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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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Simpson played well against the mackems to be fair. He gets some undeserved stick considering how much we pay him and how much we got him for. He must be one of the cheapest right backs in the league.


If it was against a better team than scum we would have conceded a couple because of him backing off, fortunately petrol face and the rest were poor. His cross that Mignolet collected was one of the worst i've ever seen. He did Ok apart from this i guess.

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What I don't understand is why he doesn't just HIT the f***ing ball with pace into the box and that his high-floating crosses don't do a damn thing because it allows defenders/keepers time to react and get positioned for it (on top of the cross being poorly aimed to boot). If his accuracy on crossing was so poor, the easiest solution in my book is to tell him to drive the ball with pace early and into space.


I'm sure our staff have instructed him on this...i hope, it just must not click for him in matches?

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Disappointed if he doesn't start ahead of Perch on Sunday.


Can't see it happening in a 4-4-2, nor should it IMO.  He's looked like a passenger when we've played that formation.


Our whole midfield is a passenger in 4-4-2, though yes anita does look like a 3 man midfield player

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Disappointed if he doesn't start ahead of Perch on Sunday.


Can't see it happening in a 4-4-2, nor should it IMO.  He's looked like a passenger when we've played that formation.


Our whole midfield is a passenger in 4-4-2, though yes anita does look like a 3 man midfield player


To a point yes.  Would certainly much rather we played with a 3.  Anita really looked out of place though, whereas the others battle on and do ok regardless

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I want to see Anita drop down and start our moves in the way he did at Ajax. He's a very interesting player considering where he's learned his trade and what systems he's been brought up in.


Ajax are, and has been for some time, of the most cultivated and modern tactical schools in the world. They are always on the front foot when it comes to develop players that are functional in the modern game. The modern game is currently being dominated by teams who are able to contain possession and play with a dynamic midfield where players aren't held back by fixed positions. I think Manchester United illustrated this, especially in the opening stages at SJP where they appeared to be 20 players on the pitch because of their fluid movement. I think we've signed a player who's educated in a very interesting role and could prove to be a very functional player if we nurture and use him correctly.


Anita carried a role in Ajax - from what I saw - that was integral to a team playing a very modern kind of football. For us, his role would mean him dropping into a back three when we are in possession of the ball, whereas he protects it with Tioté when we are defending. In possession, it gives our full-backs the opportunity to join in and the wingers to push further forward. When defending, we'll be in a position to leave Cabaye and the wingers in supporting roles for Ba/Cissé when we win possession back.


On the ball I'd be more of a 3-4-3 (which Barcelona and other teams are playing from time to time)



      Taylor Anita Coloccini

Simpson  Tioté      Santon


Ben Arfa  Cissé        Ba


This all of course assuming Pardew gives over and starts playing the system we all think suits us best.

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I could see Anita going on to being our Ramires, based on nothing but being a quick, small, battling, shuffling, foreign black player who many thought lack the physicality to succeed in the PL.


ATM Jonas has that kinda Ramires role (of last season) where he plays like a very narrow wideman who helps out in the middle without any of the running in behind Ramires does. I think Anita could do that job better than Jonas.

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Ok, i'm gonna get a little tin foil hat here but when he was discussing terms with us one of the things that was mentioned was that they wanted to discuss and have assurances on where he would play.  We can only assume that he was told he would play in midfield for the most part as that's what he sees as his natural position. 


He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would move just to sit on the bench and he knew Tiote and Cabaye were here as our midfield pairing and weren't likely to be displaced.


With all that in mind, is it possible that Pardew sold him on the idea of playing in a midfield 3 with Cabaye and Tiote?  Could that be a sign that we are aiming to play a 433 and just waiting for Anita to get up to speed before we unleash it?  Is it possible to make custard from a packet that doesn't end up lumpy with a manky skin on the top?

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I want to see Anita drop down and start our moves in the way he did at Ajax. He's a very interesting player considering where he's learned his trade and what systems he's been brought up in.


Ajax are, and has been for some time, of the most cultivated and modern tactical schools in the world. They are always on the front foot when it comes to develop players that are functional in the modern game. The modern game is currently being dominated by teams who are able to contain possession and play with a dynamic midfield where players aren't held back by fixed positions. I think Manchester United illustrated this, especially in the opening stages at SJP where they appeared to be 20 players on the pitch because of their fluid movement. I think we've signed a player who's educated in a very interesting role and could prove to be a very functional player if we nurture and use him correctly.


Anita carried a role in Ajax - from what I saw - that was integral to a team playing a very modern kind of football. For us, his role would mean him dropping into a back three when we are in possession of the ball, whereas he protects it with Tioté when we are defending. In possession, it gives our full-backs the opportunity to join in and the wingers to push further forward. When defending, we'll be in a position to leave Cabaye and the wingers in supporting roles for Ba/Cissé when we win possession back.


On the ball I'd be more of a 3-4-3 (which Barcelona and other teams are playing from time to time)



      Taylor Anita Coloccini

Simpson  Tioté      Santon


Ben Arfa  Cissé        Ba


This all of course assuming Pardew gives over and starts playing the system we all think suits us best.


I'm a fan of mad/unusual formations as anyone but I'm yet to be sold on even Barca's 3-4-3 formation, and man us midfield may pass ok but is there for the taking by any team who can play a higher tempo. He may be a Javi Martinez type, false cb stepping into midfield in possession but do we have the wing backs to accomodate 3 at the back without being too defensive? Not sure, much rather alongside Tiote in a 4-2-3-1 but doing less of the ball winning and more circulating the ball.

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I want to see Anita drop down and start our moves in the way he did at Ajax. He's a very interesting player considering where he's learned his trade and what systems he's been brought up in.


Ajax are, and has been for some time, of the most cultivated and modern tactical schools in the world. They are always on the front foot when it comes to develop players that are functional in the modern game. The modern game is currently being dominated by teams who are able to contain possession and play with a dynamic midfield where players aren't held back by fixed positions. I think Manchester United illustrated this, especially in the opening stages at SJP where they appeared to be 20 players on the pitch because of their fluid movement. I think we've signed a player who's educated in a very interesting role and could prove to be a very functional player if we nurture and use him correctly.


Anita carried a role in Ajax - from what I saw - that was integral to a team playing a very modern kind of football. For us, his role would mean him dropping into a back three when we are in possession of the ball, whereas he protects it with Tioté when we are defending. In possession, it gives our full-backs the opportunity to join in and the wingers to push further forward. When defending, we'll be in a position to leave Cabaye and the wingers in supporting roles for Ba/Cissé when we win possession back.


On the ball I'd be more of a 3-4-3 (which Barcelona and other teams are playing from time to time)



      Taylor Anita Coloccini

Simpson  Tioté      Santon


Ben Arfa  Cissé        Ba


This all of course assuming Pardew gives over and starts playing the system we all think suits us best.


I'm a fan of mad/unusual formations as anyone but I'm yet to be sold on even Barca's 3-4-3 formation, and man us midfield may pass ok but is there for the taking by any team who can play a higher tempo. He may be a Javi Martinez type, false cb stepping into midfield in possession but do we have the wing backs to accomodate 3 at the back without being too defensive? Not sure, much rather alongside Tiote in a 4-2-3-1 but doing less of the ball winning and more circulating the ball.


I'm not saying we should adapt any plain 3-4-3 but rather the 4-3-3(4-2-3-1) that could easily turn into 3-4-3 and take different shapes. It's a flexible and dynamic set up that really encourages a type of football that I think suits our playing material apart from ONE position (right back). If we'd had Debuchy or someone else with a bit more edge to his game, I'd say we have a near perfect set up to play this way. Especially if we want to control games. Ben Arfa and Ba can drift into more dangerous positions if someone else is attacking down the wing. We know Santon is capable of that.


Anyway, just a thought.

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I use that 3-4-3 on Fifa lol although it's more of a 3-4-1-2.



Although it isn't a flat back 3 as Anita is slightly in front of the two CB's who split.


Also agree with the whole flexible and dynamic set up mantra when we used 4-3-3 at the end of the year it usually changed on the fly depending on where the attackers were moving.


And as you say with Anita dropping back the fullbacks could push on and Cabaye could drop back alongside Tiote and Ben Arfa move closer to the front 2.


You would hope so in the long term anyway, also the reason Barca's 3-4-3 didnt work because of how ridiculously narrow it was and how Alves was part of the back 3 (:lol:)


3-4-3 can work if you have width as teams like Napoli have shown with the personnel we have it would be a lot more width based than Barca's was.

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I could see Anita going on to being our Ramires, based on nothing but being a quick, small, battling, shuffling, foreign black player who many thought lack the physicality to succeed in the PL.


ATM Jonas has that kinda Ramires role (of last season) where he plays like a very narrow wideman who helps out in the middle without any of the running in behind Ramires does. I think Anita could do that job better than Jonas.


It makes me laugh when people still talk about size and its relevance to the premier league.


Size got nothing do with it.  When midgets like Gianfranco Zola and Claude Makelele have flourished in this league and arguably when it was even more physical back then compared to the whistle blow happy refs we got today.


Apart from decent skills, Aggression and the hunger to fight in games is what players need at least to survive in this league.  Not size.



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I like to think that Anita will take some time to develop but will really come into his own and be an excellent starting 11 player for us soon. I think he just needs to put in the displays to displace Jonas in the team, and he needs to start doing it in matches like the Europa league and really be the driving player for us. When he was in midfield earlier in the season he was dropping back and collecting and playing the ball on the deck.


Also the Ramires analogy is exactly what I was thinking as well.  Spot on.

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I think Anita can help a lot in the Europa league and as backup right back, but playing him too much in the midfield right now will turn the fans against him and damage his confidence. I am confident he, like Colocini and Santon can overcome a slow start and get fit enough to compete. I think he does give us tactical flexibility, but we don't really defend through possession right now and that seems to be his main thing. He can help us shift towards that in the long run.


Not sure where this is going, just skeptical of saying he may be ahead of perch in the midfield pecking order. Perch may be less creative or dynamic, and may not be as good a footballer in the long run (who am I kidding Perchinho is the greatest player of all time) he makes more sense to me right now behind Cabaye with Tiote.

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