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There's no comparison at all :lol:


Regardless of whether he meant anything by it it was obviously a ridiculous thing to do (even if just in hindsight). Mitrovic pretending his hands are guns is completely harmless and inoffensive to anyone.



So is a footballer celebrating a goal with the aeroplane shit.  It's been done many times before and it'll be done many more times hereafter.  People looking for something to get all righteous about is all it is.

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put things in perspective i have heard many toon fans singing "too many lived not enough died in the Munich air disaster"  ,if he did it on purpose only he knows and we can only guess but what comes around goes around a convicted child molester/rapist might be a little bit more like poetic justice to us

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Guest firetotheworks

There's no comparison at all :lol:


Regardless of whether he meant anything by it it was obviously a ridiculous thing to do (even if just in hindsight). Mitrovic pretending his hands are guns is completely harmless and inoffensive to anyone.



So is a footballer celebrating a goal with the aeroplane shit.  It's been done many times before and it'll be done many more times hereafter.  People looking for something to get all righteous about is all it is.


The bit that you're conveniently missing is that he ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of a set of fans who just last year famously lost 2 fans in a plane crash.

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There's no one who knows if he did it on purpose or not, but even if he didn't it's not exactly tactful. If it were me I'd be out there apologising if ut was taken the wrong way and I meant nothing by it and I would be berating the fans that are using it to taunt.


I'm sure there are some of our fans that have sung about the Munich air disaster, but there's dick heads in every group of fans, that doesn't make it acceptable.

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There's no comparison at all [emoji38]


Regardless of whether he meant anything by it it was obviously a ridiculous thing to do (even if just in hindsight). Mitrovic pretending his hands are guns is completely harmless and inoffensive to anyone.



So is a footballer celebrating a goal with the aeroplane shit.  It's been done many times before and it'll be done many more times hereafter.  People looking for something to get all righteous about is all it is.


The bit that you're conveniently missing is that he ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of a set of fans who just last year famously lost 2 fans in a plane crash.

It was a very strange celebration like, even ignoring the plane thing for a second. Adebayor got done for similar and with Johnson it was doubtless done to goad fans that had been singing songs about him having sex with children.


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Guest firetotheworks

The gall of it though man "I can't believe that these people are calling me a paedophile just because I've been having sex with a child. If I score I'll show them!

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Pulling an a aeroplane celebration in front of a club who famously lost 2 fans in a plane crash not too long back is pretty much the definition of offensive.


Innocent until proven guilty and all that like.


Doesn't seem to bother anyone regarding the allegations made against him.

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In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent....  I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.



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Didn't once occur to me that the celebration had anything to do with MH17. When I saw him doing it I thought of their pathetic  'five in a row' plane they flew over SJP and thought he referenced that. Never know with that little twat though.

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Howay man, might as well say Mitro's pistols celebration was mocking that American school shooting.  It's just a goal celebration, no way he had that in his mind.

If Raul Moat, Dunblane, or anything like that happened just before Mitro had done that celebration then everyone would look at it and thinks thats him taking the piss. As it happens right here in the UK and across Europe there is nothing like that happening that has made the headlines, even the ones in America haven't exactly been at the top of the news.


If you look at his celebration though it's not even the generic arms out plane celebration, he's actually doing sweeping motions to clearly indicate that he's doing a plane celebration.

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On another note, for a bit of a laugh, have a look at the timeline for @mrjbones8


He's an American lad who is studying at Durham Uni, having just arrived the other month. Seems he took to Twitter to ask who he should support and picked SAFC.


He only went to his first game against West Ham and now his timeline is rambling nonsense about "beating those f***ing mag c***s" etc. He also seems to be attaching himself with a bunch of wannabe hooligans. One of the tweets has "#mkat" in it.


It's like he's watched "Green Street" and become totally immersed into that way of behaving.


Settle down, sonna. You've only been here two minutes.

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Was on a flight back from Spain as the game played out, so didn't expect to hear the score 'til we landed. Then an announcement from the cockpit tells us we're 2-0 down with 10 mins left. Loads of mackems punching the air in front of me. Truly awful. Terror at 30,000 feet. Just beat them in March and hopefully they'll be on their way to the championship by then. Hopefully not with us in tow.

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Was on a flight back from Spain as the game played out, so didn't expect to hear the score 'til we landed. Then an announcement from the cockpit tells us we're 2-0 down with 10 mins left. Loads of mackems punching the air in front of me. Truly awful. Terror at 30,000 feet. Just beat them in March and hopefully they'll be on their way to the championship by then. Hopefully not with us in tow.


Am I having dejavu or did i read this yesterday?

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In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.



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Guest firetotheworks

In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.

I'd be inclined to agree had he not ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of our fans. The only thing stopping it from being absolutely blatant is his hands being open rather than flat. At the very least it's poor judgement, at worst it's heinous. I wouldn't put it past his character at all.

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In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.

I'd be inclined to agree had he not ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of our fans. The only thing stopping it from being absolutely blatant is his hands being open rather than flat. At the very least it's poor judgement, at worst it's heinous. I wouldn't put it past his character at all.


Know much about his character?

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Guest firetotheworks




In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.

I'd be inclined to agree had he not ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of our fans. The only thing stopping it from being absolutely blatant is his hands being open rather than flat. At the very least it's poor judgement, at worst it's heinous. I wouldn't put it past his character at all.


Know much about his character?


Only what I've seen and what has been alleged. Without that I'd still think the same thing about the celebration.

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In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.

I'd be inclined to agree had he not ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of our fans. The only thing stopping it from being absolutely blatant is his hands being open rather than flat. At the very least it's poor judgement, at worst it's heinous. I wouldn't put it past his character at all.


Know much about his character?

I think there's fair assumptions to be made given that he's about to be tried for fiddling. The CPS don't do these things frivolously in general.

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Reference my comment and the fact I was pulled up on it by Stray Mackem...


If there was no case to answer I can assure you that the CPS and police would not be pursuing this at all.  There is always some doubt, which is why we have a judicial process in this country but, in this case my opinion is that there is little doubt of the events he is accused of being facts.


We will just have to wait until February until it is finally determined that he has committed the crimes he is accused of.



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Reference my comment and the fact I was pulled up on it by Stray Mackem...


If there was no case to answer I can assure you that the CPS and police would not be pursuing this at all.  There is always some doubt, which is why we have a judicial process in this country but, in this case my opinion is that there is little doubt of the events he is accused of being facts.


We will just have to wait until February until it is finally determined that he has committed the crimes he is accused of.


How have you arrived at the opinion that they're facts?

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In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.

I'd be inclined to agree had he not ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of our fans. The only thing stopping it from being absolutely blatant is his hands being open rather than flat. At the very least it's poor judgement, at worst it's heinous. I wouldn't put it past his character at all.


Know much about his character?


Only what I've seen and what has been alleged. Without that I'd still think the same thing about the celebration.


You genuinely think that someone would mock the deaths of two innocent fans?


I notice the Telegraph have issued an apology as well

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In all frankness there is little doubt that he has had sex and pursued for sex a girl below the legal age of consent.... I think the only point of query is how much knowledge of her actual age he had before during and after.  He will deny having any knowledge but, I think that his social media contact and phone records may point to something else.


What details of the prosecution case have led you to that conclusion? I don't know if AJ is guilty or innocent, possibly only two people do. We'll find out next year when all the evidence has been put before a jury, and until then we could well do without amateur cyber-lawyers using supposition, hearsay, and speculation to decide whether he has broken the law.


As for his celebration? Only a cretin would believe it was mocking MH17. I notice the idiot who wrote the piece for the Telegraph has apologised and made a donation to the Bobby Robson Foundation.




The Telegraph used to be a decent paper.

I'd be inclined to agree had he not ran the full length of the pitch to do it in front of our fans. The only thing stopping it from being absolutely blatant is his hands being open rather than flat. At the very least it's poor judgement, at worst it's heinous. I wouldn't put it past his character at all.


Know much about his character?


Only what I've seen and what has been alleged. Without that I'd still think the same thing about the celebration.


You genuinely think that someone would mock the deaths of two innocent fans?


I notice the Telegraph have issued an apology as well


I for one think he knew exactly what he was doing. Too much of a coincidence he did that type of celebration and ran directly to our away support. Remember, footballers are thick as fuck, and he seems a complete fucking tool.


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