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Luuk de Jong signs for PSV


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Thought he was awful today, cant remember a worse debut. When Sissoko put him through and he didnt even get a shot in!

That first touch was a key sign of a player who is lacking confidence, we can only hope he improves with fitness/game time.

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Thought he was awful today, cant remember a worse debut. When Sissoko put him through and he didnt even get a shot in!


He looked like a player in a pre-season game. Given his situation of having only played a mininsucle amount of minutes this season for BMG I thought he did well. Of course we would have loved him to have come in a changed the game with a couple of goals, but that was never realistic under the circumstances of his season so far.

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Will hold my judgement till he's fully fit and had a few games. Still looked far better than Shola.


we are in deep trouble if he not better than Shola......


My mums better than Shola, that shouldn't be a fucking benchmark.

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Guest Roger Kint

He did okay.


This. Thank God we took nigh on 2 months to agree a loan deal, not like we needed better than Shola before today

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Guest Roger Kint

Very harsh to judge him on todays performance, the fact he could control a ball and pass it to a player in the same colours was a bonus.



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We've basically signed the Dutch Cisse in terms of this seasons game time. Was never going to go well today. Should've sorted the transfer out by Jan 2nd and he might've built up some form, confidence and sharpness for today's game.


Why would you expect us to sign someone so early in the window...that would suggest we have a plan.

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We've basically signed the Dutch Cisse in terms of this seasons game time. Was never going to go well today. Should've sorted the transfer out by Jan 2nd and he might've built up some form, confidence and sharpness for today's game.


Why would you expect us to sign someone so early in the window...that would suggest we have a plan.


That also assumes that his club wanted to sell (loan) him so early in the window.....while we heard that they wanted to line up their own replacement.

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I thought some were doing a parody with their comments but it seems they actually are judging the lad on yesterday's performance :lol:




:thup: He clearly isn't the best striker in the world, but fuck me ''White Shola'' and judging him based on 45minutes where he actually had two-three shots on goal and with more sharpness could've gotten even more is beyond moronic.

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Good player or not, from what I saw yesterday he is a target man, and with Cabaye gone, we will now revert to Pardews favored long ball game which is just awful to watch. 

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