HBA will drift all over.


HBA would do that a lot better than Obertan and more efficiently.


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It would be nice to see HBA on the right vs Enrique. Spectacular.

Offensively yes, defenseively not because HBA won't keep Enrique pushed back. I don't particularly like Obertan but think he has the pace to worry enrique enough to keep him pegged back a little bit and will also hug the touchline whereas HBA will drift all over.


Trying to beat Enrique for pace is the wrong way to go.  That just plays to his strengths, it certainly won't worry him.  Ben Arfa would have a much better chance of causing him problems, but I do agree that we shouldn't use him there.  We'll probably have to forget about trying to cause Enrique problems and focus on weaker areas of there team.

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If we play our usual pressing game there is a chance that Jose will get sloppy with his passing.  It looks to be his only weakness to me - it saddens me to say but he has been brilliant when i've seen him in their games to date.

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Loads of tweets people seeing HBA in town at tea time, worry as surely the squad will have travelled already ?


Morning training


Afternoon game-plan session/walkthrough


couple of hours travel

Team dinner @ hotel



Why would they go any earlier? It's not as though we'll be wanting to use training facilities over there, is it?

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