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Worst Signing of the Last Decade

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We didn't really play Smith as a striker though, and he actually had some use in getting the club back to the Premier League. Luque cost a lot more and scored once in two years.


Have to say, I think you've gotten them mixed up here.


IIRC Allardyce gave Smith something like 28 starts up front (mostly Premiership games) before Keegan joined and dropped him straight away - Smith was probably one of the main reasons for Allardyce's undoing here, as he did absolutely sod all up front (bar one OK'ish game against Arsenal) and was essentially dragging the entire team down. The guy had plenty of chances for us, both up front and in midfield, but couldn't hide the fact that he was just a talentless footballer who had fooled his way into a lucrative career at the top levels after one small purple spell early on with Leeds.


Luque was the one who wasn't given a chance, and although in hindsight it was the right decision, at the time there were plenty on these forums pretty annoyed at how overlooked he was whilst he wasted away on the bench (and this was during Shola's absolute worst form for us).


Fair enough, I didn't realise just how many times we played him up front. It was Alex Ferguson that tried to mould him into a midfielder after realising he couldn't score goals. IIRC whilst here he changed his mind a few times as to where he preferred playing. I still think he was of some use to the club though, unlike Luque.

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Well over 50% of the vote going to players signed by:



Halcyon days.


Just as much as Bobby was a masterstroke, Souness was the beginning of the end. The Souness era culminated in relegation and that's the direct link. Not only did we sign shit players, we sold good ones.


Michael Owen for me is the worst because he embodied everything wrong with that era. Over paid, over hyped, always injured, mercenary and worst of all - lack of heart.

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Owen could well be the twatest signing ever. But he's not the worst. 


I think worst incorporates a number of things. Owen had a negative impact on all levels of the club especially our finances.


Not on the pitch, he didn't. His record was decent enough.


Terrible captain, offered no leadership in the time we needed it most. If that's not a negative impact on the pitch then I don't know what is.


So? Every player out there has weaknesses. At least Owen scored goals.

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Guest fraser

Alan Smith was terrible but full of effort even though he milked the cow while he was here.


These share the prize:


Marcelino was fucking useless.

Luque was fucking useless.

Boumsong was fucking useless (debut v Yeading I think. The facts were obvious then to anyone who was there).

Ignacio, why?


On the other hand I take comfort from Sibierski who was a useless signing but a good acquisition.


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Keegan did not drop Smith straight away at all. He was playing every week in a 4-4-2 with Owen, until that mint 4-3-3 came along and we started pissing on teams.


I can recall a conspiracy theory on here suggesting Smith was contractually obliged to play every game, based on the fact Ashley had his name on his shirt. :lol:

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I'd put Souness ahead of the lot of those, but if we're strictly saying players I think Babayaro or Boumsong surely.


Agree completely. His appointment set the ball rolling as far as relegation was concerned; it's a wonder it took so long.


Out of those players, it's so difficult. I'd probably go for Owen, but he did have the occasional spell. It was arguably his overall contribution in 07/08 that kept us up, n'all. Pains me to say anything remotely positive about that ginormous cunt, mind.


It probably is him really. Everything was about him when he was here, and he didn't give a shit. He's the only person in the football world i've ever genuinely hated.


Xisco/Gonzalez 2nd.

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Owen could well be the twatest signing ever. But he's not the worst. 


I think worst incorporates a number of things. Owen had a negative impact on all levels of the club especially our finances.


This is the key factor. The other candidates didn't contribute very much. Owen actually had a negative effect.


Apart from the huge amount of money wasted that could have been spent elsewhere, managers were afraid to drop him because of his reputation. If his name had been Jack Smith he wouldn't have played in half the games that he did. Injuries had rendered him an ordinary player.

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Don't know how people can seriously consider Owen. I dislike the guy more than everyone else on the list but I recognize that he at least had some good spells for us. Luque had nen of that and didn't cost THAT much less.

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my vote went nacho Gonzalez, not so much for the playing time but more the effect his signing had on the club, it was his signature which was the catalyst for the whole relegation season.

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Gonzales was actually injured right in the first game or something? Remember seeing him giving an interview in some Finnish newspapers cause his achilles was operated here.


And Smith played a lot of games as a right side of central midfield. And he was horrible in that. IIRC the Man City away he was a shambles

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