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Newcastle United vs. Man City - 15/12/12 @ 12:45pm (Live on Sky Sports 2)


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This week has certainly been up there as one of my worst weeks ever. And now City come knocking. :anguish:


Sorry to hear that Dyeyz. Just batter Interpolic on the prediction league this week and you'll feel better. O0 He's like Greece 2004, doesn't deserve owt. I'm sure Ba will save us on Saturday too.


Edit: just seen your predictions, mate - not a lot of confidence in the defences of the Premiership, I see! Not a clean sheet in sight!!

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It's one of those games where you're not expecting anything at all so even a point will feel like a win.  At least we won't have the usual hurt that comes from crushed hope and bitter disappointment.


It's NUFC, they'll find a way to crush us.

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Guest palnese

With total club wage bill of £201,789,000 in 2011-12, #MCFC become first English club to break £200m barrier. That's £552,846 a DAY on wages.

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Guest ItalianMagpie

The problem is that Man Utd is going to beat the mackems, and if City don't beat us they'll fall 8 or 9 points behind. Can't see this happening.

At least for once we don't have to wait ages to watch this shit.

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6:30 here :harry: I have to pick someone up from the airport early anyway, so might as well wake up for it.

might as well...MIGHT AS FUCKING WELL!!!!???


:lol: Of course I would always wake up for it, haven't missed a game all season. Just gives me a better reason to do so.

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6:30 here :harry: I have to pick someone up from the airport early anyway, so might as well wake up for it.

might as well...MIGHT AS f***ing WELL!!!!???


:lol: Of course I would always wake up for it, haven't missed a game all season. Just gives me a better reason to do so.

tbf if girl 1 wasn't wasn't to go, i'm not 100% sure i'd i'd have renewed my season ticket (more a premier league thing than a newcastle thing)
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This week has certainly been up there as one of my worst weeks ever. And now City come knocking. :anguish:


Sorry to hear that Dyeyz. Just batter Interpolic on the prediction league this week and you'll feel better. O0 He's like Greece 2004, doesn't deserve owt. I'm sure Ba will save us on Saturday too.


Edit: just seen your predictions, mate - not a lot of confidence in the defences of the Premiership, I see! Not a clean sheet in sight!!


Thanks for the arm round the shoulder. :thup: It's not that I was exaggerating things based on the odds of this game. :lol: Everything just hasn't gone to plan this week. A trend started by Pacquiao's KO that soon reverberated on everything else I'm into. Work's become hellish, all my sports teams lost, bad news galore, etc.


Aye, I fixed that up. Just realized in previous predictions that I never really predict a lot of clean sheets. :lol: Guess I should do that more often. :)


About the game, I just want Marveaux and Anita to get the nod. They're the only source of any flair in our ranks at the moment. It's an 8:30pm here, so I might as well go for it. Might reverse the trend if I actually watch my f***ing team. :lol:

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Ugh. As if we have a fucking match tomorrow. I've hardly even bothered looking at the forum or any NUFC sites since the Fulham game. I come in from an excellent staff night out and see we've got a bastard fixture. Thanks a lot, fixture computer/Sky.


I start work tomorrow at 2 and I'm in till we fucking close, which will likely be about 12.30am. The positive of that is that (nearly as many 'that's as that that that that famous neesy post) we'll probably be 3 or 4 nil down by the time I have to drag myself away from my half price staff postmix and actually start my shift.


Was going to do a stupid "if we win I will" pledge but what's the fucking point? We'll get battered and it will be grim.

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