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Alan Pardew


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hba was tired, and practically giving our right side away for simpson all to do.


so the sub was not that bad, as lumping the ball to cisse and shola 2 men instead of just one would be decent but oh no!


pardew has other clever ideas like putting cisse outwide.


amazing pardew wins again for continuing as a true fraud.

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Guest Affy

Would rather have had Sam as our manager today - Says it all really



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I wonder what enraging compilation of inane horseshit he will spout post match this time round?


why would you even listen to it?


Well it's hard to avoid; doesn't mean I'll ever believe in it. The cruellest thing in all this is that this cockleech we'll be absolutely fine whatever happens. Backed or sacked he'll still be some smug untouchable jobs for the boys millionaire who'll be alright jack rain or shine. Whilst we're possibly condemned to never see top flight again when this money fucks us over. I really wish I didn't care. Rotten from top to bottom we are every time. I need a shit.

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Guest Dontooner

If we got relegated this season,

-The f***ing b****** Alan Pardew is a criminal coward

-The Board are cowards as well not to get rid of him

-The Players for not revolting and performing

-The fans has to be ashamed as well, how did we allow this b****** so much leeway. He could have been gone if we put more pressure in January. Not getting rid of cancer is going to cost us, too much ignorance faith when the root of the problem was clearly sitting there right in front of us.



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Guest thenorthumbrian

Pardew is merely Ashley and Llambias sock puppet, and not one of the useless cockney cunts have a clue about football.

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The most frustrating thing is, he'll make it sound like this was inevitable, like we were always going to end up here this season and there's nothing we could have done about it.


Doesn't have a fucking clue.

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The most frustrating thing is, he'll make it sound like this was inevitable, like we were always going to end up here this season and there's nothing we could have done about it.


Doesn't have a f***ing clue.


I remember at the start of the season he was pretty much gutted we were in the Europa league and he was saying that it will mean we wouldn't do so well in the league. He's so damn negative in every sense. Anti-football in fact.


Ffs, I wouldn't really mind too much if we lost matches if we just had a go and actually tried to attack rather than sit back and watch other teams play their game around us. We surely cant have done any worse this season if we had tried that can we?

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The 2nd half tactics and substitutes were the height of stupidity.  Pushing Cisse out wide, letting the midfield drop deeper and deeper, reverting to hoofball up to Shola so he can hold on to the ball and play in no one.  The 1st half tactics were the usual give it to Hatem or Goufrann and hope they can do something, I've no idea what the game plan was in the 2nd half, other than hope not to concede, and I'm sure the players have no idea either.


He's had a week to prepare for this game and this is what he came up with?  Indefensible.

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'A very important point'

'Showed real determination'

'Thought it was in [the Cisse 'goal']'

'Don't know how the linesman can see it'

'Goal line technology will make a big difference'

'We need a break'

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Guest firetotheworks

An absolute flannel of a man, a joke of a manager and a horrible representative of our club, our fans and our city. I hate him.

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