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Guest Geordiesned

2-game touchline ban and £20k fine for the push on the lino.


Hopefully he'll be able to see from up in the stand that 4-4-fucking-2 isn't working!

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Guest johnson293

2-game touchline ban and £20k fine for the push on the lino.


Hopefully he'll be able to see from up in the stand that 4-4-fucking-2 isn't working!


Ha ha, is that not when he changed it vs Spurs, when he'd been sent up top?


Hopefully it'll work again.

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...I don't think 4 points out from Spurs, Chelsea and Aston Villa is THAT shit.


It's not, except that we were outplayed by Spurs for large parts of the game, but scored two goals from nothing to get 3 points. We've shown a similar lack of shape in all three games other than that.

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IMO he needs to keep his head down, get the team fit, sort the tactics out and focus on football again.


Forget talk on keeping players, mike doing so well at keeping players (and pissing them off) and stop trying to gloss over a hugely missed opportunity of a transfer window.

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I wasn't happy with his latest statement that the fans should realize this was a good window and him firmly standing in the Mike and Decka's corner. I get it that there are two sides of the coin and that some (even on this board) do feel that it was a good window because we kept all our main players, but as manager there is no need for him to take sides and make us realize things which really sounds condescending. Whatever his intention was, lost some respect for him with that statement.


How the f*** is that "taking sides"?


Err perhaps because Mike and Decka obviously think that what we have is sufficient to carry us through to January. Unless you're suggesting that they are looking on gleefully whilst sabotaging us. And absolutely no need with the f***ing


You miss my point. I think it's imbecilic to look at it as "sides". As "us" vs "them". f***ing imbecilic, in fact..

I wasn't happy with his latest statement that the fans should realize this was a good window and him firmly standing in the Mike and Decka's corner. I get it that there are two sides of the coin and that some (even on this board) do feel that it was a good window because we kept all our main players, but as manager there is no need for him to take sides and make us realize things which really sounds condescending. Whatever his intention was, lost some respect for him with that statement.


How the f*** is that "taking sides"?


Err perhaps because Mike and Decka obviously think that what we have is sufficient to carry us through to January. Unless you're suggesting that they are looking on gleefully whilst sabotaging us. And absolutely no need with the f***ing


You miss my point. I think it's imbecilic to look at it as "sides". As "us" vs "them". f***ing imbecilic, in fact..


I don't normally support the us vs them approach but that is how Pardew has presented his views when he said that we fans must realize that it was a good window ie that there are two 'sides' with different views and we're wrong. To miss that point, makes your position idiotic even if you try to mask it with using big words beyond your normal vocab. Now kindly fuck off.

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pardew needs to find a way to make things work in home games like, and i'd like to see him do it sooner rather than later


Our home record under Pardew is fantastic. Only lost 5 in the league.


no i know, but i was one of the ones saying last year if he didn't change it up teams would cotton on and we'd stop winning as many games at home, around the wolves/mackems/norwich games that became very apparent however HBA's performance against the mackems and the WBA away game turned the season for us imo and changed the way we played


now we're back where we were based on limited evidence, pardew playing 4-4-2, the team not able to put any sort of coherent passing game together and a piece of individual brilliance getting us out of jail, that can't go on forever


the following is obvious to me: cabaye needs to play higher up the pitch, hba needs to be on the ball more, ba & cisse need either coaching how to play together and stay out of each others way or one of them needs to be off the pitch


the only person who can change any of that is pardew, that's all i'm saying


we were fucking terrible against villa like, we never opened them up once really iirc, and teams who can defend better than them will come to SJP and shut up shop...it's not about overreacting to one performance but i hate not being able to objectively judge something i can see with my own eyes


EDIT: and the lack of movement at times of sunday was horrible, i remember more than once with an opportunity to break we had 4 players moving up the pitch together almost in a bank of 4 with 2 strikers up top, when they got 20 yards or so away from the strikers they laid it off to one player and the other three just stopped and stood still waiting for something to happen so instead of villa having to defend against 6 players making runs they only needed to stop 2 strikers who were already marked and the guy who had the ball...it's basic football for me like


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  • 2 weeks later...
ALAN PARDEW last night mounted a fierce defence of Mike Ashley’s spending policy and asked disgruntled Newcastle fans to be thankful for the current state of their club.


Criticism over the United owner’s lack of spending during this summer’s transfer window has noticeably increased over the past week, with fans voicing their concerns on radio phone-in shows and across social media.


Newcastle failed to land the big-name signing so many had hoped to see, and with some top players lacking form so far this season, coupled with injuries to key stars such as captain Fabricio Coloccini, the squad suddenly appears quite threadbare.


Pardew was well aware of the mutterings from some supporters ahead of tomorrow night’s crucial Premier League clash at Everton.


However, the Toon boss said: “You have to look over the period of 18 months that I’ve been here. I think we have spent very well and wisely.

Mike Ashley


“You could argue that we should have gone out and spent (more) money on players, but then if it didn’t work out that would have been a bigger criticism. We spent the money wisely and I think our fans should be thankful for that.


“Graham Carr did a tremendous job in targeting players and we have done our best to develop the ones we already have, and we think there are one or two at the club that the fans haven’t seen yet.


“They haven’t seen Sammy Ameobi this season or much of Romain Amalfitano. Cheick Tiote has hardly played.


“So I think we should be thankful for what we’ve got. We have a competitive squad.


“I have no problem with these radio debate shows, I really don’t.


“I do think they tend to lean on the negative rather than the positive.


“You have to look at the bigger picture.


“We had a fantastic season last year and this time we’ve had two European games and two international breaks; the season hasn’t really got going.


“There has been this talk because, in my view, the fans have had some time on their hands.


“Now we have a run of games and I think we’ll prove that we are a good side.”

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ALAN PARDEW last night mounted a fierce defence of Mike Ashley’s spending policy and asked disgruntled Newcastle fans to be thankful for the current state of their club.


Criticism over the United owner’s lack of spending during this summer’s transfer window has noticeably increased over the past week, with fans voicing their concerns on radio phone-in shows and across social media.


Newcastle failed to land the big-name signing so many had hoped to see, and with some top players lacking form so far this season, coupled with injuries to key stars such as captain Fabricio Coloccini, the squad suddenly appears quite threadbare.


Pardew was well aware of the mutterings from some supporters ahead of tomorrow night’s crucial Premier League clash at Everton.


However, the Toon boss said: “You have to look over the period of 18 months that I’ve been here. I think we have spent very well and wisely.

Mike Ashley


“You could argue that we should have gone out and spent (more) money on players, but then if it didn’t work out that would have been a bigger criticism. We spent the money wisely and I think our fans should be thankful for that.


“Graham Carr did a tremendous job in targeting players and we have done our best to develop the ones we already have, and we think there are one or two at the club that the fans haven’t seen yet.


“They haven’t seen Sammy Ameobi this season or much of Romain Amalfitano. Cheick Tiote has hardly played.


“So I think we should be thankful for what we’ve got. We have a competitive squad.


“I have no problem with these radio debate shows, I really don’t.


“I do think they tend to lean on the negative rather than the positive.


“You have to look at the bigger picture.


“We had a fantastic season last year and this time we’ve had two European games and two international breaks; the season hasn’t really got going.


“There has been this talk because, in my view, the fans have had some time on their hands.


“Now we have a run of games and I think we’ll prove that we are a good side.”


Getting a bit narked with his attitude tbh. About time manned up imo...

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