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good to see them try and gesture '10' with their hands at FT for ten men.  Ten what?  Ten points?

The average IQ of the population of Sunderland.

Average age of the talent in The Bridges.

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Guest Spark


Poor souls :)  I read somewhere that if you're a Sunderland fan under the age of 40, you've seen your team relegated more times than you've seen them beat Newcastle :lol:


Doesn't work if you phrase it like that, unfortunately.


How does it work..?  I like a cheap shot for Monday Morning Mackems :)


Well, if you say it like that then they'll say something like "my 4 year-old nephew is a Sunderland fan". Was reading their forum the other day and that's what they were coming out with.

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@MFarn7 #safc got the moral victory today, #nufc are a set of cheating gets and pardew was a classless disgrace. Pack of twats! #FTM


1 players inciting crowd trouble, 2 players off, 3 players on bail & there fans having being pasting there own shit onto bogs walls! Classy cheesy chip eating cunts!

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Opta Parody ‏ @OptaParody

90 - Perhaps Lee Cattermole is maturing. At least he waited until after the 90mins to get himself sent off this time. Captaincy.



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@MFarn7 #safc got the moral victory today, #nufc are a set of cheating gets and pardew was a classless disgrace. Pack of twats! #FTM


aye, i forget that those 'moral victories' are worth double premiership points come the end of the season  :mike:


had a quick look at RTG and there must be at least 15+ threads about nufc's manager/players/fans on the front page alone, but they're not obsessed or bitter or anything...

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Guest johnson293

@MFarn7 #safc got the moral victory today, #nufc are a set of cheating gets and pardew was a classless disgrace. Pack of twats! #FTM


aye, i forget that those 'moral victories' are worth double premiership points come the end of the season  :mike:


had a quick look at RTG and there must be at least 15+ threads about nufc's manager/players/fans on the front page alone, but they're not obsessed or bitter or anything...


I think they must believe you get extra points or goals for supposedly being 'Classy', hence why they harp on about it so much.

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[Police] said the majority of fans were in good spirits but some damaged a Metro train and there had been 18 arrests.


Police said on one Metro train, which was put on specially for the game, a window was pushed out, emergency cords were pulled and the roof damaged. It caused delays on the service.


What a classy bunch of fucking apes.

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There were some absolute scum amongst the escort today and they got away with murder. Granted the organised metro through was a shambles, but when we finally got on a metro crammed like sardines some thick pulled the emergency cord "for a laugh". Ha ha ha


Then half a dozen thick C**ts thought it hilarious to piss inside the metro, coz they were too stupid to ensure they had emptied their bags before getting on. Cue a metro carriage flowing in piss. Charming.


Basically pissing on their own supporters. Nice.

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Hard to blame them for all that like.


Most of them probably only leave the shire once or twice in their lives, so being confronted with such advanced technology as metros must have been terrifying. Imagine one of them trying to discern what the hell is going on when the doors open automatically.

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Hard to blame them for all that like.


Most of them probably only leave the shire once or twice in their lives, so being confronted with such advanced technology as metros must have been terrifying. Imagine one of them trying to discern what the hell is going on when the doors open automatically.


Wew, that pewer makkay yellew snake is eating me marras man!  I'l save yew!

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