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How highly do you rate... Robert Pires?


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Rio was light years ahead of Terry.


He wasn't and definitely isn't now. Both should have been more than they are though, could have been a truly great partnership for England, naturally they weren't.


Have to agree to disagree, well I agree Rio has fallen to bits now but in their prime Rio was infinitely better than Terry. Rio could do it at all levels, very rarely impressed with Terry at international level due to his lack of pace and technical ability.


Agreed. Terry is the uber PL centre-back, but at international level was often found out and that's because that level is much more technical, slower and more about ability. Terry stands out in our league because he is great at the basics, heading, clearing his lines, winning important last ditch tackles etc. At international level such acts are rarely asked of a centre-back, however. Terry is the Andy Carroll of centre-backs, Rio the Rooney.




Terry was custom built for the PL and was/is a very good defender but Rio had so much more to his locker. He was hardly weak or a poor leader either. Just an all round, much better defender/player.

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Don't get me wrong I think Rio was better but the difference isn't lightyears or a massive difference. Also Terry is actually decent on the ball and an alright footballer, just a bit slow and robust at defending and HTT you're kidding yourself if you think that kind of defender is only a PL product albeit he'd be better here than anywhere else

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Rio Ferdinand was a much much better player than Terry. Terry is a centre-back and that's it, Ferdinand is a footballer full stop. I wouldn't even say he was or is a great leader, Drogba was by far and away the true leader at Chelsea. Terry is or has been one of the best CB's in the Premier League era, but as a footballer others, especially Ferdinand rank way ahead of him or should do. Carvalho was better than Terry and Woodgate when fit, easily as well.


It's actually incredible that there's a group of people who'd even dare suggest that Woodgate was better than Terry. Woodgate had a tad more pace, that's it. Terry's criminally underrated by biased people for being a cunt. Why not just tell the truth?

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Rio was light years ahead of Terry.


He wasn't and definitely isn't now. Both should have been more than they are though, could have been a truly great partnership for England, naturally they weren't.


Have to agree to disagree, well I agree Rio has fallen to bits now but in their prime Rio was infinitely better than Terry. Rio could do it at all levels, very rarely impressed with Terry at international level due to his lack of pace and technical ability.


Lack of technical ability? What have you lot even been watching?

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Rio was light years ahead of Terry.


He wasn't and definitely isn't now. Both should have been more than they are though, could have been a truly great partnership for England, naturally they weren't.


Have to agree to disagree, well I agree Rio has fallen to bits now but in their prime Rio was infinitely better than Terry. Rio could do it at all levels, very rarely impressed with Terry at international level due to his lack of pace and technical ability.


Lack of technical ability? What have you lot even been watching?


No point in arguing with you over a Chelsea player tbh, as for the biased because he is a dick comment when did it first become clear he was a complete knob? I have had concerns over his ability outside the premier league for as long as I can remember.

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If John Terry was born a Geordie and had played for us for over a decade you'd be sucking his wang from here to Kingdom come. Just tell it like it is, man.


Of course I would ffs! :lol: Look at our defenders over the last decade.


That has absolutely no bearing over the fact I rate Rio Ferdinand far more highly.

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Rio had more ability but Terry isn't no hack.... some of the passes he's done over the years proves he's a lot better technically than people give him credit for.


Terry also was leagues above Rio when it comes to leadership and organisation which to me for a defender is more important than talent.


Also FYI Terry has been fantastic this season and only 2nd to Mertesacker as far as CBs go for this season.


I'd feel a helluva lot better about our chances if he was going to Brazil, so far above the ones that will go its not even funny.

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Rio had more ability but Terry isn't no hack.... some of the passes he's done over the years proves he's a lot better technically than people give him credit for.


Terry also was leagues above Rio when it comes to leadership and organisation which to me for a defender is more important than talent.


Also FYI Terry has been fantastic this season and only 2nd to Mertesacker as far as CBs go for this season.


I'd feel a helluva lot better about our chances if he was going to Brazil, so far above the ones that will go its not even funny.


I agree with this. Though I'd put Adams, Walker and Campbell above the both of them. All high quality central defenders though, we've had some crackers in my lifetime.


EDIT: Terry Butcher was absolute quality too, both as a defender and as a leader.

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Think Terry is getting too much credit this season.


For the first half of the season, he was decent at best. Since they've sat a bit deeper and always played a dedicated DM (or two) he's been great. In fact, he's always great when most of the play is ahead of him. When he has to worry about what's behind him that turning circle can get badly exposed.


Clearly Rio's been the better player. At his peak he could get into any side in the world more or less. That's never been the case for Terry.

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Getting past the (I hope purposeful) irony first, I was the one agreeing with you that Rio wasn't the all encompassing better player. Terry is/was a very good player Good work. He's a bellend, like many, doesn't mean anything regarding his general ability though.


He's just fun guy to mock due his constant wankery and equally scummy family who love the Tabloids. Naturally you can't see this.

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Getting past the (I hope purposeful) irony first, I was the one agreeing with you that Rio wasn't the all encompassing better player. Terry is/was a very good player Good work. He's a bellend, like many, doesn't mean anything regarding his general ability though.


He's just fun guy to mock due his constant wankery and equally scummy family who love the Tabloids. Naturally you can't see this.


They're both very good players. Both equally score high in the cuntery stakes.

Not sure I agree with TCD's statement that Rio at his peak would get in any team in the world either . There's always been at least 2 better centre halves in the World than him.

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Getting past the (I hope purposeful) irony first, I was the one agreeing with you that Rio wasn't the all encompassing better player. Terry is/was a very good player Good work. He's a bellend, like many, doesn't mean anything regarding his general ability though.


He's just fun guy to mock due his constant wankery and equally scummy family who love the Tabloids. Naturally you can't see this.


They're both very good players. Both equally score high in the cuntery stakes.

Not sure I agree with TCD's statement that Rio at his peak would get in any team in the world either . There's always been at least 2 better centre halves in the World than him.


Can't be bothered to go through the finer details but IMO this is probably true.


Just to hoy it out there I'd be interested to see where Jaap Stam would rank on this fake list of greatness.

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Getting past the (I hope purposeful) irony first, I was the one agreeing with you that Rio wasn't the all encompassing better player. Terry is/was a very good player Good work. He's a bellend, like many, doesn't mean anything regarding his general ability though.


He's just fun guy to mock due his constant wankery and equally scummy family who love the Tabloids. Naturally you can't see this.


They're both very good players. Both equally score high in the cuntery stakes.

Not sure I agree with TCD's statement that Rio at his peak would get in any team in the world either . There's always been at least 2 better centre halves in the World than him.


Can't be bothered to go through the finer details but IMO this is probably true.


Just to hoy it out there I'd be interested to see where Jaap Stam would rank on this fake list of greatness.


Now there was a defender Jeez.

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Since it still says "Baggio" in the title...


Not a massive Baggio fan. Didn't really get to see much of him at the time and when I've gone back and seen his old games he was a good dribbler of the ball but a little bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, still a very good player, but I can't put him up there with the legends.


He was like a forward version of Zidane for me, very svelte on the ball, dreamy like almost.


Italy have produced some top forwards over the years, forwards of differing styles. The early to mid 90s was boom time in that department throughout the world. Italy had Baggio, Vialli, Ravenelli, Signori, Zola, Del Pierro, Mancini and I'm sure I've missed off others. Baggio was the cream of the crop for me.


I'd go along with that - he was far and away the best of a bunch of outstanding Italian forwards. Not a striker, not "just" a number 10 either - as is the case of most of those you've listed. Amazing to think that players of the ilk of Guisseppe Signori (28 caps) and Gianfranco Zola (35 caps) played for their country so few times.


Even Baggio "only" got 56 caps - one more than Jermaine Defoe has for England.


And in answer to the question, I rate Baggio very highly indeed - he might not be Zidane, but if he had scored that penalty we might very well be saying that he is. Italy 94 was carried to the final by him alone as far as I'm concerned, and he oozed class on the pitch. The sort of player that you want to emulate when playing, and then watch again after the game...

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