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Swansea City 0 - 2 Newcastle United - 06/04/12 - post-match reaction from pg 39


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I love to watch good footballing team that use the ball well, i think Swansea are more interested in keeping the ball than looking to score.


That's one of the worst half's of football I've watched in ages,  that's not because we cant get the ball but because whenever Swansea's options up front don't look too good they don't take a chance on a pass they pass it back to their keeper. Boring fucking snoozefest.



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Who gives a shit about the possession stats, let them have thier possession stats they are doing f*ck all with it and we will take the 3 points.


Barca have poisoned the whole world to thinking possession matters more than anything else it means f*ck all if you dont do anything with it.

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We get a lot of the 'this is boring' comments by opposition fans, especially when their team doesn't touch the ball a lot.


Our game is based on patience, keep possession while looking to probe forward, if nothing shows, don't do a hit and hope, keep the ball. That way the oppo don't get that 50/50 ball and attack us, while you don't have the ball you don't score and while your chasing shadows your players tire. Doesn't always work obviously as your one up, but its worked often enough this season for us to be almost safe.


I'm sure all us Swans fans would love to see more going on in the oppo's box, maybe that will happen when  we can just nip out and buy players for 9 million plus. Until then we'll stay patient. Until about 3-4 years ago our record buy was just over 300K and that record had stood since 1981.


Looking at some of your guys comments, it appears your bigger fans of the 'Stoke City' style, if you can call it that.


Can't disagree with that, we're doing a lot of that hit and hope shit and its getting us nowhere.

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We get a lot of the 'this is boring' comments by opposition fans, especially when their team doesn't touch the ball a lot.


Our game is based on patience, keep possession while looking to probe forward, if nothing shows, don't do a hit and hope, keep the ball. That way the oppo don't get that 50/50 ball and attack us, while you don't have the ball you don't score and while your chasing shadows your players tire. Doesn't always work obviously as your one up, but its worked often enough this season for us to be almost safe.


I'm sure all us Swans fans would love to see more going on in the oppo's box, maybe that will happen when  we can just nip out and buy players for 9 million plus. Until then we'll stay patient. Until about 3-4 years ago our record buy was just over 300K and that record had stood since 1981.


Looking at some of your guys comments, it appears your bigger fans of the 'Stoke City' style, if you can call it that.


You've made that assumption on fuck all, pal.

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We get a lot of the 'this is boring' comments by opposition fans, especially when their team doesn't touch the ball a lot.


Our game is based on patience, keep possession while looking to probe forward, if nothing shows, don't do a hit and hope, keep the ball. That way the oppo don't get that 50/50 ball and attack us, while you don't have the ball you don't score and while your chasing shadows your players tire. Doesn't always work obviously as your one up, but its worked often enough this season for us to be almost safe.


I'm sure all us Swans fans would love to see more going on in the oppo's box, maybe that will happen when  we can just nip out and buy players for 9 million plus. Until then we'll stay patient. Until about 3-4 years ago our record buy was just over 300K and that record had stood since 1981.


Looking at some of your guys comments, it appears your bigger fans of the 'Stoke City' style, if you can call it that.







To be fair you can keep possession all you want but when you have 1 shot in 45 minutes it obviously isn't being very effective.

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I'm happy for them to pass it around us for another 45 minutes. No threat whatsoever so far..


I'm worried that Graham and Sinclair would give them a boost at some time in the second, they can punish us. Hopefully we can hit them on the counter before that..

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We're not going to play old-school Arsenal football every week. We could do with trying to hold onto it a little bit more, sure, but if you're gonna win at Swansea - you're gonna have to grind it out. Unless you're Manu.


It's not pretty in the slightest, but we're doing absolutely fine.

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Who gives a fuck about possesion stats? let their two CB's and keeper keep 100% possession if they like, their aren't doign anything past the half way line apart from one shot from 30 yards.

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We're away from home against a decent side whose entire game is based around dominating possession. Whilst I'd like to see us pressing a bit further up the pitch and we've been very sloppy when we have had the ball, I would imagine that Pardew is delighted with how it's gone so far.

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Guest guinness_fiend

We get a lot of the 'this is boring' comments by opposition fans, especially when their team doesn't touch the ball a lot.


Our game is based on patience, keep possession while looking to probe forward, if nothing shows, don't do a hit and hope, keep the ball. That way the oppo don't get that 50/50 ball and attack us, while you don't have the ball you don't score and while your chasing shadows your players tire. Doesn't always work obviously as your one up, but its worked often enough this season for us to be almost safe.


I'm sure all us Swans fans would love to see more going on in the oppo's box, maybe that will happen when  we can just nip out and buy players for 9 million plus. Until then we'll stay patient. Until about 3-4 years ago our record buy was just over 300K and that record had stood since 1981.


Looking at some of your guys comments, it appears your bigger fans of the 'Stoke City' style, if you can call it that.







To be fair you can keep possession all you want but when you have 1 shot in 45 minutes it obviously isn't being very effective.


This.  There is a difference between a war of attrition and a lack of imagination.

Swansea play blue-ball football. Dry humped us for 45 mins without even coming close to getting our pants off.



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