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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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Now berating players in public is fair game, it's a motivational tool etc and what everyone wants to hear part of football etc etc, but is it just me or is attacking your own medical team in public kinda not on? They're not really in public spotlight, unlikely on player wages and this could all be dealt with internally, what benefit other than to humiliate them to everyone is bringing this kind of shit to press conferences?

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Now berating players in public is fair game, it's a motivational tool etc and what everyone wants to hear part of football etc etc, but is it just me or is attacking your own medical team in public kinda not on? They're not really in public spotlight, unlikely on player wages and this could all be dealt with internally, what benefit other than to humiliate them to everyone is bringing this kind of shit to press conferences?


Definitely not his fault though and that's the important thing.

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Now berating players in public is fair game, it's a motivational tool etc and what everyone wants to hear part of football etc etc, but is it just me or is attacking your own medical team in public kinda not on? They're not really in public spotlight, unlikely on player wages and this could all be dealt with internally, what benefit other than to humiliate them to everyone is bringing this kind of shit to press conferences?

Are you surprised?

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