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Not worthy of a thread - Euro 2020 edition

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As the end of the tournament is approaching, just want to say how absolutely class the forum has been the last couple of weeks. It's obviously helped that England have gone so far, but all the discussion threads on each game/group etc. have been great - place has had a real buzz about it. Even the arguments I feel like have been (on the WHOLE) fairly good natured. Gives a good preview of what this place could be like if we all had a good club team to get behind :aww:


Also just want to add I haven't started drinking yet. :lol:

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1 hour ago, joeyt said:

Great tournament overall ?


It was class. An absolute feast and an incredible tonic to the grind of club football and particularly NUFC. Adored the lot of it; so many great games, great moments, and England were marvellous. Top stuff. 

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9 minutes ago, Kanji said:

This tourney got me back to loving football again. Maybe international football only but just really thoroughly enjoyed every match I saw. 

Absolutely the same, thought I enjoyed CL too but international football is just on another level. Loved Italy and planning to watch some Serie A next season, seems like a really interesting league now.

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2 hours ago, Pata said:

Absolutely the same, thought I enjoyed CL too but international football is just on another level. Loved Italy and planning to watch some Serie A next season, seems like a really interesting league now.

Same here. Going to start following that league more myself. 

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I will do my best to not pick a team. I was in love with Milan growing up given Maldini, Weah, and all of their legendary players but have since really not followed them since Maldini left. 

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Serie A is a class league to watch, I got into it through betting due its consistently high goal and card count, the old Italian stereotype of defensive football is long gone. Sides like Atlanta and Sassuolo are a joy to watch.


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