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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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Guest Slippery Sam

Who's this f***er.


'Jamie'. A complete and utter plank. After that interview, how ANYONE can be supportive of this 'appointment' (if it's real) is just brain dead imo.

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That kid used my post as a script  :rant:

Instead of the "Kinnear being brought in to force Pardew out" theory, my theory is that Ashley no longer wants Dekka managing anything more than a spreadsheet - wouldn't be surprised if Pardew is complaining about him not being a "football man" as well, also re: dereks comments about him being a fucking horrible person to work under - so he brought in someone else to report directly to him to manage the football side of things for the club, and because Ashley knows no one in the footballing world he picked a name he trusts in Kinnear. The best possible result is that Kinnear will have at least a better idea about a targets talent and potential fit in the team than Derek, who is more concerned with the balance, ever would and we'll start getting in players we need instead of players who were cheap and have potential resell.


Believe me, I know how stupid it is to hope. But I will.

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